What Is Social Media Marketing Strategy For Toady’s Businesses?

What is Social Media Marketing strategy for today’s businesses? and why is it important to your business? Here we will take a look at Linkedin, and in the end, I will give you links to other social media marketing strategies.

LinkedIn marketing is a great strategy for affiliate marketers to employ for a number of reasons. In this article, we will look at 10 of them and explain why if you are in affiliate marketing you are missing out if you are not using LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a very excellent way to do marketing for all types of online businesses and social media networking. In recent years more businesses of all kinds are marketing and advertising online and you need the best platforms for many users to make your goods and services known to the customers.

Today a large percentage of people own gadgets like smartphones or tablets making online platforms easy to access. LinkedIn has over 400 million users around the world giving you a great platform to make your brand known to potential customers.

What Is Social Media Marketing Strategy - LinkedinLinkedIn Marketing Strategies for Affiliate Marketers?

The LinkedIn platform can be of great help to help your business grow but only when you know the marketing strategies. The strategies are as follows;

1. Create a LinkedIn company page. The first step is to come up with a LinkedIn company page on the platform and make sure you customize the page with images, content, and colors to make your page stand out and more attractive.

You should treat LinkedIn as your business website, or like any other social media account, the business has. Next step you should upload the goods and services you offer with a brief description, graphics, logo, or cover photo.

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2. Keep your customers on track. The best way to keep customers on track with LinkedIn is by updating your company page on a regular basis.

These updates will enable potential customers to always know about the goods and services you offer, and in case of any new brand developments, they will still have the information. You can link the LinkedIn page with other social media platforms so that once you make an update using any social media page it reflects on your LinkedIn page.

Remember to respond to customer comments to make them feel valued. Your smartphone should help in this regard.

What Is Social Media Marketing Strategy - employees marketing agents

3. Make employees marketing agents. Do you have employees or use outsourced workers? Train them on ways to come up with content that is in line with your LinkedIn plan and the brand.

Ensure they create profiles themselves on LinkedIn and participate actively in your page content. The employees help in ensuring regular updates on your page and improve your company’s contact with the customers.

4. Employ all LinkedIn community features. The platform has various community specifications that help in reaching out to other LinkedIn users which include the creation of groups that offer support in building your customer target circle.

The customer circle may grow with time thus increasing your customer base. Also, you can create a company page that has a feature to enable you to look for other companies that you can work with or have to get vital information about your business rivals.

5. Creating business relationships. LinkedIn gives you an opportunity to link up with other business owners.

This will help in building business relationships and connections that may be helpful in the future. For your affiliate business to survive you will need friends and good relationships with other companies or affiliate marketers.

6. LinkedIn Analysis. LinkedIn is now an excellent source of leads as you get to know who is following or reading your content by showing the location, interest gender, and profession.

blogging makes you money

7. Blogging. Make a blog post and bookmark it to your LinkedIn account. Your blog should be set up with social media marketing buttons that include LinkedIn and make it easy to click and bookmark.

I would suggest you hire a freelance blog writer to help you with this. Hire one that not only writes but one that goes the extra step of publishing and bookmarking.

8. Who viewed your profile? LinkedIn will show you the number of people who viewed your profile.

This will show you who your profile viewers are. Depending on the number you may have to try LinkedIn Premium for free to see the rest of the list.

9. Try LinkedIn Premium free. From an affiliate marketers’ perspective, there are 2 main reasons you should give this a try.

First of all, from an affiliate business standpoint, you can grow and nurture your network. This helps you focus on contacting the right people.

LinkedIn is the best social media platform for business and not as much as friends and followers like Facebook. You can promote and grow your business better here.

Secondly, you can use the LinkedIn Premium service to unlock new sales opportunities. LinkedIn can be a good source of leads for your affiliate products and business.

10. Reach out and connect. When you invite people to follow you, you are asking them to connect with you.

This is where having a strong profile comes into play. Include a link to your blog or affiliate pre-sell page. People will visit this before they decide to follow you.

linkedin for social media marketing

Final thoughts

As you can see LinkedIn provides many great marketing strategies to build your brand and online presence if you are an affiliate marketer. It makes me wonder why affiliate marketers do not use LinkedIn more often.

I understand there is a time element here and you can not always be 2 places at once. However, I think a strong case can be made for why LinkedIn is the number one social media platform to use if you are an affiliate marketer.

You will develop relationships with other business-minded people. These can become your partners and customers in the future. There are other ways to approach social media marketing.

When you develop a large following on social media you can always tap into it anytime. By that, I mean to contact them with any new product or service offerings you have going at that time, or just to show your audience what is trending in the market at present.

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4 thoughts on “What Is Social Media Marketing Strategy For Toady’s Businesses?”

  1. Hi David, thank you forthis article, was never a fan of social media, but this article put a light and a new perspective and I really do like what you recommend, Will join today and speak to you was I am inside Wealthy Affiliate, tahnk you.

    • Hi Kerry, thank you for the comment and I am glad that I can shed some light On Social Media Marketing. I must admit, I was not too fond of it myself, but the way Kyle, in Wealthy Affiliate, brought it across. I saw something that I did not see before. And I started to get instant traffic an conversion and a growth in my business.

      If you need further explanation on how best to use Social media Marketing, please do not hesitate to contact me, I take this business seriously and I will do whatever it takes to see others have the same success as well. Good luck to you.


  2. Hi David, Social media is pretty new to me so I appreciate your thoughts on this subject. Now that I am starting to be involved in Affiliate Marketing I realize just how important social media can be. Years ago I closed my Facebook and LinkedIn accounts and now I am starting them back up and having to learn how they all work. I appreciate this post on Linkedin as that is my next one to open up again.

    • I myself was not too fond of Social Media but was because I did not have the right approach. As I went through the training in Wealthy Affiliate, I saw a different light towards social media, and this shines a new light on my business that was never there before. If you can bring value to your friends on Facebook and Linkedin, you will see that it will begin to pay off in your business.

      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, and is good to see that you taking a new approach to Social media and how it can help your business grow exponentially. Going forward, if you need assistance please reach out to me. All the best.


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