What Is The Best Internet Business To Start?

I believe that this is an important question, What Is The Best Internet Business To Start? And what service and training are the best online for anyone to get started?

The answer is one that helps Internet marketers start their own business in a targeted niche. Does that appeal to you? At the end of this post, I will give you my no. 1 recommendation and will be willing to work with you to help you accomplish your dreams.

When you do that you are targeting a never-ending supply of prospects who are in the exact situation that you were in when you came online looking for business ideas. For some of us that have been a while ago and we have wished we had some help.

Helping people start their own Internet business offers many benefits to you as well as your customer base. To do this, you need to follow a specific business model and provide products that solve problems for your target market.

You can never go wrong targeting a problem that needs to be solved. In spite of all the information at our fingertips in many ways, we still come online looking for solutions to problems on an everyday basis.

Let me offer some tips on what is the best Internet business to start by helping people start their own online business as a problem you are helping them solve.

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Target Market

Making money on the Internet becomes much easier to do when you target a market that solves a particular problem. In the case of this article, the problem we are solving is helping people start their own Internet businesses.

This market never runs out of prospects according to Google. This is known as an evergreen niche or a niche that never goes out of style.

Millions of people search for various keywords looking for ways to make money and start their own business. Every day they Google search keywords such as “make money, earn money online, make part-time money, start my own business”, and so on.

Starting a business is a popular one because people long for the chance to quit their job and work for themselves. Many of these people have no idea what business they want to start. However, they do know they want to start a business, and the problem they need help with is choosing a business to get started in.

When you target this market, it gives you a unique opportunity to be involved in the process of helping people choose a business opportunity, and getting their business off of the ground. This is a great evergreen niche by the way!

Business Model

On the Internet today, you have multiple business models to choose from. For example.

– Affiliate marketing
– Network marketing
– eCommerce
– Info products
– Email marketing
– Subscription or memberships
– Much more…

With very little effort you can find many examples of people who are succeeding in the Internet business in these various business models. This can be both a curse and a blessing.


As you begin doing research it is easy to get overwhelmed. There are literally millions of people making money in a variety of ways.

In my case, I have chosen to make money on the Internet doing affiliate marketing, so I want to talk a little bit in detail about this business model. Let me tell you a little about affiliate marketing, why I chose it, and why it could be just what you are looking for.

Resource: How To Start An Internet Business.

Affiliate Marketing

starting an internet business to earn money

In affiliate marketing, you can make money in a variety of ways.

1. Pay per click. Google Adsense dominates this category. You get paid when people click on ads Google has sold for you.

2. Pay per lead. This is also known as cost per action. You get paid when people complete the required activities such as filling out a lead form or downloading software.

3. Pay per sale. You get paid to sell a product or service for an affiliate merchant.

4. Two-tier affiliate marketing. You get paid to recruit members and earn money on their sales or leads.

5. Start your own affiliate program. This is the person who wants to take their affiliate marketing business to the maximum.

So which is best for you?

This becomes a personal choice, but ultimately many people doing affiliate marketing incorporate one or more of the different ways to make money into their own Internet business. When you first get started you may want to choose one specific type of affiliate marketing and focus on it until it is profitable.

I can say this.

Pay per click is easy because you earn money when someone clicks on an ad. You sell nothing and they do not have to fill out a form.

The downside is the amount of money you earn per click is generally low. Google Adsense pays 68% of a click which would be .68 cents on a dollar billed to the advertiser.

Pay per lead pays by the lead. Again they do not have to buy anything for you to get paid. Just fill out a form and you earn money.

Pay per sale is where you earn a commission selling a product for the affiliate merchant. This can be the biggest way to earn money if the commission rates are high.

Is Pay Per Sale The Best Internet Business To Start?

I understand you can make a point-counterpoint argument on just about everything on the Internet today. This certainly applies to the best Internet business to start.

Let me just make a case why I like the pay sale affiliate model when used as an Internet business.

First of all, you can just sell a specific product to the target market. This is important on the Internet today because let’s face it there are billions of pages online and if you are not targeting a specific market it makes it difficult to sell things.

Therefore you need to understand your market and then find a product that fills a specific need to them. This ties in with problem-solving which is another reason why I like the pay sale model.

Problem Solving Business

If you can solve a problem with your product it makes it easier to sell. Therefore you will spend the majority of your time getting your product in front of a market that has a specific need for it.

Of course, it’s more complicated than this in many ways, but when you at least tackle your Internet business by focusing on a problem-solving product you will do a lot better and make more sales.

The other thing I wanna say about solving a problem with the product you sell is the price is not going to be your primary concern. You certainly want to be competitive, but think about it from the fishing in the right hole analogy.

If you’re trying to catch a big fish in a small creek you’re not going to catch one because that is not where the big fish are. The same thing is true online when it comes to paying sale affiliate products. If your product is priced accordingly to the market that you’re presenting its price becomes irrelevant.

I read once where an affiliate was earning over $100,000 a year with Amazon selling large organs to churches. This is obviously a very targeted market, and pricing is not going to necessarily be the determining factor.

Selling big-ticket items is one way to eliminate competitors. It is also a way to fish where your target market is.

Wealthy Affiliate

This is an Internet-based affiliate marketing program it has been around since 2005. It’s an online training platform that helps people start their own online business focusing on affiliate marketing training, tips, and products.

I think this is the perfect program to promote to people who are looking for ideas on how to start their own online business. I say this because the audience for this type of program is very diverse.

As an example people who can benefit from this program include…..

– Internet marketers
– offline businesses
– retired people
– e-commerce websites
– email marketers
– bloggers
– students

Etc. etc. etc.

You get the idea that this type of program can benefit almost anybody who either has an Internet business of their own they want to make more profitable or people who are looking for tips on how to start their own online business.

This program fits perfectly with my idea of the perfect business model because it helps people solve a particular problem.

Another thing I like about Wealthy Affiliate is it’s a membership site. You earn money selling the membership.

Then every month the membership is active you continue to receive a commission. This is known as residual income or passive income.

You continue to get paid for work that you’ve done one time. This allows you to focus on enrolling new members.

As you do this, your income will continue to grow. Your income is never capped, and if you want to make more money, you sign-up more members.

Skills Needed

new skills to work online

One of the great things about Wealthy Affiliate is its online community that allows members to interact with each other. You can visit the discussion forum to see what people are talking about and learn that way.

As you’re building your online business, if you have specific questions, you can ask those and read the replies. In this way, you are in business for yourself, but never by yourself.

Regardless of the type of online business, you start you are going to need skills to make money. One of the primary skills that separate successful Internet businesses from those that fail are the ability to get quality traffic to your website.

Wealthy Affiliate offers very in-depth training on various forms of traffic generation. These include pay-per-click advertising, blogging, email marketing, list building, search engine optimization, and much more.

As you become adept at traffic generation, you can incorporate your tips into review-style web pages or blog posts similar to what I’m doing here. You can talk about things you have learned and use those to help you establish credibility and sell more wealthy affiliate memberships.

Wealthy Affiliate Pay Per Sale Program

Wealthy Affiliate has an affiliate program. This is a great Internet business to start because of your target market, the product, you sell, and the way you earn money.

Your target market is people who need training on how to start an Internet business. As I said the home business market is an evergreen market. You will never run out of prospects so this solves one problem right away.

Another reason why I like this is that the product is very high-quality. The training is high-quality, and all the features and benefits tied to it are very high-quality. You can feel good about selling the Wealthy Affiliate program as a pay-per-sale program.

The final thing in regards to this is how much money will you earn?

Wealthy Affiliate pays its affiliated $23.50 on a premium membership that costs $49. You are selling a membership that can be paid yearly or monthly, but it does renew on a consistent basis.

This means you’re earning a residual income.

If you make one sale a month you earn $23.50. If you make 10 sales a month you earn $235. On 100 sales that would be 2350 a month. On 1000 sales you would be earning 23,500 a month.

These numbers are based on residual income and wouldn’t include people who are quitting or new people who are joining. You’re always going to have a certain percentage of that.

But residual income is a nice way to create an income for yourself. I would go far so far as to say it might be the best Internet business to start because it’s an affiliate pay-per-sale program and the product, training, and market to sell to is already all available to you!

Final thoughts on The Best Internet Business To Start?

In conclusion, I just want to say that the best Internet business to start is something that you can get excited about. In my case, I love the fact that I can sell a product that helps people solve a particular problem, or what Internet business to start! Wealthy Affiliate is that product!

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11 thoughts on “What Is The Best Internet Business To Start?”

  1. A great little article.
    After years of trying various online programs, methods, and schemes…I finally came across Wealthy Affiliate as well. And what a difference it has made!
    I now have several night sites, all of which have become profitable.
    The support from the community is the best part, in my opinion.
    Thank you for sharing.

    • Glad you are part of this growing community, and I wish you all the best with your business. Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment.

      If you need help with your business, please do not hesitate to ask, I take this business seriously and I would do what it takes to see others succeed.


  2. Hi,
    It is a very interesting article and I really enjoy reading it. I totally agreed with you that Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best online programs for people to have thorough training on how to make money online. If anyone could learn and apply the training provided, plus with a little bit of patient they will surely succeed.

  3. Hello. Thanks a lot for sharing such an amazing article with us.

    I’m a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate since November 2019. After a long time searching on the internet how to make money online, I think I made the best choice. Being a member of Wealthy Affiliate brings me the opportunity to create my own business. Here are a lot of people who help you and all the training program are very useful.

    Thanks again for this. I will share this interesting article on my social media accounts. Wish you all the best. 

    • There are so many advantages being a premium member at Wealthy Affiliate, it is almost impossible to turn it down. You get to interact privately with any member and have full access to all the recorded training videos if you need help with setting up any part of your business. 

      There are many more I can mention, but you probably know all being a premium member yourself. as you mention, the help from the community is awesome. And is good to see the experts and the owners mingle with us. Something that you do not find often. 

  4. Knowing the best Internet business at times can get overwhelming especially when you start hearing about success stories of people in the diverse business models of the Internet.

    Well, just like you said, the best Internet business is the one we feel good doing, we have a passion working on, not really based on success stories. Though it serves as an encouragement, then, we need to look at what we want first.

    The list you gave on the multiple business models on the Internet is just it. Anyone can definitely excel with those. As for me, I went on with affiliate marketing and it’s been great so far.

    When we know what we feel good doing, the next thing is to look for solid training to get us started. But if anyone chooses to go with affiliate marketing, then your recommendation is just it as they tend to have a concise and intensive training for beginners.

    • We can definitely get caught looking at other people’s success that we move away from our true passion and go after someone else’s.

      To build any successful business we need ongoing training and a group of people that we can interact with to help us along the way. That is what makes Wealthy Affiliate so unique, it is unlikely that one would not find success if they stick with the training and be consistent.

  5. Hello Bishop, 

    Thank you for sharing this post on the best internet business model to start with. As a beginner, I have chosen pay per sale because of the earnings potential it has. Moreover, it is very easy to get access to most of these Affiliate Marketing programs unlike PPC like Google Ads which requires one to reach some get qualifications. I know with time I will add Google Ads, PPL, and others. Wealthy Affiliate has really been helpful in giving me all the skills I need to succeed in my online business and I am grateful to God for this.


    • It is great that you are gaining knowledge at Wealthy Affiliate. Being new, the best thing is to stick with the training and fall in on the Friday nights training with Jay to learn all the ninja tricks to boost your business.

      I would stay away from Google ads for now and focus on writing quality content for your niche and dip into videos from time to time.  you are definitely at the right place to get all the skills to be successful with your business. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need a hand with your business. Take care.

  6. I think the most important thing in starting an internet business is to create a perfect niche. For an online business to boom and blossom there must be a total exploration of the available opportunities such marketer has in stock.

    After creating a niche then the promotion of such business comes into play, a marketer must be able to convince a multitude of people to patronize such business, I think with that the business is bound for success.

    Bishop, you really did well with this piece of ideas on your blog.

    • Carol, yes in such a simple form. Affiliate Marketing is still my favorite and once you can fill a void on what people want, the rest just finding out where your audience is located, And just reach out to them answering any questions or concerns they may have.

      Thank you for your kind words.


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