Why Have A Business Website? And Where To get it?

You may be asking yourself, why have a business website? I read somewhere recently that over 50% of all local small businesses in America still do not have their own website.

It is hard to believe why businesses are still operating without a website.

I also know of other business models where people may not have their website yet either. Those would include affiliate marketing where the Internet marketer is using a replicated affiliate site. It could also include email marketing where the email marketer is sending people directly to a product page or sales page for something they are promoting.

Regardless of the situation, I can point out a few reasons why you should have a business website irrespective of the type of business you are starting. I would also like to offer some advantages to using a blogging platform such as Word Press to set your business website up and running.

So let’s answer the question of why you should have a business website in the following paragraphs!

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a business websiteSmall Local Business

A small business could be a small mom-and-pop shop in rural America somewhere. It could also be a business in a metropolitan area that has 15-500 employees according to the Small Business Administration, or SBA for short. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_Business_Administration

Often these are even micro-businesses where it is an owner-operated style business and has no employees. This could include a hairdresser, an insurance salesman, and so on.

To me, it seems obvious that any small business would want to have its own website. Because people do so much shopping on the Internet today why would any small business owner want to lose out on some of that potential business?

I think the primary reason is these types of companies do not know how to set up their website. They’ve also heard horror stories that it’s going to cost them thousands of dollars to get their website launched. They either do not have the money or do not want to spend it right now.

In reality the price of a domain name at $15 a year, and $10/mo. For website hosting, any business can establish an online presence and be up and running in a matter of a few minutes.

Affiliate Marketing

Why Have A Business Website - Affiliate marketing is the best Internet business to start to make money online With a website

If you’ve read any of my other articles on my blog here, you know how passionate I am about affiliate marketing. It’s my primary business model, and Wealthy Affiliate is the main product/program that I market.

One advantage of affiliate marketing is your ability to get started right away because the affiliate merchant gives you everything you need to start making money online. This includes what is known as a replicated website.

These replicated pages are coded with your affiliate ID number. You can also customize them by adding your picture, phone number, and email address in many instances.

What you can’t do is alter the content, because you are not hosting your affiliate websites. The affiliate merchant already has that set up for you so you can primarily focus on marketing.

What has happened, as affiliate marketing has matured as an industry, is people understand the importance of doing pre-selling before they pass their customers through to the replicated affiliate website.

Pre-selling is where you really can influence your customers. This can be done by reviewing products and offering testimonials for them.

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What happens is the marketer affiliate sets up their website, or how it is primarily done today, by creating a blog and using it for branding, and credibility purposes.

This works, and it’s a way for you to differentiate yourself from all of the other affiliates who are using the same replicated affiliate page. For this reason, I suggest that you set up your own website, but you do it in the form of a blog.

Then you combine blogging with social media marketing, including videos on YouTube, and participating on other social sites such as Facebook, Quora, and Twitter to engage potential customers. You could do this with your replicated affiliate site, but the best results come when you do it on your website/blog.

Email Marketing

Why Have A Business Website - email marketing for your business

It certainly is possible to do nothing but email marketing to make money on the Internet.

There have been numerous instances in the past where an Internet marketer joins a particular program that provides landing pages tied in with autoresponder messages.

Generally, your cost in this type of program is a monthly membership that would include marketing materials such as the landing page and autoresponder.

All you do in this instance is promote your landing page, wait for people to subscribe to the autoresponder, and then let the follow-up messages start periodically.

These messages are already pre-written with information promoting a particular product, and they contain your company URLs and personal contact information, such as your name, phone number, and email address.

However, it’s been proven that the most successful way to do email marketing is to set up a blog as a website. Then have a form where you capture your prospect’s name and email address for follow-up via your email autoresponder.

The number of people that will subscribe to your autoresponder will increase based on the content on your blog and how people perceive you. Again this is a function of branding and credibility, and that is best done by blogging on a consistent basis and building your email list from there.

final thoughts

What I’ve attempted to do is show several scenarios that answer the question of why to have a business website! The important thing I want to leave you with is how inexpensive and how little time this takes.

As I mentioned your domain name runs about $15 a year, and website hosting is five dollars a month. You can write your content, or outsource it to a freelance writer to make blog posts for you.

Regardless of your business model, you can benefit from using this simple strategy, and I heartily encourage every business owner to do so!

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PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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