Work From Home Jobs Online & My #1 Recommendation!

Work from home jobs online usually promises you more than you get once you get down to it. I am going to try and make this article different for you.

Work from home jobs come in all kinds of different shapes and sizes. This one worked for me.

If you have searched for jobs, you could work from home in the past. You know how difficult it can be to cut through the fog and find real jobs, not just things you can do to make money.

Here we go…

working flexible in the

Are you familiar with the phrase telecommuting? These are jobs you do from home where you work for a company and get paid as though you were going to the office.

This is a paid website, and you’re going to spend $15 a month to have access to everything they have to offer. Of course, you can start by browsing their website to look at all job categories.

You will find everything from account management jobs to customer service jobs, sales jobs, call-centre jobs, and much more. Over 50 job categories come with all different kinds of experience necessary.

The main thing you need to know about is these are actual companies looking to hire real people, so you will need a resume, and you can expect to go through an actual interview where you’ll hear the specifics about the job you’re applying for.

This is a great site that matches employers and employees, and many of these jobs come with full benefits as well.

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Convergys hires work-at-home customer service reps. They run a call centre business, but they hire customer service agents who have their own home offices they want to work from.

If you feel you’re the type of person that can provide excellent customer service, they would be interested in talking with you. Working home jobs comes with benefits, including medical, a retirement plan, and paid vacation.

They also provide paid training which is not always true with other companies looking to hire people to work from home. This is a company you can advance in, and they offer the opportunity for you to schedule your own time, which is nice if you have a busy lifestyle that requires you to have flexibility from one day to the next.

soldering as a technical skillTeletech

Are you a technical person? Do you have technical skills you could offer in exchange for making money?

Teletech reps provide a variety of technical and customer service support for some of the top companies in the world. It would help if you were good at using a computer, email, and social media.

This means you need an up-to-date computer with high-speed internet. You will have to pass a computer skills assessment test to prove you can handle this type of work.

Quick Summary

I’ve listed three different sources for finding work-from-home jobs. by itself will give you access to hundreds of companies you could work for, depending on the type of work you are qualified to do.

Many of these jobs pay above minimum wage and come with a complete benefits package, so you will need a resume that can be verified and to have the specific skills for these jobs.

Now, I want to look at different types of opportunities where you can make money from home doing other things for Internet marketers.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!


At, you become a seller, and the product you are selling is your skill to do a job that someone needs to be done. When looking at their site, I see web designers, musicians, video editors, salespeople, copywriters, bloggers, web analysts, voice-over artists, and much more.

People will pay you $5 to do the craziest things. How crazy?

I will dance to any song in a hot dog costume is pretty crazy. So is I will be your Facebook girlfriend for a week.

You get paid $5 for each gig that you complete, and they take out 20%, so that you will be keeping $4 on each gig. This doesn’t sound like a lot of money, but it can add up very quickly, depending on what you do.

You can also offer side gigs or upsell whatever service you’re offering to make additional money. Some people claim to earn a full-time living on this site, so nothing is out of the question and of course, you control your schedule and get to work anywhere you have Internet access.

marketing as an affiliateAffiliate Marketing

This is a business model and not working at-home jobs, but you can make perfect money in various ways as an affiliate marketer. I often suggest that you do affiliate marketing alongside your work-at-home job or when you get home from your full-time job.

You can make money selling digital or physical products. You can make money with the cost-per-action style of affiliate marketing, getting leads for companies you are getting people to download software. You can even make money when people click on ads with the Google Adsense or affiliate program.

Affiliate marketing has matured in the past 20 years into a very sophisticated proven way for people to make money working at home or anywhere they can long online.

Final thoughts

I like to tell people to start by joining Wealthy Affiliate for free and taking a course on how to get started in affiliate marketing. This system will show you what road to take and the process of choosing a work-from-home job or simply building on a current job that you already own.

Wealthy Affiliate is not about joining them; it is a system that shows you the process of building a website from scratch and promoting whatever product you so desire. Some people come to WA with a product that they already promote. That is fine; this online university caters to all who wish to learn what is working today in the Online Arena.

Work From Home Jobs Online - Success with Wealthy Affiliate

So are the 4 Steps you need to take right now.

  • Step 1. Join Wealthy Affiliate.
  • Step 2. Choose a product or one will be provided for you.
  • Step 3. Build a website. That is it, and I will see you within the Community.
  • Earn Revenue

If you need help choosing the right Affiliate Program, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful Affiliate business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

Working Online From Home - A Proven 4 Step System

See the 4 steps to working online from home & earn residual income

19 thoughts on “Work From Home Jobs Online & My #1 Recommendation!”

  1. I want to know how to work form home and you’ve given me some great options here so thank you!

    I really like the idea of working freelance on Fiverr as I’m good (I think) at writing and can do basic photoshop designs. I think I’ll do this in the short term because I need money now and work on building an affiliate marketing business for the medium-term.

    Is Wealthy Affiliate the best place to learn how to do this? Thanks again.

  2. Hi David
    Some good options mentioned, and worth exploring in your post, Upwork is another site with work available.
    It would take a long time to explore all the ways of making money from home. I have narrowed it down, to creating my own business, where i get to choose the ‘niche’ i like working in. Hours of work i choose also, and i don’t have to be at home, anywhere with an internet connection(or wifi)is a place i can work.
    It’s called freedom, but requires hard work to establish, but its worth it.
    Building your own website, is the best way to work from home!

    • Greg, thank you for the comment and your take on how to work from home jobs. Yes, there are many ways one can choose and choosing one that best fit you is always the best way to go. Building your own website and choosing a niche has proven to be the best angle to take, especially when you are working with a community that all feels the same way.

      I wish you all the best on your website and the business you are building, if there is anything I can do to help you move your business forward, please let me know, I take this business serious, and I will do what it takes to see others have the same success as well.


  3. Thank you for the informative post.

    I have been looking for ways to work from home for a month now and I am really interested in affiliate marketing. But all the other ways you mentioned are great for me the best is affiliate marketing because I do not really want to work for a company but for myself as an affiliate.

    Maybe try SEO or even paid traffic now.

    Thank you again for giving such an awesome article about working home. A lot of people can see the possibility what internet can give to you.

    Keep up the good work

    • Albert, thank you for the comment. I glad you see the value in Affiliate Marketing. It is working for me and I will do what it takes to see others become successful as well.

      If there is anything I can do to help you get your business off the ground please do not hesitate to ask, Wealthy Affiliate has help me with my business and it can do the same for you and others. Take care.

  4. I’m working towards being able to work full-time from home and am always looking for other opportunities. Thank you for providing this great list with information about each opportunity.

    I’ve never heard of Convergys or Teletech before. It is cool how technology has created so many different opportunities where we can be free to work from home.

    I still think affiliate marketing is my best choice. I just finished reading your article that goes more in depth about affiliate marketing. Great information!

    Thank you!


    • Weston, working online from home are dreams that most people desire, this is why I decided to write about how to work from home and the jobs that we I considered.

      Convergys and Teletech I heard from from some of my associates and has proven back then to be helpful, but never provided a long term income the way other online programs do.

      I would agree with you that Affiliate Marketing is the way to go. It has provided a decent income for me and my family and it is helping most people. glad you get some value with this article.

      Thanks again and if you have any question or concern, please reach out to me. Take care and all the best.

  5. Hi D Bishop,
    I’m a person that likes to believe that I’ll one day (and the sooner the better) work on my own online business model that will help me quit my job where I’m employed.

    You’ve given me nice ideas in exploring Conergys, Teletech and Fiverr. I have at least some skills in designing and can be a good virtual assistant.

    I need to know, though, if I can depend on online affiliate marketing through training at Wealthy Affiliate to be able to eventually earn a full time passive income and quit my job?

    • Working online from home is everyone dream, that is why that there are so many scams out there. Yes it is possible to have success and quit your job and go full time, but the best approach is to start part time.

      I have used Fiverr in the past for skills that I do not posses, so if you are good with designing, is a good place to start to make a decent income from home, feel free to give me your contact information for this service.

      I can speak from experience that Wealthy Affiliate can help you with your online marketing through their training, they are helping me and others, and they can do the same for you. You can join for free and see if it is a good fit for you. I haven’t quit my full time job yet, but I am very close. If you have any question or concern, please let me know.All the best

  6. Hello David
    Thanks for sharing tips on making money online from home, I’m sure over 60% of the population are looking to earn extra cash, having said that, not everyone is looking forward to getting that second low paying job and more office politics.
    This is why online marketing is great, no boss, no wasting time in road traffic and no office politics to put up with.
    Now you mention Flexjobs charges $15 per month, now if one pays the $15 but makes no income ( i know as I struggled when I got started offering freelance services in Upwork) are the $15 gone?
    I see you mentioned Fiverr, but I have read loads of negative reviews about the site on the internet, not to mention jobs start at $5, it will take a lot of work to make a decent living offering work for $5.
    Very informative and worth reading.

    • Thank you for the comment. Glad that you agree that online marketing is the best way to create extra income from home. Although it bis though work and need consistency, it can become a full time job for some people. The $15 pay to Flexjobs is non refundable, but one can easy make that back quickly with the right approach.

      Fiverr has given me tremendous boost with my business, but you have to choose the right person. They make their money with their add ons, Although you start with $5, thier add ons can go sometimes as high as $60 or $100. I had some bad gigs but it never stop me from hiring these freelancers at Fiverr. Glad you get some value in this article, if you need help with your business please let me know. Take care

  7. These are wonderful tips to find a work at home job! I am going through a transition myself. With different activities that I do outside my job, it is getting harder and harder to keep up. I work 10 hours and in another city! Yikes! I will be checking out a few of these options. Thanks for sharing!

    • Jo Jo, glad you get some value from this article. I know exactly what you mean but the hours. My average was 14 hours daily for 6 days. I had to find something part time so that I could spend more time with my family. 

      While checking out these work from home jobs I mention, if you have any question or concern, please let me know, I would love to help. Talk to you soon.

  8. Wonderful!
    I love your recommendations, thanks for getting me started with Wealthy Affiliate..

    I’ve always wanted a website, they gave me 2.. for Free.
    That’s just crazy!

    There are still plenty of folks out there who believe that making money online is not possible.
    You & I both know it’s pretty much the complete opposite – Affiliate business is better than ever. Isn’t it?

    I also got a bit curious.. Do you remember, how did you discover Wealthy Affiliate?

    • Henry, glad you see the value in the work from jobs and made a decision to get started with a Wealthy Affiliate. 

      Now is our duty to show people that it is possible to make money working from home online. Affiliate Marketing is the way to go and Wealthy Affiliate shows you exactly how it is done.

      I have been scammed by a number of online business so I was determined to find the right business that will work for me, and I can recommend it to my people without fear of being a scam. Hope you follow me along this path as we make lives better for most people. Take care.

  9. Hey D.Bishop. This is a really good article. Most of my searches for jobs online take me to what I would call ‘scam’ sites (you know the ones pay us X amount of dollars and will show you how to earn billions of dollars).
    Your post has listed 3 reliable sources for online jobs that I didn’t know about (but will now have a look at). I have seen fiver before but I didn’t know what I could offer to the people for a fiver as I feel this site is very ‘artistic’ base. Although I wonder if I do ‘I’ll draw a stick figure for a fiver…’ I’m sure I’ll get heaps of jobs 🙂
    Anyway like I said good article and good luck on your future online business.

    • Thank you for the comment and kind words Nyssa .There are people second guessing that it is not possible to make money online, that is the reason for my website. My goal is to show my audience that the different ways you can work from home, and the vehicle through Wealthy Affiliate, to show them exactly how it is done. 

      If you have any skills that you can offer for helping people as they build their business, Fiverr can be very useful to offer your service, and make money online as well. Thanks again for your comment, wish you all the best.


  10. Great article on some work from home jobs!
    I have never heard of Flexjobs or Convergys or Teletech before, but they sound like some interesting options to find some work from home jobs.
    I really like the idea of affiliate marketing though, you can be your own boss and it sounds like a great way to earn some money working from home!
    You mention that Wealthy Affiliate is a good way to learn about affiliate marketing, is it really free though?
    Just wondering if there is a catch?

    • Glad you see the value in this article, and the different work from home jobs that I listed. There are more out there but these are the ones that people had success with.

      Affiliate Marketing is my best choice as well, cause it gives you residual income that can mount up to be very high with a lifestyle that people dream about.

      Wealthy Affiliate is working for me and others and is the best way to get your business the proper way. Yes you can start for free to see if it is a good fit for you. They offer a premium membership as well, but it is entirely up to you. No catch and no upsells. Get yourself wet by joining for free and I will meet you inside and share with you what I am doing and how it is possible. Talk to you soon.


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