11 Best Ideas For A Business – And What You Need To Know!

In this article, I will discuss the 11 best ideas for a business that could inspire you to start on your own, plus I will give you my number one recommendation for you to get fast results. Understand that these could be what you are looking for or could spark a new idea in your mind that you could pursue.

But before we do that, let’s clarify some things so that you would be able to get a better understanding of why bi chose these businesses.

Businesses are created to fulfill a certain gap in the market. The best businesses are developed by finding a problem in the marketplace and providing a solution to it.

This sparks the creation of a demand for services or goods that people need. This could be something they know they need or could often be something they did not even realize they need.

Big companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon come to mind. 20 years ago we had not even heard of them because they were either brand new or were so new they had not established their own brand.

However, let’s face it. The odds of you or I creating the next Facebook or Google are pretty slim. Do you know that it is not impossible though? Starting a business in a niche where there is a demand and you could help fill that demand!

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Best Ideas For A Business is having a layout strategy

11 Business Ideas

1. Delivery services. To start this business you need a suitable car, or maybe a bicycle, and an excellent driving record. You may be intimidated by the large delivery industries that are already well-established in the market. However, there is always room for a regular individual in your local area. You should be able to provide exceptional delivery services at reasonable prices.

2. Gutter cleaning services. In these times many people prefer working on their computers rather than engaging in activities that require manual labor. This is the perfect business opportunity if you enjoy handy work. Cleaning gutters may be a messy activity, but a cheap way to start a business. You need the right tools and a good network of clients to generate a flow of income.

3. Landscaping and gardening services. Many people, especially in the US, are becoming interested in producing their own food. Gardening takes up a lot of time and skills for a garden to flourish. Many working people have barely any time to look after their gardens. As a result, you can venture into this business and provide these kinds of services if you are skilled in this area.

4. Software development. There is a massive demand for software engineers around the world to maintain and develop new software. If you are skilled in this field you can take up several contracts from different companies to maintain their software. Are you familiar with software as a service also known as SAAS?

This is a method of software delivery and licensing in which software is accessed online via a subscription, rather than bought and installed on individual computers. Salesforce.com, Microsoft 365, and even MailChimp for example. These create residual income from a subscription.

5. Child services. There is a need in the market to offer children services such as outdoor preschools in the market. Many parents are embracing the idea of having their kids study in a setup away from school. This could include art classes, homeschooling, and instructors in various sports. If you enjoy working with children this is a great business idea.

6. Body art services. This includes tattoos, piercings, and makeup services. People of all ages are embracing various decorations on their bodies. If you are artistic and creative becoming a makeup or tattoo artist can be turned into a business. However, you may require basic training in the case of tattoos due to health and safety reasons.

7. Food Trucks. Traditionally, food trucks are known for selling fast foods such as fries and burgers. If you are enthusiastic about food and love cooking why not have a menu that sells healthier foods on your food truck? This is a great alternative in a world where people are looking for organic and more natural meals.

8. Local tour guide. Do you live near a beach or a place that receives many tourists all year round? Why not create a business out of it? Walk tourists around historical landmarks and help them learn more about the area. Recommend great spots for them to eat and hang out.

Related video On How to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

9. Freelancing. Are you good with words? If so, you can start in copywriting or article writing and get started earning money. Many companies are willing to pay to have their blogs revamped, and advertisements elevated to attract customers. Content mill sites such as iWriter and Upwork are ways to get started as well. Even Fiverr.com is a source for making money in freelancing.

Best Ideas For A Business is to become a freelancer and work from home

10. Kid-friendly applications. Almost every kid uses a smartphone or tablet device these days. If you know how to develop mobile apps, or are willing to learn there is good money to be made. Create applications that focus on helping the kids learn easily together with their parents.

11. Affiliate Marketing. this is the one that is having tremendous success and is easy to set up. There are 4 simple steps to creating a successful business online.

  1. Find a passion or niche
  2. Build a website
  3. Monetize that website
  4. Drive traffic to that website to make a sale.
Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

I will show you a free service that will show you step by step through videos on how it is simple to set up and how you could be up and running in weeks, plus you would have me and a community to help you along the way

I personally have found affiliate marketing to be the fastest and easiest business idea if you want to work online. This is different from many of the business ideas I have given you. If you are intrigued check out Wealthy Affiliate.

They have a free training course that will help you decide if affiliate marketing could possibly be the best business idea for you. and if after you have done your due diligence and recognize is the best platform to get help in building your business, you can upgrade to a premium membership for faster results.

Setting goals by formulating a plan for success

Why Wealthy Affiliate?

And what is Wealthy Affiliate all about?

Glad that you ask!

  1. The Internet changes regularly and as a business owner, you have to be in the loop of things. Joining a community like Wealthy Affiliate will solve that problem.
  2. You might be a beginner or a seasoned online marketer, you need the necessary skills to become successful. The step-by-step training and one-on-one coaching at WA will teach you the skills to develop a successful website and business.
  3. You may not have the time but have the money for someone to build a business from scratch for you, you can have that as well here on this platform.
  4. Many times we get stuck in our business, and I can attest to that. When there are a community and leader behind you, you can get unstuck and continue to work on your business. This is one of the major aspects that get me where I am today. I can go on and on and show you the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate, or you can join for free and take it on a test run for yourself.

How Long Will It Take You To See Results?

I get this question asked at least 3 or 4 times a day in my business. And my answer is always the same. You are in charge of your destiny. I have seen people here walk away from their full-time job in 3 months, 6 months 1 year, and some 3 years.

Then again I have seen some that quit within 2-4 months and never made it. One of my team members started in 2014 and quit in 2015. Then he came back last year in 2018, and today he is working full-time from home.

The question that he asked, although he is making a full-time income, what if I did not quit back in 2014? Do you know where I would have been today? I hope this answers your question.

We would always stick it for years in our full-time job trading our time for money, but when it comes to working for ourselves we want results almost immediately. This is one reason that so-called gurus on the internet come up with so many Scams and get rich scheme programs, cause they know is that what the masses are searching for.

your business idea has to be your decision

Is Your Decision You Have To Make!

I always leave it up to the person to make their own decision, in that way you will have an idea of who you will be working with and the mindset that they would need to have in order for me to help them.

People who have the right approach to business and are willing to put in the time to build a business from home, regardless of the time, always come out successful. And the good part is that you can begin part-time while you work at your full-time job. this is what I did and it took me just over a year, cause I had issues along the way, but I never quit.

If you are willing to travel that road, this community here at Wealthy Affiliate will work with you until you see the results. And I will personally show you what I am doing, and why I am achieving success.


final thoughts

These are some of the best business ideas that can help you make money without making a huge investment to get started. Identify a problem in the marketplace and then decide if you could make money providing a solution.

When you go about it this way you are not trying to create a new market. You are just looking to see if you could maybe offer a better solution to an existing problem and capitalize on it for your own profit.

This is not hard to do and millions of new businesses are started every year all over the world by people just like you.

Whether you need more money, or just want to supplement your existing income, I can help you with affiliate marketing and you can start learning for FREE!

If you need help choosing the right Affiliate Program, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful Affiliate business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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See the 4 steps to working online from home & earn residual income

10 thoughts on “11 Best Ideas For A Business – And What You Need To Know!”

  1. Thank you very much. These are great ideas. Gutter cleaning is a smart move because so many people are now working on the computer. So there is more room for people who want to make money cleaning gutters. 

    Wealthy Affiliate is really great. I am doing it now and I get so much value out of it. My #1 choice, if I could choose what to do, would be to make money online affiliate marketing. Then you can set up passive income for the rest of your life!

    • You are welcome, happy that you received some value here and understand how easy it is to earn an income from home if you so desire to learn how to do so.

      Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform as a beginner or a seasoned veteran in growing a business online. It is a great decision you have made and I know your journey will be well rewarded. Please feel free to reach out to me if you need help with anything or stuck in any aspect of your business. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. Hello Bishop – Good post with some good ideas!  I’m a little curious about the sales force.  Is that a software subscription service?  But I’m in agreement with your number 1 choice – affiliate marketing.  I’ve been with WA since March and I think they’re a godsend.  I’m working on quality content and posting it to my website.  Hoping things take off soon!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    • Hey Nathaniel, Salesforce is a customer relationship management solution that brings companies and customers together. It’s one integrated CRM platform that gives all your departments — including marketing, sales, commerce, and service — a single, shared view of every customer.

      Affiliate Marketing does get money into the hands of an Affiliate Marketer much quicker, that is the reason for being my number one choice. And at the same time, the marketer needs to know what is trending in the online business, so being involved with a community will assist in that area, and Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform to do just that. Thank you for the feedback.

  3. Nice, nicely written this one you put up here. You see, everyone likes to get a good business and make good money but not everyone is making good money. This are some of the best you’ve talked about here. A friend of mine creates aoos and makes some good fulltime income. I did freelancing in the past and now I’m an affiliate marketer. Wealthy affiliate is the best to get good training and I recommend it just like you have done too. This are all great ideas and this post must go out there for people to see. I’ll definitely share it. Awesome!!!

    • Thank you for the comment. happy that you got some value here. In any business, one needs to keep up-to-date with the changes and being a member at Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform to get all the information and training that you will need to grow a successful business online.

      The ideas that bI mention are proven facts that work if you work it. Please feel free to contact me if you need help or further clarification on any one of my ideas mention. Talk to you soon.

  4. Interesting Business ideas and they are all unique in their rights. Though they are unique and they provide quick ways to make money if one could get started with them. I like the ones that has to do with internet and typing so, I will opt in for freelancing and affiliate marketing. They are both very lucrative and provide a good opportunity to stack up a good income level. Thanks for this article suggesting ideas to kickstart a business. Thanks

    • Hi Tracy, you choose the top two that resonate with me as well, and those are the ones that people are finding quick success today because it is high in demand. if one has the time and can write articles, they can make a full-time income online.

      Joining Wealthy Affiliate will show you the process and how to leverage your Affiliate Marketing business to get you the results that will work for years to come. Thank you for the comment and insight here.

  5. Wow, these are some really cool and simple suggestion you have made here I must commend. Generally, people lack the idea of simple jobs that can help fetch them some cool money and then they end up staying poor and in debt. Thanks for this is really an amazing post. I’m actually suggesting freelance writing to my younger sister who just got out of college, any advice on that? 

    • Hi Dane, sometimes we tend to complicate things and believe that it is difficult to make money online. We believe that the rich and educated are the only one can become successful. And when we take a look at what they did realize that we can do the same as well.

      Consistency is what makes the difference and the help of people to show us step by step the process. This is why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate in the past and still . will make them my first choice for anyone who is willing to find success from home. Happy that this post caught your eyes. Thank you for stopping by.


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