Angels And Entrepreneurs Review – Getting Rich From Angels?

It is easy for me to write about an Angels and Entrepreneurs review because I was a founding member, and I quit. They do not have an affiliate program which I will not be selling you in this review.

I also spent considerable time researching Angels and Entrepreneurs. I’ve looked at it from the inside, looking out, and now from a whole perspective. I was swarmed with many upsells, which I hated, so I decided not to go any further with this company.

It is hard not to run across this new opportunity back then. There are ads all over Facebook and other places on the Internet. Most of them feature Robert Herjavec touting how you can get started in angel investing for as little as $50.

That sounds good, but what is angel investing? Also, why is a famous Shark Tank investor promoting this?

Good questions and other things that need to look into and examined from the viewpoint of a skeptic. This is easy for me to do because I am naturally leery of anything new after over 15 years of doing Internet marketing. I do not believe everything I read in an ad or see on a video the first time. And I was right about this company.

Ok, let’s get started and hopefully, my Angels and Entrepreneurs review will answer questions you yourself might have before you decide to join them.

The Basics

  • Name: Angels and Entrepreneurs
  • Price: $39, $79, $129 ( These are not investments )
  • Owner: Neil Patel
  • Overall Rank: 46 out of 100

PS: The prices given above are subject to change.

Please keep in mind as you read my Angels and Entrepreneurs Review, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Angels and Entrepreneurs. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any opinions and conclusions may not apply to all persons or situations. So read this review in its entirety and you make your own decision. It might even be helpful to read other Angels and Entrepreneurs’ Reviews.

The interesting thing about the site is when you go to their main website, you cannot join Angels and Entrepreneurs, which I find interesting. I guess it makes it easier to drive traffic to the summit video to watch before you join there.

Angels and Entrepreneurs Overview

Who Is Robert Herjavec?

This caught my eye because of Robert Herjavec. He is often known as the nicest Shark on Shark Tank. He has a net worth of over $200 Million and is a self-made millionaire.

I’ve watched Shark Tank repeatedly and often thought it wouldn’t be cool if I could invest in some of these companies. Evidently, I wasn’t the only one to think that.

Famous Internet marketer and SEO guru Neil Patel thought the same thing. He’s most well known for his ability to rank websites at the top of Google for a keyword phrase using search engine optimization. He is a silicon valley guy and has worked with some huge and famous companies.

Evidently, he’s also been extremely successful as an angel investor. He decided to start Angels and Entrepreneurs to give the average person an opportunity to invest in companies before going public.

That is what makes angel investing so exciting. You have the ability to invest in start-up companies before they make it big.

Over and over, Neil and Robert mention how great it would have been for you and me to invest in Facebook or Uber pre-IPO. In layman’s terms, this means you get the chance to invest before the public does. This does not come without risks.

But recently, we have been getting negative feedback on these start-up companies, and people’s emails are being bombarded with more money to invest. Angels and Entrepreneurs are not promising what they say, and people are leaving looking for better opportunities like the one below.

Angels and Entrepreneurs Network Reviews Pros and Cons

I think there are both good and bad things about the Angels and Entrepreneurs Network program. Let’s talk about some of them.


  • PRO #1. You can make lots of money
    This is the main draw to angel investing. Neil thinks it is reasonable to expect a 20% return as an angel investor. He says he gets as high as 30-40% because he knows how to find the right opportunities.
  • PRO #2 – Seasoned Angel Investors
    You get the advantage of having a seasoned angel investor and Internet marketer in Neil Patel.  He takes a deep dive into companies before putting them in the Deal Flow area for members to review.
  • PRO #3 – Time is on your side
    I list this as a positive if you are patient. I see many people investing in stocks who are always trying to time the market for a profit, or in many cases, they end up cutting their losses.


  • CON #1 – People lose money as angel investors
    I read many articles written by investors who say stay away from angel investing. You will invest in so many losers you can not compensate for finding a big winner.
  • CON #2 – Most Companies will never make it big
    I saw once when conservative actor James Woods was asked how he now feels blacklisted by Hollywood because he supports President Trump. He said it was because I don’t need the work; I invested in Apple in the 1980s.
  • CON #3 – VIP Upgrade
    To get more deals to analyze and more insider tips from Neil, you can upgrade for less than $2500. I have seen some members complain about that, but to me was not a big deal.

Who are Angels and Entrepreneurs For?

Angels and Entrepreneurs are really a business opportunity for entrepreneurs. It’s something you can start on a part-time basis while you’re in your current career.

Even if you’re retired and looking for a way to make some additional money, this could be a perfect business opportunity. I’m not sure that many people who invest in the stock market actually think of it as a business opportunity.  But investing is a personal business if done right.

The fact that you’re investing in new start-up companies, and waiting for them to go public and take you with them, makes us a great business opportunity if you are patient. That seems to be the big key because you do not know when or if these companies will even make it public.

As a member of Angels and Entrepreneurs, you have the opportunity to make a minimum investment as low as $50. Most of the companies I’ve seen available right now will be in the $100-$250 initial investment range. Each deal is analyzed and is listed how much the company is trying to raise and how they are progressing toward meeting that goal.


As an example, I am looking at Goffee. This company delivers hot coffee right to the desk of a working person in New York.

They are in seed funding to raise $1 Million to grow their business. GOffee has currently raised $854K, so they are almost at their goal, and a lot of that money has come from Angels and Entrepreneur members.

GOffee is listed in the Food, Beverage, and Hospitality of the member’s area. As you begin to expand your portfolio of companies you have invested in, this is helpful. I see the Sharks on Shark Tank always talking about their portfolio and why a company does or does not interest them.

Something that Is Much better Than Angels And Entrepreneurs.

Angels and Entrepreneurs Review Tools & Training

angels and entrepreneurs training

From a marketing standpoint, Angels and Entrepreneurs are the founders of their own businesses. They market online on various platforms, running ads that promote a summit interview Neil Patel and Robert Herjavec do with Mike Ward.

They also have other websites, including one without the video you can join on and the main website you will log in to.

  • Gold $39
  • Diamond $79
  • Platinum $129
  • VIP – Private Deals for members $2500.

Each comes with more benefits attached to them. The main reason to join is the price right now. According to Neil, this is a renewal membership, and the price will go up to $599 a year in the future.

Once you join, you get access to the member’s area, which is laid out in the top menu:

  • events
  • deal flow
  • media room
  • networks
  • reports

Let’s take a close look at these

  1. Events
    The current event is a future A&E Richmond, Virginia Chapter Meeting scheduled for 12-01-19. I also see 9/19/2019: Los Angeles Happy Hour with Neil Patel! My basic takeaway from this is as they grow, you will be able to plug into meetings with other members in your area for person-to-person interaction.
  2. Deal Flow
    This is the most interesting area for me, and I would guess most members right now. Potential deals you can get invest in are analyzed and updated by the company. This includes the VIP Deals only Private Deal Flow. Neil talks with the owners and asks them tough questions so you can get more comfortable with the company.
  3. Media Room
    This is where you will access Neil’s Angel Investor Bootcamp, Angel Investor Master Classroom, and Virtual Boardroom Meetings.
  4. Network
    Neil uses this to provide updates on deals, meetings, and membership.
  5. Reports
    Includes interesting reports relating to angel investing. The Angel Investors Cheat Sheet is a good one.

Two other things to mention are email updates and members’ forums. Neil is always sending out emails both for training as well as to upsell the VIP membership.

The forum contains 3,603 topics and 2,895 replies. Neil is always mentioning the importance of networking in angel investing. You never know when a deal will present itself outside of your Angels and Entrepreneurs membership.

Is Angels and Entrepreneurs Network Legit?

Angels and Entrepreneurs Network is legit, but be careful before you invest your money here. I would read this post to the end and they go through some of the comments below before you make a decision.

Angels & Entrepreneurs Support

You can contact their support team via phone, email, and SMS message. They also have a support center with a FAQ area. You can also get help via Facebook or Twitter. You will manage your account in the member’s area as well.

Angels and Entrepreneur’s Price

The 3 levels of membership run $39, $79, and $129. The Diamond Package for $79 is what I joined and is the most recommended. It is good for 2 years, giving you plenty of time to learn and start using the system.

Final thoughts.

Let me say this about angels and entrepreneurs. If you need to make money right away, this program is not for you. Check out my number one recommendation below.

In terms of the program itself, I’m very impressed with it. Some people may feel miss lead in Robert Herjavec’s involvement.

He appears to be more of a company spokesman because he’s not mentioned once you get into the actual deal flow in the member’s area. So, if your goal is to join because you want to get in some business deals with a Shark Tank shark, at least right now, that is not going to happen.

If you’re looking for a chance to make some considerable money investing, if you hit the right company, this may be a program for you. Neil Patel says you should be expected to wait as long as 10 years before you cash out on a start-up company. Although he also says it’s more common to see a high investment return in this little as three years.

He also talks about his favourite type of angel business to invest in. He likes companies that offer quarterly dividends, so you are making money waiting for an IPO to happen.

Angel investing does not come without risk because you may not make any money. However, if you use the materials and tips made available to you, your chances for success go way up.

The fact that you have someone such as Neil Patel analyzing companies, putting the owners in the hot seat, and so on, to me, is a real benefit. It takes some of the guesswork out of this type of investment.

Need Cash Flow Or To Make Money Right Now?

Let me show you the exact steps to start an online business online the right way. You will have the opportunity to start for free, taking the risk away, and for you to have complete knowledge of what Internet business is all about before you make any investment.

A few success stories with a simple 4 steps and a proven system where members build websites with affiliate marketing, and make a living selling websites as well.

Angels And Entrepreneurs Review - working from home
Angels And Entrepreneurs Review - dj-Drea experiencing success at Wealthy Affiliate

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PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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See the 4 steps to working online from home & earn residual income

86 thoughts on “Angels And Entrepreneurs Review – Getting Rich From Angels?”

  1. Hello I actually love investing because it is interesting, I mean you never know the outcome but you are sure that the outcome will either be good or bad. According to your information, it is a great investment for someone who won’t cry after losing and that is the side definition of an entrepreneur. Thanks for the information.

    • Investing is taking the risk, and sometimes to get ahead in life, we have to take them, but it is important for us to do our due diligence and get all the facts before we make a decision. This is what I did with Wealthy Affiliate and it paid off for me. I will be taking a close look at Angels and Entrepreneurs in the coming months. Thank you for the feedback.

  2. Thanks for this informative post, it appears to have Good quality, passion, commitment, and honesty, all the key features of angel investor are fulfilled here. Finding the right investors who are interested in our sector is very important, most times  It is a time-consuming process, but I’m glad you brought it to me on a platter of gold. Thanks for sharing 

    • The reason I invested because of Neil, only time will tell on where this business is heading and the companies that would be involved. I feel positive about this that is the reason I decided to invest. Great investment opportunities I have passed up in the past, I just don’t want to make another mistake.

      • I recently signed up for the $39 package and my card was automatically charged for $495. I’m currently trying to figure out why this happened. I was not happy with this though.

        • This was the second time this week I heard that and that is disgusting and so wrong. I am happy that I did not follow through with this investing program cause it is all negative feedback so far I am receiving. I am happy I am continuing with my Wealthy affiliate program and not wasting my investment with angels and entrepreneurs. I hope you end up getting your money back.

          PS: I work with Neil Patel in the past, I still believe he has no idea that this is happening to new people. just my take on this.

  3. Hey, David!  This sounds like a great investment, but I did have a couple of questions.  Once you sign up, is it a monthly payment or a one-time payment?  As for the investments, do you watch the process, or do you actually choose the companies you want to invest in?  Let me know, because this sounds wonderful, and I am a huge fan of the show Shark Tank.  I have a friend who is an inventor, and the show has actually approached him to be on the show.  He’s considering it now.

    • The price I mentioned is yearly memberships that will renew automatically. Neil and Robert will guide you on the right companies to invest in. The tools and training would put you on the right path and the good thing about this business is the support. There is help in many ways that you can tap into, facebook and Twitter are just two of the many ways to get your questions answered and the right path to take. Hope that helps!

      • Do you have to do the upgrade to VIP to get the good deals to invest in and are those deals mostly over the $50 investment range that they discuss in the video

        • Yes, that bis what I understand that to be. They meet with VIP and supply special training on the right deals, although is still going to be long-term. I hope that helps?

  4. Hi, great article! I have never heard of Angels & Investors, although I know who Neil Patel is. So, this is a monthly fee and then to join in on a potential investment it will cost more?

    I am sort of new to IM but I can say Wealthy Affiliate is a great company with 15 years’ experience, so they are not going anywhere anytime soon. I do have a concern with one of your comments above the WA link, which is where you state Need Cash Flow or To Make Money Right Now?

    That is a bit misleading because if you have tons of experience, or you are coming into WA already with a thriving website, you cannot get cash flow right away or money now, so just thought you may want to change that. All in all, I appreciate the site here and it is great that you are reviewing companies like this for the rest of us! I look forward to reading more posts here and I will for sure share this with all the IM I know! Thanks!

    • Angels and Entrepreneurs Investors has been around for a long time now, Neil Patel Robert Herjavec are offering a service to help investors get better ROI. Their orice that I stated is annually for now, which may go up to $599 in the future. Your investment is separate.

      Wealthy Affiliate is indeed the best platform on the internet and they teach how to build a business around many aspects for you to consider, and that can be SEO, social media, email marketing, paid-advertising through Bing, Google or Facebook, etc. You can choose the area that you feel comfortable with. The paid advertising is the fastest if you need cash in your business right away, this is what I was referring to when I mention if you need to make money now.

      Some members choose paid advertising as they build their business through content marketing cause they want fast results, and the training boffers you that flexibility once you learned the strategy. Happy that you ngot some value here and feel free and stop by from time to time.

    • In order to invest in a deal, you have to buy into another program, whichever one they are promoting for $1,450.00 and then invest on top of that.

      • The fee that I pay was not an investment fee. I understand what you are saying and it would be difficult to put out that fee annually. I took a risk because of my Affiliate business which generates the cash. It would be unfair for me to tell others to do the same. That is why I show an alternate service if one wants to generate cash at a low entry fee.

      • I believe so, this is what I have notices. Everytime Neil suggests an investment I have to sit through another video “new speaker” reiterating what Neil mentioned then in order to proceed there is a charge of $1450.00, not including your investment.

        • You are right, and it is very annoying. I guess the only one that is having success with this investment is the ones that Neil deals with directly. he is still a friend cause he helped me with my Wealthy affiliate business tremendously, so it is hard to write him off just yet.

      • That’s what I have experienced since I joined almost a year ago. This is BS and not what was disclosed ahead of time. I have written to the company (just before landing here) and threatened to go to the Attorney General. I haven’t seen any companies you can just go invest in after they have vetted it.

        • Glad that you are taking a stand here, I hope others do the same to get the authority’s attention. I am sorry that you had to. go through that.

  5. Wow, it’s really good to learn about angels and entrepreneurs here on your website. I have seen some add about it on YouTube too and I think it’s very important that one invests. This might be a good way to invest in the future to be bright. Your idea on Goffee sounds great because I see people who really order cups from that company. Nice post full of opportunities. Thanks!

    • Hey John, thank you for taking the time to read my article and leave positive feedback. Goffee is what caught my attention as well and I really feel positive about this investment. Although I am new to this, Inam excited working with Neil and Robert and watch my investment grow in the long run.

  6. Wow! Angels and entrepreneur seem to be an excellent platform to present a platform where I can get access to upcoming companies that I can invest in and hopefully, they breakout to becoming a huge success which will blow my stock so high and invariably make me more and more money from my initial investments. Thanks so much for sharing this. What amazes me is the prospects that this business boats of and if things pan out exactly how it should, this would be a great business decision. I will surely check it out right now

    • Shelley, keep in mind that this investment is long term, and once you follow Neil and Robert advice, your chances would be a better one. The two-year plan I took is a no brainer and I am eager to learn and follow their lead. We never know which company would be the gem, but it is definitely better than doing nothing. I am excited.

  7. A very nice post you have up here. It’s actually the first time I’m hearing about this and I feel that Patel has done a great job to put this all together. One thing I admire is that there are a variety of amounts that one can use to invest so there’s no excuse. I’m going to give it a trial. Thanks for sharing this.

    • Henderson, I thought the same way when my friend Jeff shared this with me, and I am a huge fan of Neil Patel so it was easy for me to get started. I hope your investment turns out to be fruitful, and that it works out for others as well. No one likes bad investment. All the best.

  8. Angels investment is turning to the new trend and it is because of the prospects that accompany this business opportunity. However, getting a platform as angels and entrepreneurs to leverage on the use of this platform only makes everything much more interesting to me. Also, I would want to know if there is any way one could do a calculation of the possible risk involved by investing in a business on this platform. Or is there a bar that shows the chances of success for each of the platform. Thanks

    • Hey Tracy, those are the questions that I asked before I decided to take the plunge. I did my research and came up with lots of information. The decision still had to be mine. is it the right one, I would think so because I got huge players in Neil and Robert to watch my back. Hope that helps!

  9. Hi, great article! I have never heard of Angels & Investors, although I know who Neil Patel is. So, this is a monthly fee and then to join in on a potential investment it will cost more? I am sort of new to IM but I can say Wealthy Affiliate is a great company with 15 years’ experience, so they are not going anywhere anytime soon. I do have a concern with one of your comments above the WA link, which is where you state Need Cash Flow or To Make Money Right Now? 

    That is a bit misleading because if you have tons of experience, or you are coming into WA already with a thriving website, you cannot get cash flow right away or money now, so just thought you may want to change that. All in all, I appreciate the site here and it is great that you are reviewing companies like this for the rest of us! I look forward to reading more posts here and I will for sure share this with all the IM I know! Thanks

    • Angels & Investors has been around for quite some time now, what Neil and Robert came up with is a service where they are willing to help the average person to invest in the right companies so that they would have better results than doing it themselves.

      Wealthy Affiliate is a business that teaches you how to build a website and make money through affiliate marketing, and you can build it in many ways. Part of their training is content marketing and SEO and for a new website that takes time for Google to rank your website to get traffic to your offer.

      But they also teach paid advertising that you can get fast results if you learn the process in the training. Some members choose the fast road in conjunction with content marketing so they can get cash coming in as soon as possible, that bis what I was referring to when I spoke about instant cash flow. It is a form of investment that anyone can consider when building a business. I hope that helps!

  10. Thank you so much for your well-written ‘Angels and Entrepreneurs Review,’ where you clearly explain how the program works.

    The background information you have shared helps the reader a lot to put everything into perspective. For instance, I have read Neil Patel’s posts, listened to him on YouTube and have also used his website ranking tool. I find him a credible entrepreneur.

    The good news is that the Angels and Entrepreneurs are open to investments from entrepreneurs and that this is something they can do part-time, which allows flexibility.

    • Thank you for the comment and kind words. People are at different levels with their online business, and if you have hit the mainstream and earning revenue, then considering angels and Entrepreneurs would be the right choice as an addition.

      If you are at an early stage and still building your website, then that should be your main focus. I always believe that a part of one’s income should be invested, and for the price that Neil Patel is offering to train you for the right approach is something as an entrepreneur we all should consider. Happy that you got some value here.

  11. Angels and Entrepreneurs sound like a really interesting opportunity. I ran across it after searching for info and training by Neil Patel.

    You mentioned to become a member of Angels and Entrepreneurs it is a one-time fee of $39, $79, or $129 but also said this is good for 2 years. Is this fee recurring every two years or simply a one-time fee with lifetime membership? There is a huge price hike for VIP membership. I am curious as to what the extra perks are for this level. Could you explain this more fully? Thanks so much!

    • Angels and Entrepreneurs have been around some time now. According to the Center for Venture Research, there were 258,000 active angel investors in the U.S. in 2007. According to literature reviewed by the US Small Business Administration, the number of individuals in the US who made an angel investment between 2001 and 2003 is between 300,000 and 600,000

      Neil and Robert are offering a service to help you with this investment for better results. and the price that they stated may not be up for too long. And these are annual at the moment according to Neil which may rise to $599ba year in the near future. The $79 2-year plan which is the favorite is locked in for every two years. the VIP price is where you would get one on one elite coaching from the rest. You can read more on it on the links I provided in my post. Thank you for the feedback and concerns.

  12. I have been seeking for viable investment opportunities and programs or platforms involving into it for a while. This Angels and Entrepreneurs seem to be pretty legit. I have heard lots about this but thanks to your review, I have much more comprehensive and detailed information about it now. I will take a deeper look at this program but also check other articles on your website if there are other options in terms of investing. Thanks for sharing this! 

    • It is pretty good although there was some negative feedback ny people losing money. But what business has no negative feedback? This program is a learned program but once you do your due diligence and follow Neil and Robert lead, I believe you will be able to make good investments.

      The price is renewal at this stage, and it may go up according to Neil as I mention in the post. It will renew annually at the price stated. the links I placed in the post will give you a further understanding of what the program is all about and the training you would have a successful investment plan. let me know if you need further assistance or clarification.

      Talk to you soon!

  13. This is a very informative article because I have never read about Angels and Entrepreneurs before. Neil Patel is really famous now on the internet and having him here is nice because, in my opinion, he has got the integrity thing working for him. Investing in small companies before they become big is a cool idea.

    Question: Did you say when you pay the price once, you don’t have to pay anything again?

    • Yes, Neil is the reason I joined. He sent me a personal invitation but I was hesitant at first. But when my friend, Jeff mention it, I decided to participate.

      The price is annually for now, not know if that would change. The $79 package is for two years. thank you for the feedback.

  14. If you join, be prepared to be assaulted with 3-5 emails a day offering more subscriptions for BETTER opportunities (at a price) for deals outside the Network.

    I found the deal flow weak, the vetting process reasonable and certainly something you could learn from.

    However, the daily blast to part me from my money to join more (and MORE) investment “opportunities” clubs/ subscriptions was much more intense than the focus on quality deal flow.

    I requested a full refund and received a promise of it within 24 hours of my request. The barrage of email stopped within 72 hours . . . at least email referring directly to the site. What hasn’t stopped is the unsolicited text messages referring to “Shark Tank” which began pinging my phone about 3 days after joining. I can not say for sure the source of the text messages . . . but I have a guess.

    Last, in this BLOG, the owner does NOT state whether he is being compensated by the company he is recommended. This is required by US, Canadian and EU law. Here is the US Federal Trade Commission “advice” on doing it right. These are NOT new laws. I personally do not take business advice from anyone who can not or will not take the effort to follow the rules.

    • Thank you for your honest take and feedback. I have gotten the same response from a few people especially the constant investment opportunities to join, but Neil says he takes a deep dive into these companies before he puts them in the Deal Flow area for members to review. Maybe the VIP level is where more attention occurs? I will look into that.

      A small investment is the best place to start when starting out in new companies and as I mention there will always be a risk, sorry about yours. Like I have mentioned that there are people who lost money, but there are some who had success, I just have to wait and see.

      Angel investors usually take between 20 and 50 percent stake in the companies they help. Sometimes the exact amount is determined strictly by negotiation. However, frequently angel investors use a company’s valuation as a measure for how much ownership they should take. That is my understanding.

      Anyways, thank you for the comment and wish me luck, although I am not looking for any returns soon, just hoping that when these companies go public, I had made the right choice.


    • Thanks for the info! I am researching all I can PRIOR to joining for that reason. Refunds from online companies are notoriously hard, if not impossible, to get. Currently unemployed and not much in the bank, I’m not about to play the fool in being separated from those few bucks left.

      • Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. Sorry to hear that you are out of work. And I agree that you should not waste the few bucks you have left, over any investment. Your main concern right now should be finding a job or a business that can add an income on a continuous basis. You can start here for free.

  15. Thank you for your post. Aside from becoming an Angel Investor, what I am taking away from this is that we also are the first to be startup investors with Angels + Entrepreneurs? Correct? So would it be correct to state that this is my first investment into a start-up? Sorry, I’m new to this and a new Entrepreneur myself.

    • Angel and Entrepreneurs, owned by Neil Patel is a service that you join to get good opportunities to invest in and they teach you how to go about choosing these opportunities. The prices that I have mentioned are not an investment.

      As a member of Angels and Entrepreneurs, you have the opportunity to make a minimum investment as low as $50. Most of the companies I’ve seen available right now are going to be in the $100-$250 initial investment range. I hope I have answered your question.

  16. I would love to invest. But after paying $500 all I am getting our emails with videos telling me how wonderful you are. In addition all I’m getting are offers to upgrade my membership. I’m starting to believe some of the reviews I’ve rread. I am going to seek a refund soon if nothing changes

    • I Believe you should. I only pay for the training but have not come up with the right company to invest as yet cause I am very busy with my WA business. Try sending a support ticket and ask what is your next step.

      Sorry to hear that John, but I understand. I heard a few negatives since I participated, but I know Neil Patel in other businesses that is why I am going to support it, but not right now though. Wralthy Affiliate is having me very busy at the moment. Hope it turn better for you.

      • I joined at the $79 level about 6 months ago. I have been inundated with up sales and have seen no serious business opportunities except one. It was very interesting technology. IT was a teaser!! I had to pay more to see the rest and find out more. Then I am sure I would have to pay more to see more, and so on. Once they have you hooked they will keep milking you. They know a sucker when they see one.
        There is nothing of value here, except if you do their marketing activity yourself you can also scam thousands of people out of their money too.
        This is a scam, scam, scam. The companies they shovel out are absolute junk, and I am guessing Neil et al are getting a kickback from the money they steer to these junky startups – that is the only money being made on this site.

        • Hey David, I have not invested I will say the one thing I didn’t like was the constant barrage of emails which I stopped paying attention to. In terms of angel investing it’s certainly nice to get in on the ground floor of the right company, but you have to wait maybe several years before you actually get your payback from that. I have worked with Neil Patel in the past and I was surprised at the approach that they are taking.

          I am just going to keep my eyes open for now, but I would not invest at the moment. I am not feeling too bad because my affiliate marketing is doing well and if I am going to invest, it would be a portion of my affiliate business. Thank you for taking the time and dropping your honest comment. I hope you find something that you set your heart on. Take care, David.

    • I never like upsells myself, and with Angels and Entrepreneurs, people have lost money but there are some that experience success. I am still going through these investing strategies but my main focus at the moment is with Affiliate Marketing. This is where I make my full-time income and is where my heart is. I am sorry that it did not work out for you.

  17. Angel investment has been around for a while now though I have never invested it seems difficult to tell if I can actually make it as this Angels and Entrepreneur has promised. 20% is very promising. 

    But how feasible can this be? 

    Companies fold up all the time, what if I lose my money invested in these schemes? 

    I haven’t really seen people make money from angel investment, maybe that would have been my motivation. 

    This one might actually be legit after all because there are some seasoned gurus behind it. 

    • Yes, because of the gurus behind this investment program, it caught my attention. I will say the one thing I didn’t like was the constant barrage of emails which I started to ignore. This is what causes me not to make any investment. Will still keep a watchful eye on this company though.

  18. I must say, very informative article. I know about Neil Patel but never heard about Angels & Investors. And yes, business needs investment, I am also looking for some good ideas to make money. I am a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate and learned a lot about online business through the wealthy affiliate. But yes I will try Angels & Investors as well. If you have any other blog posts regarding the same please do share with me. 
    Keep sharing knowledge

    • I do follow Neil Patel, that is how I discover Angels and Entrepreneurs. But I was a little drawback because of the approach with this company. Although I have not made any initial investment as yet, I have heard bad experiences with a few people who did. I always keep an open mind so I will still keep my eye on this company. Thank you for the feedback.

  19. Hi David,

     Angels And Entrepreneurs look having the opportunity and risk at the same time. It first time to read a review about investing money. Your review just comes up with search results and pick it up as I thought from the title it is a non-investing company.

    Anyway, I learn something new today. It looks good for someone who has a good background in investing. You now 2 years with Angels And Entrepreneurs, so please inform us of your results.

    • Hi Safia, although at the time it seems like a good investment, because of the two guys that started it, I have not made any investment as yet, cause I am still learning the right company to invest with. I know this would be longterm, so I am not sure if I would be around to reap the benefits.

      I am doing well with affiliate marketing, and my income is growing daily. If I do come across a good company to invest with, I will make my audience aware, once I see some returns. Thank you for stopping by.

  20. Beware! I joined into this for the $79. My husband who is disabled and I thought it would be an opportunity to invest in something with a small amount of money. It praises in its video how you can invest for just a couple hundred dollars which is about all we can afford but thought it would help in our future as we have a child in college.

    There are some opportunities to invest in a few companies which don’t seem too appealing, BUT you get barraged with emails and when you sign on to the website to spend more money to get to the good investments which are totally misleading from the video I watched to sign up in the first place. It totally feels like a bait and switch deal to me. The only person who is getting rich in this deal is Neil Patel and the already rich guys behind this program. If I had the money to buy into these “better opportunities” I wouldn’t be in his program to start with. Neil sorry but your program shouldn’t continue to hound me to give you more money so I can have access to better deals before I even see my initial investment grow. And the deals that you have available to me to buy into at my membership level are ridiculous.

    Neil Patel is too rich to even understand how hard it is for the regular folks to take these risks and just keep handing you money to “upgrade” and if you don’t it sure smells like you wasted your money buying “blue sky”. But you wrote a nice article comparable to his video and I am sure you were compensated for this. If you google review on AAE they are all only glowing reviews which I am also certain they paid a pretty penny to make the bad reviews fall way down in the search results, probably where my $79 was invested!

    • I myself was surprised by the numerous emails that flooded my inbox asking to make an investment which I totally find was odd. I had followed Neil in the past and his approach with Angels and Entrepreneurs surprise the heck out of me, so I ignore the emails and did not make any investment.

      The founding fee of $79.00 was all put out to get the training. I then decide to write this review to get feedback and so far is all negative feedback I am receiving. I still have hope maybe he would change his approach and reach out to people differently, because in the past dealings I have with him and his company, it is certainly not his style.

      Thank you for the honest feedback and I hope that you would be able to find something that is rewarding that would help out your family and your child that is attending college. Please feel free to reach out to me in my recommended program, I will be able to help you out and introduce you to community that is experiencing success as myself. I hope to talk to you soon.

  21. I would like to start by saying, THANK YOU! The honest comments are the ones I wanted to read not the 5 stars paid for reviews. I’ve been looking into this idea for about 6 months and was aware of the risk of investing in an unknown company with new ideas. This is always a big risk and a “No Brainer”.

    All new inventions and ideas have to start from nothing. What I really wanted to know is what kind of company information you really get with these memberships. Thanks to all the comments I now know that the companies you actually get info on are apparently junk.

    I was thinking it was a, “Too Good To Be True”, thing but thanks to the honesty of some previously joined investors my first instinct is apparently right. I know there’s a lot of great inventions and ideas pushing their way to the top of the business industry every day. I guess this isn’t the way to get in on them.

    • Hi Dreamah, we all want to make the right investment to do something good for our future and our families. But when you have a company without your heart in mind, that is another thing. I build this website to show my audience what works, and at the same time being honest with what these companies are all about.

      Neil Patel says he would pick the right company for us to invest in, and we should be making at least 25% or more on our investment. But as you can see, that is not the case for some people, and if they do make the investment, you have to fight to actually receive it.

      Not sure if they would change their approach in the near future, but as of now, this is one investment we all should stay away from and find something that is working today. I am happy that this post give you some clarification on Angels and Entrepreneurs.

  22. Something I couldn’t find anywhere is, Does this program offer a platform to purchase Pre-IPO shares? Getting the information and having a broker to guide you is great but not being able to purchase pre-IPO shares without a broker or platform such as SharesPost, Forge or Prior2IPO makes this somewhat useless. Any knowledge on your side is greatly appreciated

  23. I just watched their most recent video (Patel and Yocham), seemed legit, but they wanted $1450 for the year, which seems pretty high. The research looks pretty thorough though. What is your opinion of the value vs price and the quality of their research? Thanks.

    • Their value looks great if you get to them, but it looks with that price it is hard. They turn you over to their staff and you bombarded by emails, that is the reason I decided not to invest. So to answer your question is too much to put out based on past experience.

      Just to add, Neil has helped my affiliating marketing soar to a level that made me go full-time, that is the reason I was interested in Angels and Entrepreneurs. But although I have great respect for him, I would not recommend this to anyone at the moment. I hope that I have answered your question. Be safe and stay healthy.


    • Again, another snake oil salesman trying to get richer “sharing his secrets” for a price. It’s America’s land of the opportunity for those who have the upper hand in this case. The one that controls the information has the power and will use it. Very sad that Neil has damaged his reputation ( but not his wallet ) with this approach.

      He is just casting a net and hoping to fish enough to make it worth the try. Think about it, you pitch this approach to 10 Million people via the Internet, and let’s say only 1% bites into it (100,000 people), now at the 79.00 level that’s an instant 7.0M profit fewer expenses. After 60 days that amount of money stays in his wallet with no guarantees.


      Want to try better luck? Upgrade to $1450.00 and I will “really” get you the best deals. Sounds like McDonald’s now selling you chicken tenders with “real chicken meat” after almost 80 years of selling chicken tenders.

      • I do not believe that level one pays any attention to their reputation. To them is a numbers game as you so pointed out. Neil has done wonders for my affiliate marketing business by following his SEO tips. As you can see his tips are working for me. This post has been ranking in the top three for months with many other posts on my website.

        This is the reason I was attracted to this investment. But realize it did not promise what they say, and you are left all alone getting flooded with emails to invest more money. Thank you for the feedback.

  24. Great read, thanks for the article, but what I don’t understand is the continued membership. If I invest $500 into a company and my membership goes un-renewed I can’t get my gains? That right there is a giant red flag. Sure I understand if the gains are a large % then the membership cost is pennies on the dollar but I say to hell with your membership fee I am already invested and I am owed my gains.

    • That is what I could not understand and withdraw right away. The positive note I have with this business is Neil Patel. This guy has helped so much with my home business it was difficult to see the negative response here. happy that I did not use my business capital to move forward. Thank you for the feedback, Mark.


  25. Mr. Bishop, your honest comments are GREATLY appreciated. Unfortunately for Neil it has cost him a customer. Based on what I have read in these comments I would have waisted my few hundred dollars. Neil’s ad is extremely devoid of needed information and that is the first sign of a scam. Sorry to hear that your friend has chosen to walk that path, but thanks again for your honest answers. They have saved me a little money…

    • I went in to find something worthwhile but unfortunately, I did not. Happy I was able to do my due diligence and pull away. My friend also did the same eventually and now he is working with my affiliating marketing business and is doing much better. Thank you for the feedback.

  26. Wayne

    Truely appreciate your frankness. It has been enlightening. Thought Robert and Neil would have been more
    interested in helping the little guy as advertised, but I guess money is more Important. But it sure leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. I suppose that it’s true — You can’t tell a book by it’s cover!!! Thanks for the information.

    • Yes, you do receive information about that company and tons of others. I am not supporting Angels and Entrepreneurs, and my advice to you is to keep your money because of past experiences. I hope that helps. Thank you.

  27. Thank you for writing this, I am very disappointed in Angels & Entrepreneurs — I have requested to cancel after 1 week. All the deals that interest me on the website are CLOSED or I’m LOCKED out unless I “further” upgrade — I already pre-paid for the ‘Elite Founder’ membership, but find myself locked out of the Elite Founder content on their website.

    It is extremely painful, on a Sunday, to plan to invest yet not have access to what I paid for. Further annoying, is the daily marketing emails ()plural) I receive from Neil Patel that FOMO requires time to read and very lengthy videos that jerk you around while they push their other products on you… maddening really. Little fish to Shark Robert Herjavec: I’m out.

    • You made the right choice by getting out, but sorry to hear that you lose your initial investment. Continue to read my comments, you may find a way that you can get back your money that member left on my site. I hope you find what you are looking for.

  28. Thank you for sharing this quality article! I recently cancelled my Diamond Membership with A&E for many of the CONS as you mentioned and taking the time to learn more about this since inception, which was back in July 2019 a few months after Neil Patel marketed this all over the internet and Robert was the main attraction here!

    I thought for a moment that this would be the ideal opportunity for many that do not have much to invest but at least have the knowledge and ability to put in something. After over a year, ended up never doing a thing as I was not motivated after receiving 11-15 emails per day by not only A& I, but also “StartUp” and Money Map Press funneling their marketing together to create the ideal email disaster storm!

    I work 40+ hours a week, so spending time reading these emails were horrible as they wanted, even more, $$$ and being at the age I am now and have discovered every legit scam out there, I have lost all motivation of making others richer like Neil Patel. Even if your investments are as little as $50, where is the value?

    Where does that money go, other than to the risk-taking investment you are hopeful will turn it all around in years ahead. I just do not believe it anymore! I have made more money with Microcurrencies and have gained the return on the $79 loss here, practically in less than a day. I’m not one to normally gamble anything, but when something sounds too good to be true, it’s unfortunately the case every time.

    However, I do concur with Wealthy Affiliate! I joined back in 2017 but with my busy work schedule, I just could not put all the hours into learning, let alone get to the point of building a website to earn affiliate $ and other revenue from potential product sales. However, I do see the high potential for those that want the value return. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely not expensive for what you get, in fact, it’s a no-brainer that you will gain much of the current trends and education to help you maneuver through to your ultimate goal. I may return back to it later, but at times like this, it was another stopping point, and so I never give up on the idea to go back to it when the time will work for me.

    In conclusion, I cannot support anything A& I will put out there! Most of these companies seem sketchy and almost laughable to see taking off in any direction but the dirt road. However, when I did study one amazing deal and wanted to invest in the knee replacement device, I was told I would have to upgrade to the $2,500 VIP membership that was offered at discount for $1,450 if I agreed to those terms, I would then have that opportunity. Well, there went my investment $.

    • Hey CJ, the only reason I had ventured into Angels and Entrepreneurs was because of Neil Patel. Helped me grow my online business through content marketing so I trusted what he had to offer. I used my Wealthy Affiliate income to make further investment, so the loss for me was not that hurtful. But I feel the pain for those who loosed their full-time income trying to invest hoping for a return.

      When I started with Wealthy Affiliate back in 2013 it was hard for me as well, cause my hours were long and I could not find the time. But I decided to stay with it, cause I thought that was the only way out. So happens I was right. Nothing that is good is easy, so I went in with help from some successful members.

      If and when you decided to come back, look me up, I am known as the Lazyblogger, lol, and I would be happy to work with you to help you reach your goals and beyond. Talk to you soon.


  29. Hi Bishop, It is good to see a review from an insider. You said, “most companies will never make it big.” This means most investors lose their money. Neil Patel has some great information on the internet, but it always concerns me when a person gives away so much, but the upsells to learn more are outrageous. I have heard some say he is a scam. What do you think? Does what Neil does border on a scam?

    • Neil Patel is not a scam. I have worked with him and his team for years and still do. His company has helped me with all my SEO and have my websites ranking for many keywords in the search engine. I think that he got himself with Angels and entrepreneur, but not a key player.

  30. I also fell a victim to this scam broker. They kept on asking me to deposit more money. Then they stopped picking up my calls and doesn’t reply my mails. After loosing more money. Finally I have gotten back all my lost fund and bonus from CFD stocks.They stocked all my trading capital and deprived me access into my account for over two months now after I’ve invested $70,000 with them.Thought I was not gonna see this day, but as God may have it, today I’ve got back all my money for real with the help of professional. Prince andrew! I’m happy to share my experience If you’ve been locked out from logging into your binary option trading account or you are unable to make withdrawal from your broker account, maybe because your broker manager is asking you to make more deposit before you can place a withdrawal and you need assistance, kindly get in contact with him on email address: {pr8664045@}and you can also contact him through they website : he will guide you on steps to take to regain access to your account, make withdrawal freely and easy, as well as recover all your lost funds in reality.

    • that is what the masses had complaints about, the constant asking for more money, and refusal to answer their calls. but it was good that you got back your money.

      Thank you for your insight that would be helpful to others who are seeking help and looking for an answer. I would be happy to share this with my audience. Thanks.

  31. Angels and Entrepreneurs sound like it could be a viable way to make money if you choose the right startup to back, but then again you will have to assume some sort of risk. If you have the money to lose and have done your due diligence then you may want to invest. Not every startup will succeed. Neil Patel is a smart investor but he also has information to rely upon that the average investor does not have. I would look to a company that would educate you in the manner of making your own fortune.


    • I was intrigued by the idea at first because of the people that were involved. I have a great deal of respect for Neil Patel and Robert. But the constant need to pay more money to upgrade was annoying. and after some studies, I realize that people were losing money and did not understand why. Maybe it was not for the newbies like me.

  32. Hello, interesting to read a review from a founding member who will always be able to see a little more than the rest of us.
    Anyway, I got a little lost with pro #1 and con #1 lol, they look the exact opposite, I get the idea though, you need to be a little lucky to find the right place to invest in or else you will end up losing. I believe it is a little risky but if you are willing to take it it is not a bad option at all.

    • There are people that made money with Angels and Entrepreneurs, I will not dispute that. but there are people who lose money as well. You could look at the comments below and be the judge. There are risks with any investment, the question is, are you willing to accept the risk?

  33. wow.. ya know i booked marked the neil ad a few years ago.. and then the shark tank ad today.. was all excited ..but thought .. better get reviews.. thanks to all who shared.. and to you .. for all the time and effort .. i wont be getting involved.. however.. your affiliate program is appealing.. thanks..

    • I am happy that this review helped, but please feel free and investigate some more to see if the right choice. I have tried a lot of programs in the past, but the best I have seen so far is Wealthy Affiliate, the community is very supportive, and the tools and training were right for me at the time. The good thing about it is that anyone could join for free to see if it is the right fit for them. Talk to you soon.



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