5 Best MLM Companies To Join

The best MLM companies to join, In this article, I will share with you the ones you should consider, and I will name 5 to get you started.

MLM is short for multi-level marketing which is also known as network marketing.

According to Business For Home which is one of the largest direct sales and MLM news websites online, there are thousands, maybe more than 10,000 MLM companies in the world.

They rank in the Top 500 in annual sales here.

Most direct sales companies use the network marketing business model. This means you earn money on personal product sales and on the volume of your group based on the comp plan for that MLM company.

So, here is the question. What are the best multi-level marketing companies to join?

To answer this question we have to look at the total picture and think about everything from the age of the company, annual sales, the products, the ways you make money, and who are the top earners.

Probably the most important aspect is the products. Can you picture yourself using them and telling people about them?

The Federal Trade Commission has put network marketers on notice that you must have real people buying real products. You cannot sell the business opportunity as a stand-alone product.

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So What Are The Best MLM Companies To Join?

I am going to list the top 5 according to sales volume. This does not mean they are necessarily the best, but it is interesting to note they have all been in business for many years now.

Companies such as this do not survive for the length of time they have without having great products and committed representatives

1. Amway: One Of The Best MLM Companies To Join Back Then

They are the largest network marketing company in the world with annual sales of $8.8 billion in 2018. They have been in business for almost 60 years.

Amway is a worldwide company so you can build your business anywhere you want that Amway has a presence in. The downside of this company is for years there was a lot of negativity associated with them. Much of that has gone away, but you can still expect some people to bring that up.

Amway has products in various categories including basic commodity items, nutritional products, and personal care including cosmetics. Some of the top MLM earners in the world are in Amway.

2. Avon

Best MLM Companies To Join is the ones that are easy to make payments

Avon had sales of $5.5 Billion in 2018. They have seen a drop in business over the past few years, but they have been in business since 1886.

Although they are listed as an MLM company you think of them more for direct sales and even the Avon lady ringing your doorbell.

Having said this being #2 on a list of 500 MLM companies is nothing to be ashamed of. Their products are mostly in beauty, household, and personal care.

3. Herbalife

Hard to believe Herbalife was found in 1980 which makes them almost 40 years old. They had sales of $4.9 Billion in 2018. Their products are primarily in the weight loss category.

Herbalife went through a nasty court case with the FTC in which they ended up paying a $200 Million dollar fine. They agreed to change their business model putting the focus on selling products at retail and not on having new distributors buy-in at an expensive level.

4. Natura Cosmetics

Natura Products had sales of $3.5 Billion in 2018. They are a Brazilian company with beauty products, household, and personal care, skin-care, solar filters, cosmetics, perfume, and hair care products.

They use a consultant business model as well as operate over 3200 stores worldwide.

5. Nu Skin

At one time the world’s greatest networker was Mark Yarnell who made his name and fortune in Nu Skin. Yarnell has passed away but Nu Skin is still alive and well.

Founded in 1980 Nu Skin sells personal care products and dietary supplements. Its sales volume in 2018 was $2.6 Billion.

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Here Is What Is Important To You

Best MLM Companies To Join is the ones that you love the products

I cannot tell you what is the best MLM company for you to join. Here is what I can tell you.

I love the products. Use them personally and be convinced that you are promoting products that are the best in the world.

Today network marketing only works when products are sold at the retail level. For you to do that you have to be in love with the products you represent.

You can use them for personal use and then begin telling people about them. You can also market them online in the form of pre-selling.

You do this by starting a blog and writing your personal experiences. You also create YouTube videos and audio clips about your products.

You may even want to go so far as to set up a Facebook account and a fan page where you brag about your products and encourage people to join your Facebook group.

You also want to be active on LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. If this all seems like a lot of work it really is because what you’re doing is creating your own network marketing business.

You can then top off by recruiting new distributors who will emulate exactly what you’re doing. This is the proper way to build what should be the best MLM company for you to join!

My Conclusion On Best MLM Companies To Join

Here are 2 links again to the top MLM companies and top MLM earners.

Top 500 Direct Sales Companies In The World to consider and take a closer look at.

Top 50 Earners and Beyond you can pick their brains to find out what approach they used.

So what does this tell you?

It tells me there are millions of people making money in MLM companies and there are thousands of companies you can join and make money with.

As you know I am partial to affiliate marketing over MLM for a variety of reasons. In 2018 Amazon had revenue of $233 Billion of which it is estimated that 40% comes from affiliates according to PRWeb.

BusinessForHome.com says there are 1,400 Direct Selling companies in the USA, many open new markets every year and worldwide an est. 10,000 Direct Selling companies are active with $250+ Billion in sales.

My point?

MLM is a multi-billion dollar industry, but one company, Amazon, now has annual sales close to equal to 10,000 MLM companies. You do the math and think about what is the best industry for you to be in.

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12 thoughts on “5 Best MLM Companies To Join”

  1. Hello there D. Bishop, 

    I have been looking for multi-level marketing programs that are legit for a really long time now since I have had really bad experiences in the past with them.

    Your list gives me confidence as I have seen some programs here that have been in business for decades now. I am thinking of trying Amway out. 

    Although, I have seen you saying that it has been associated with negative feedback. Are the negative stuff something I need to be very careful with or was it just rumors from their competitors?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Have a great day!

    • The companies that I highlighted is legit and have a track record. Amway is on top of the list. But it will be difficult to find a business out there that do not have negative views. Some would be honest feedback while some would feedback when someone wants to show their company as being better.

      You have to do your due diligence and see which works for you. MLM . business is hard work but if done right, the pay off is huge. Hope it works out for you and you find the success you are looking for. All the best.

  2. Hi David!

    MLM is well known and used business strategy for decades. Already! many people made a fortune with it, many failures as well. I had also had experience with some of them. Unfortunately, after a great start, the company closed its doors. Many people think that MLM is a scam, but, it is actually a legitimate way of selling. In a nutshell, almost every seller is kind of MLM seller, unless selling own products or services!

    If choosing the MLM as your way of earning, online or offline, the most important part is to have yourself involved with a proven, long-term successful business that can support you for a long period of time. Besides, it is a must to use the product for yourself.

    Thanks for sharing your review and the list of MLM companies you are proposing!

    Best regards,

    Stay well, market better, convert best!

    • Hi Igor, although I myself had dabbled with MLM companies in the past, they do provide a service and they are a lot of successful ones still popping up. I am looking at one that I may get started, but my approach to selling maybe a little different because I have the knowledge of Internet Marketing.

      Your insight into using the product is always the best approach. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Hey Bishop,

    I’ve really enjoyed reading this article as you’ve provided us with tonnes of valuable information. I have an account with Amway, but I haven’t heard of any other MLM companies except for Herbal Life. I’ve been doing so much research on Affiliate Programs that I can join, and I’m so lucky to have found this website.

    Thank you very much for taking your precious time in writing this detailed blog post. Keep up the good work Bishop!

    • Happy to know that you found this article at the right time and that it serves to help you make a decision on joining an MLM company. Hope you pick the one that you have a passion for and you go on to build a successful MLM business.

      If you need any on getting traffic, please feel free to contact me. Whether is offline or online, any business would need to get lots of eyeballs to their offer for it to be successful. All the best, and thank you for the kind words.

  4. Hi,

    This article shows some important information on top multi-level marketing companies. It is helpful for me if I wanted to get involve with multi-level marketing. 

    I see that there are new ones that are growing and I am thinking of becoming a prime member of one. Your article will give me information about good MLM companies that are available and how to choose one that is not on your list. 

    I will share this article who want to join MLM companies and I will like to run one by you to see what you think. Thank you for sharing this article with me and opening my eyes. I will get back to you on the MLM company I am looking at to hear your views, thanks. 

    • One of my Team member who has a huge list, ask me this question about a month ago and the very same list in this article I gave to him. He took my advice and went on to pick one of them and he is in the process of building a large team business with that company. That is what prompted me to write this article.

      It is difficult to choose a good MLM company when you have a huge list, cause this could do a lot of harm to your business if you choose the wrong one. Your list is a huge asset to anyone and you want to protect that.

      I would be happy to take a look at your MLM company and get back to you on my honest opinion and laying out the process you should take if you want to build a huge team and grow a successful business. Talk to you soon.

  5. To read your article, I am well known about making money tips to use network marketing business models.MLM company which is also known as network marketing. This is a very helpful post to earn money on personal product sales and on the volume of your group based on the comp plan for that MLM company. .Most directed sales company use network marketing models. Thanks for the post. 

    • It is a good business model if you know how to build a huge team with your MLM company. And if you have the knowledge then other members may not, and that could kill the growth of your downline. This is what I find in most cases that causes members to quit.

      Is always good to teach someone to market before placing them in the marketing plan and hoping that they know what to do. You get two and they get two with all the others getting two is a process that sounds easy but is not always the case.

      Building a website and optimizing it is the safest way to build a successful business, cause once you build it right the website would do all the work and get customers to your website to generate sales. working on a website as opposed to working with people is always your best bet in my opinion.

      Thank you for your insight.

  6. Hello Bishop,

    After reading your informative and educative review on 5 best MLM companies,  among them, I heard Amway and Avon’s names before. Frankly, people’s needs change over time. My personal opinion is that the acceptance of MLM has decreased dramatically. 

    Because it is possible to earn more in the affiliate sector than MLM businesses spending the same amount of labor and time. But before that, it has to be learned well. Wishing to help is appreciable.
    However, thank you sincerely for the valuable and objective post as well.

    With Regards,

    • Ranao, I could not have agreed with you more. Affiliate marketing is the best way to go and it will be around for a longer time. Most of my Team members find more success with Affiliate marketing as opposed to MLM.

      Working on a website to optimize for it to work is always better than working with people and hoping they work. Any business where you have to build a team to make money is a business model that needs work. 

      Your best bet is to keep your 9 to 5 jobs and look for overtime occasionally if you desire to make more money. Sorry that I have to say it as I see it. Talk to you soon my friend.


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