Commission Map Pro Review – An Online Training Program!

I am doing a Commission Map Pro Review right now because I just came across it. I thought, here we go again; another make-money-online training program focusing on affiliate marketing training.

  • Name: Commission Map Pro
  • Website:
  • Price: approx. $21 plus upsells
  • Owners: Jamie Lewis and David Kirby
  • Overall Rank: 4


Please keep in mind as you read my Commission Map Pro Review, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Commission Map Pro. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any opinions and conclusions may not apply to all persons or situations. So read this review in its entirety and you make your own decision. It might even be helpful to read other Commission Map Pro Reviews.

Commission Map Pro Product Overview

This new product was launched only two weeks ago, January 13th, 2020, so it has not made a big splash or impact just yet. One of the reasons it is getting so much attention is that one of its owners is a well-known internet businessman who regularly creates this make-money-online program.

Also, the Commission Map Pro is an upgraded version of the old Commission Map make online money program. The key to its purpose is that it is designed to train you in finding those weird and unique affiliate niches that offer high commissions.

Affiliate Marketing for Commission Map Pro Review

Those niches are also some of the most overlooked opportunities in the affiliate marketplace. The company’s web page states that users have never seen anything like this before, which is very difficult to believe since this is an upgrade of an earlier model.

If you can get past the extensive print on their website and the weird-looking guy in a white bodysuit in the advertising video, you will learn that you can make over $13,000 a month without really trying.

There is a lot of hype on the landing page of their website, and one question that comes to mind is if this program just launched, how can they quote such high-earning potentials and have success stories already?

Plus, you have to do a lot of scrolling through too large print, hype, and unrealistic sales figures to get to the button to purchase their program.

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The Good & Bad of Commission Map

The Good:

  • It is new, so there is a chance to make money
  • Interactive software
  • Training available
  • It is easy to purchase and sign up
  • There is a 30-day money-back guarantee
  • There is some help available

The Bad:

  • There are upsells
  • Support is non-existent
  • There is a lot of hype
  • You have to buy first before accessing anything
  • No guarantee of success.

Who is Commission Map Pro for?

According to their website, making online money programs is for everyone.

commission map pro niches

Beginning affiliate marketers can utilize this program to help them find those key niches that help them make high commissions.

It is also for those people who like working in non-traditional markets. This is their ticket to an opportunity that helps them live the lifestyle they want to live. Finally, it is for those looking for a second job to help them reach their goal of financial freedom.

Commission Map Pro Tools & Training

With the money you are paying, in the beginning, you are sent a box of CDs or DVDs filled with video training. The online training comes in 4 modules and covers a wide variety of areas any affiliate marketer should know.

After you get through the four modules, you can watch some bonus lessons to ensure you get all the information you need to succeed. Plus, you have the opportunity to buy five more upsells to get further training.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

Commission Map Pro Support

We can only take the word of other people who have either signed up or reviewed this product as we only made it as far as the checkout page. There is no access to its company you do not sign up and pay their fee.

All you get is a giant landing page that is a bit overwhelming to view. From what we have read, there is a support system through their ticket option, but once you have submitted your ticket, you may not get any help.

Many complaints have been recorded citing this lack of support, but those cannot be verified at this time. It could be that this product is so new that there are still bugs in the system.


It could be that the website does not provide any buttons to contact the company or lead you to a support page.

Commission Map Pro Price

When we hit the sign-up button, it sent us to a checkout page asking for $21.62 to purchase their product. This figure is different from what we had seen in our research. Those figures were placed at $12 to $18.18.

After you sign up, you are encouraged to buy five more upsells—the cost of those ranges from $47 to $297 without the discounts. If you get the deals, you are looking at paying between $27 to $147.

There will also be the cost of any paid advertising you have to do and pay any fees for any tools they recommend you use.

My Final thoughts

If you are a beginner in affiliate marketing or making money online, you may benefit from the training you receive. That training has some value and does touch on important internet marketing subjects.

Also, it targets unique and weird niches, which is something worth considering. However, you can always do that independently and not need to shell out hundreds of dollars to learn that strategy.

This is not a scam, but it is a program you should use with caution if you decide to sign up. Before you push their sign-up button, the hype on the web landing page and lack of transparency are considered.

Commission Map Pro at a Glance

program software

It is a software program that provides you with some training
It is not hard to sign up
Anyone can use this training to help them make money
Its sign-up fee is low
The purchase comes with upsells to buy
Owners are experienced make money online businessmen
It is very new and hard to evaluate

More About Weird Niches

One of the critical features of the Commission Map Pro software is its ability to find weird niches.

What is a weird niche?

Anything that is out of the mainstream could be a weird niche. For example, horses might be a good niche to get into if you blog about horses.

Could you drill down and make a weird niche out of it?

Horse Lane is a weird niche I came across without looking too hard. It is a horse gift ideas website. That might not be too weird, but I bet it is not one you would think of without a lot of research.

Here is another one, Send Cat Facts.

Send text messages to people about cats. Within two years, the website earned over $2k a month and sold for $50,000 on Flippa.

I am willing to bet you can find weird niches in just about any broad place if you do some research and drill down. They do not even have to be odd to be uncommon and possibly capable of getting into.

Commission Map Pro Review: Find Offers

So how does the software help you find offers?

It works by finding easy keywords that relate to high-converting offers. You can target keywords that people do not think about and then find affiliate products to sell around those keywords.

You then use the keywords in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Craigslist Ads, and social media such as Pinterest, Instagram, Linked In, and Twitter.

I see this as a beneficial tool for affiliate marketers, Internet marketers, bloggers, and anyone looking for ways to be in niches with less competition.

Final Thoughts

Do you like to run the software?

This has always been a problem for me in the past. Any good copywriter can write sales copy that makes it seem like anybody can do something if it looks simple.

With not much support that I can find, you need to be competent in installing software and then following instructions to use it. Otherwise, what happens is you buy it, you try to install it, it sets on your hard drive, you forget about it, and you waste your money.

I would be willing to bet this has happened to you in the past. However, suppose you’re ready to work through the installation and get it running. In that case, this could be a perfect money-making opportunity for affiliate marketers to get into weird niches or unique niches that have less competition.

Are you willing to do that? I give this a high rating because the opportunity to make money with it is there.

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PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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8 thoughts on “Commission Map Pro Review – An Online Training Program!”

  1. I definitely had mixed feelings about commission pro at my first encounter with the platform. I didn’t bother to read further at that time because I never read a positive review about it. your review is well researched and awesome. Now I can consider involving my time and resource on affiliate marketing as you mention. I heard of Wealthy Affiliate but did not go into many details. I will certainly now. Thank you.

    • Yes, benny, it is difficult to join a company that offers no support, I can believe that people fall for so much hype in this new internet stage, where you can do your due diligence and find about anything on the world-wide-web.

      Wealthy Affiliate has educated me so much about building a successful business online, and I know you would experience the same results once you go through the training and follow the simple steps in the videos. I will meet you inside the community. Talk to you soon.

  2. Well, you had me there for a minute, I thought I was going to discover some new mapping software I might use for mountain bike route planning. They gave it an interesting title. Thank you for this review, if I were truly looking for some affiliate training this review would have stopped me from pushing down the Comm Map Pro route. I think if you are being asked to pay something for a product there should be some support. If something demands payment it needs to offer value and apart from finding weird niches, I’m not convinced that this does after reading your detailed review. Thank you for putting this out there, especially with so little review data available.

    • Being a relatively new company there would be limited reviews. I hope that they would get some sort of support moving forward where people are paying for something. What raises a red flag to me is the upsells. Any company that focuses on money and little or no support is definitely one I would not consider joining, especially where there are lots of scam businesses popping up on the Internet daily.

  3. Very clear and easy to read review piece. I like how in-depth it went, offering readers new opportunities to break into affiliate marketing. People too often overlook those weird niches and they never realize what opportunities they are cheating themselves out of, as you pointed out. I’m sure if those who looked this over knew they could make an easy 13k they would feel differently about overlooking this program.

    • Nothing good is easy, and when companies show the big money one can make on the internet with little or no effort, is definitely a no-no for me. It has lots of hype and does not get to see what you are buying before making the purchase, that does not resonate with me, and will not with many others who going to take a look at this business model. I hope they make drastic changes to this business in the near future.

  4. Hello,

    I don’t think I would try Commission Map Pro. With no support, anything could go wrong and you would be stuck. Whether the software didn’t install correctly, the instructions not make sense or anything else goes wrong you would just be out the money with nothing to show for it. 

    I also don’t like a program that lures you in with a low price and then makes you purchase more and more upsells. It seems dishonest to me. I want to know what I am getting and what it will cost. 

    I guess it might work for some people but the whole thing sounds a little sketchy to me. 

    I am also concerned that you need to use advertising on social media. How much would the advertising cost? That could be a prohibitively high cost but you wouldn’t even know upfront how much it could be. 

    I will stick to a real company with owners we can see and talk to like Wealthy Affiliate as you recommend here. 

    Thanks for this review, it is interesting to see what is out there even if we don’t use it ourselves. 


    • Jessica, thank you for the feedback on this review. I really don’t believe that this company would set up a business, take people’s money and not willing to offer support. I hope the authorities step in and require them to make the necessary adjustment.

      Upsells send out a bad image, although it has proven that businesses make a lot of money because of upsells, their image would have a bad taste with experienced marketers.

      Wealthy Affiliate is the one I suggest to my audience because one can join for free, and if they do not like what they see, they did not have to purchase anything. This shows credibility with a company and trust to their members.


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