Coway MLM Review | Is Coway MLM A Scam Or Legit?

Are you tired of being scammed by MLMs? Are you looking for a legitimate opportunity where you can earn an honest living? If yes, then this Coway MLM review might be the answer.

There are thousands of companies out there that claim they offer a real way to make money through network marketing. The problem is that most of them are scams. They promise big commissions and high earnings, but once you join their team, you realize that you’re only earning pennies per sale.

You don’t want to get ripped off by another scam, do you? That’s why I decided to research the top MLM companies and share my findings with you. so let’s take a look at Coway in full detail and you can come up with your own conclusion.

Please keep in mind as you read my Coway MLM Review, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Coway MLM. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any opinions and conclusions may not apply to all persons or situations. So read this review in its entirety and you make your own decision. It might even be helpful to read other Coway MLM Reviews.

Coway MLM Full Overview

  • Name: Coway
  • Product: MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) Business Opportunity
  • Owner: Netmarble Group
  • Price: $0
  • Best For People who are interested in Multi-Level-Marketing Business
  • Verdict: Legit
  • Recommended: Only if you are good at recruiting people.

What is Coway?

Coway MLM Review - selling Humidifiers

Coway is a multi-level marketing (MLM)company based in South Korea. They are a part of Netmarbleshortly after acquiring LifeCare in 2017. The company was developed in 1989 and is now present in over 40countries.

Their products include air purifiers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air cleaners, air filters, air purifier parts, air humidifiers, air coolers, air heaters, air filtration systems, air cleaning equipment, indoor air quality solutions, air conditioning units, air conditioners, air purification systems, air purifier filter, air purifier filters, air purifier replacement filters, air purifier replacements, air purifier accessories, air purifier parts and much more.

As shown in the image above, they employ over 6,000 people in 2022 and generate revenues exceeding $2 billion USD annually. That said, the Coway brand is one of the most successful air cleaner brands in the United States.

How Can You Make Money With Coway?

Coway MLM is one of the most popular programs among people looking to start a home-based business. They offer a variety of different compensation plans, including bonuses, commissions, and rewards, depending on what plan you choose. you can also receive bonuses for recruiting others into the network.

This makes it possible for you to earn extra income without having to spend much time marketing your product. Their products are high quality and have been proven to work over the long term.

How Much Does it Cost to Join Coway?

The cost to become a distributor varies depending on where you live. In some states, such as California, New York, and Texas, there is no fee to join. Other states require a $2,500 application fee. There is also a $1,200 annual membership fee.

In addition to the initial fees, each month, distributors must purchase Coway products to receive commissions. These purchases vary based on where you reside but generally range from $50-$100 per month.

Is Coway MLM a Scam?

If you’ve ever heard about multi-level marketing businesses, then you know how difficult it can be to tell whether a particular program is legitimate or not. There are many factors to consider when evaluating any MLM opportunity, such as the size of the company, the number of distributors, the level of support provided, and the training materials used.

However, the main thing to watch out for is whether the company has already been sued for fraud. If there are multiple lawsuits against them, then it’s probably best to stay away from the company. In addition, you should check the Better Business Bureau website to see if there are complaints filed against the company.

Another way to evaluate a potential MLM opportunity is to look at reviews posted online. These reviews will give you insight into the experiences of other people who have joined the same program. For example, if someone says that they made money with the program but later found out that it wasn’t true, then you can assume that the company isn’t legit.

On the other hand, if no one complains, then you can safely join the program. So with that said, I can safely say that Coway MLM is a legitimate company.

Is Coway MLM A Pyramid Scheme?

Coway MLM Review- Is Coway a Pyramid Scheme

A pyramid scheme is an illegal form of business that involves paying participants to recruit new members. The goal of these companies is to make as much money as possible by getting as many people involved as possible. However, once the original group of recruits starts making money, the entire system collapses. This means that all of the money earned by those at the top of the pyramid is lost.

There are two types of pyramid schemes: direct sales and multilevel marketing. Direct sales involve selling products directly to customers while multilevel marketing requires distributors to sell products to their downline. When joining a direct sales company, you may be asked to pay a large amount of money upfront in order to get started. You might even be required to buy inventory before receiving any products.

Multi-level marketing programs work differently than direct sales because they don’t require you to spend your own money upfront. Instead, you’re paid a commission after recruiting others to join the program. With both direct sales and multi-level marketing, there is always a risk that the company could go bankrupt. That’s why it’s important to do your research before signing up.

The Pros and Cons of Coway MLM?


  1. High-Quality Products
  2. Great Compensation Plan
  3. No Minimum Order Size
  4. Easy To Join
  5. Customer Support
  6. Huge Potential For Growth


  1. Some Of The Products Are Expensive
  2. There May Be Some Disadvantages With Your Current Job
  3. You Need To Have Strong Sales Skills
  4. It Can Take Time To Make Money

What is Coway’s Product Line?

Coway offers a wide variety of products, but the main one is air purifiers. Their air purifiers are designed specifically for allergy sufferers, pet owners, smokers, and people with chemical sensitivities. They also offer smart air purifiers that connect via Bluetooth to your smartphone to keep you updated on air quality.

Their water filters are designed to filter out contaminants like chlorine and heavy metals from tap water. They also sell a line of “smarter” water filters that monitor water quality and alert you to changes. They also make humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and bidets, among others.

The problem is that many MLM companies charge way too much for their products. In fact, you could spend thousands of dollars on one product, and it might just end up being a waste of money. But what if I told you that there was a company out there that sells really good quality products at reasonable prices? Well, here is where Coway comes into play.

They make great products, but they’re also very affordable. You won’t find better air purifiers, water filtration systems, humidifiers, or even dehumidifiers anywhere else. And while their products aren’t cheap, they still offer a lot of value for the price.

Final Thoughts

My final thoughts on Coway MLM are that this company is worth checking out. While some of their products may seem expensive, they actually provide a lot of value for your money. Plus, they offer a high-quality product, which means you get more bang for your buck.

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2 thoughts on “Coway MLM Review | Is Coway MLM A Scam Or Legit?”

  1. Thnx!Is good to see that there is a good MLM company out there that does not scam people. But still, I will stay away from them because of their business model of recruiting people to increase your income. Most people fail in recruiting people into their business, which is why MLM companies have such a high failure rate with most members staying around for an average of three months.

    • Thank you for the comment and insight on my Conway MLM Review. It is difficult to build a full-time income by recruiting people into your business. You have to be really good to grow your downline while others find it very difficult, especially the newbies who now looking to make money working from home.


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