Free Traffic Exchange Website – Does It Work?

Depending on who you talk to, you will get different opinions regarding a free traffic exchange website program. As you will find in this article, there are good and bad.

Free Traffic To Website

First of all, let me say that free traffic exchange websites can increase visitors to your website when done correctly. Traffic exchange websites ask web admins to join their sites to receive traffic from other members of the site.

Many are free to join as a member interaction can lead to an increase in traffic for you.

Earn Credits with Free Traffic Exchange WebsiteEarning Credits

Once you have applied for their membership, you start to browse the sites of their other members. Looking at their website earns you credits.

These credits allow your site to view other members who surf on this traffic exchange site. As a result, the traffic in all the areas involved increases through these visitors.

This traffic enables your website to get free traffic. Free sites will give you credits that can range from 0.4 to 1.

If you upgrade to a paid membership, you can be entitled to bonuses, like extra credits automatically added to your account every month, banner impressions, and various memberships.

You can also get extra credits for referring the site to other new members. You can also get rebates for the purchase of credits.

With your paid membership, you can promote several sites depending on the level of your membership. In some cases can be as high as 100.

Every credit you earn on these traffic exchange websites ensures that your site will get a certain number of visits. You are likely to come across sites that complement yours during your browsing on this site.

You can increase the benefits of your exchange program by contacting these site owners and arranging for the exchange of links. This exchange can lead to several benefits once you have made an effort and spent the time to set it up.

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Taking Action

Traffic exchange can generate traffic to your website and is an easy way. It makes for a more involved way to pursue traffic.

You are being proactive because you can earn website visits today. Not tomorrow or six months from now like you would get from SEO or other forms of traffic generation.

Because the traffic you will generate for your site depends on the websites, you browse through. A traffic exchange program can bring a lot of initial benefits.

It is advantageous because it is a way of bringing extra traffic to your website that is foolproof. You then can reduce your ad spending or even do away with it altogether.

Viewing A Website

earning credits in traffic wave

You are required to spend a certain amount of time on every site that you browse to earn credits.

This is ensured by the traffic exchange site having a counter that marks the time you spent on it before you have moved on to the next.

When you increase your credits in this fashion, you enable your website to have a broader reach that can be more effective for whatever you are trying to promote.

You can sign up on several free traffic exchanges. Then use a multi-tab browser that allows you to surf all the deals from just one window. This is how professional traffic exchange surfers maximize their views!

Free Traffic Exchange Tips

Limit your exchanges to 5 or fewer. This will allow you to focus your efforts on advertising that can be productive.

Take time to build up credits. Persevere for at least a couple of months before you review the effectiveness of a traffic exchange website.

You can also advertise the other pages on your website. Your website can attract more traffic if you offer positive things like software or an ebook.

Put in opt-in forms to attract more attention. This way, you can get a lot of emails that can help you concentrate your selling activities on people who have shown some interest in the products or services that your site offers.

Your advertising can only become effective through traffic exchanges if you take the trouble to research Google to find out which of these exchanges have a high rank on search pages. Check the ranking of these sites on; as sites that are ranked high, there will be those with a large amount of traffic.

Joining such a high-ranked website will allow you to be present on the leading site. Be wary of reviews online as people often promote a program to earn a referral.

viewing your niche and coming up with one for your business.

Exchanges with many members are good but may not be suitable if they already have several sites similar to yours.

Prefer exchanges that allow you to place your website in a particular niche or category.

You don’t need to upgrade and buy credits to increase your ad spending budget. Stop using the site if you do not get results.

You will need to regularly monitor the traffic on your websites to assess their effectiveness. A traffic exchange website will enable your site to be seen by others.

Even if you do not get a substantial increase in traffic, you can be sure that your website is now in front of more people. They may get back to you if they need your website and what-if offers at a later date.

Remember that if you want your website to be successful, you must ensure that it is seen by a more significant number of people. Free traffic exchange websites can help ensure this, but be careful what links you advertise cause certain links can hurt your bounce rate in Google with traffic exchange.

traffic to your site

Affiliate links are better to use or a capture page to collect emails to build your list. Never use your blog post cause people would be leaving your post regularly while surfing, which would hurt your audience’s presence on your website.

And please do not spend all day on these services; more time should be spent building quality content daily and sharing your posts on social media. Use traffic exchange while traveling, eating, or enjoying a show or sporting event.

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12 thoughts on “Free Traffic Exchange Website – Does It Work?”

  1. Hello Bishop,

    I have been having problems driving traffic to my blog. I believe your tip on traffic exchangers can help me see positive increase in the amount of traffic I receive. Prior to reading your post, I did not know about traffic exchangers site. These kind of sites can be very important, especially for newbies like myself who are starting on a budget.

    What is the average time I will need to spend on a website to earn credits? Expecting your response, warm regards

    • Starting out, the best approach is to get the rhythm of writing content continuously, a minimum of 3 articles weekly. Traffic exchange you can use later on to collect emails. Do not use your blog articles on Traffic exchange. That will increase your bounce rate. Search engines do not like traffic exchange.

      People on traffic exchange spend too much time on traffic exchange to get people to sign up for their business, which is a waste of time, cause all the ones there have the same motive. I have used it to sign people on my list and it worked for me a little in the past 

      IIt takes about 15 seconds before you approach another website and about an hour or two to get some decent clicks. hope that helps!

  2. Excellent post and great post about Free Traffic Exchange Websites. I have been using lightweight exchangers, The exchanger lets you constantly surf and earn points with no interruptions, pop ups or frame breakers. The exchanger is a well-rounded application with a nimble dashboard that will get you earning your first points and receiving visitors to your website instantly!

    • Keepinn mind on the links that you use, because you can increase your bounce rate that can hurt your rankings. a free traffic exchange is best to used to collect emails, or promoting your affiliate links. posting your articles is not a good practice.

      Glad that you get one that is working. Would take a look at Lightweight Exchangers, if you have an affiliate link, please send it to me. Thanks!

  3. Hey Bishop,

    After reading your article about the way to Traffic Exchange on Website. I am new here and I have all my questions answered by you. I like the way you have to describe to do all things step by step. The way you describe thing even a 5 years old child can get it also. Guess what I am following you from the previous week and find you all article very helpful. It’s now a matter of honor and joy to read you. Thanks for sharing this and all of your articles.


    -Badhan Biswas      

    • Badhan, the reason I build this site is to help the newcomers and show them step by step how to build a successful business online. And those coming aboard is using it to build their business. Glad that you get value here as well.

      Feel free to bookmark this website cause I make weekly addition to this site on the things that are working and the companies that are legit and the ones you need to stay away from. All the best.

  4. Hello, Bishop and thanks for this post.  You have taught me something today that I didn’t know about.  I had no idea there was such a thing as “Traffic Exchanges” or what their purpose was.

    Sign up on a number of free traffic exchanges.  Would this not take a lot of extra time?  Question answered.  Your suggestions make absolute sense

    What would be the potential cost of being a paid member of one of these sites?

    One other comment.  I like the idea of getting credits for viewing sites that can be used to have more people view your/my website.  I can certainly see the benefits to sites like this and I will definitely have to check them out.  We can all use more traffic… Right?

    Thanks again,


    • Wayne, if you now starting out you should be focusing on content to your website on a regular basis. Three articles per week minimum. Once you start to get traffic through content marketing on a regular basis, about 5-10 daily, focus on building a list.

      Traffic exchanges can be used for building your list via a landing page. The average ones with little surfing can run you between $30 – $50 monthly, a waste of money on my part. the people that hang out in traffic exchanges need to know how to build a business and they need my help. They all have a business and all is being done is exchanging views for credits so that they can see your website that is given to them by their company.

      Most times they do not even look at what they are viewing, just waiting for the timer to hit zero so that they can go to another site to earn more credits. so although we know that we need to educate them, do not spend too much time there although it is free. The traffic does not worth it unless you watching a sporting event or walking in the Mall with your kids. hope you get this. Talk to you soon.

  5. Thanks, David for sharing this article on the free traffic exchange website. I have once heard from a cousin about free traffic exchange traffic but have never had the chance to search on it or how to go about it. But your article has explained it all and it has answered my questions on it. I will take the steps you mentioned in the post to get more traffic to my site. Thanks a lot. 

    • Happy that you understand my stance on free traffic exchanges. It should not be on your to-do list. Just keep an open mind that it does exist. You welcome.

  6. Hello David – Thank you for sharing your insights and expertise on traffic exchange websites. They sound very similar to safe lists, but instead of viewing ads, you are viewing websites. I have often thought of joining traffic exchange websites because it seems to be a win-win we all need traffic, but due to my limited amount of time, was afraid I would not have the time to browse websites to earn credits. The time I do have is spent on creating content and training. 

    Do you find them easy and not time-consuming? I have tried Safelists before, but pretty much stopped because I just didn’t have the time to earn credits from viewing the ads. 

    It sounds as if you are having some great success with this, so I may reconsider. Thank you for your insights. Much appreciated. 

    • Turner, your mindset and focus are on track. do not waste your time with free traffic exchanges. just keep in mind that they do exist and something you can look at in the future. they are a lot of entrepreneurs that spend all day surfing and not getting any results. they need to know the right way of building a website from scratch to be successful. Good luck with your content creation and training.


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