Best Gardening Affiliate Programs To Consider

It is possible to work in one of the 7 gardening affiliate programs and reach your financial goals. While gardening is a seasonal market, it still generates about 70 billion dollars in sales worldwide. What is out of season where you live might be in season somewhere else.

The affiliate experts may tell you to stay away from gardening, but with that type of revenue happening, you have to wonder if they want to keep that income to themselves.

It is best to keep your affiliate options open as you never know which one will strike gold for you. To find out about some of the top gardening affiliate programs, continue to read our article.

It has the scoop on the 7 you should consider representing.

7 Gardening Affiliate Programs

Gardening Affiliate Programs

Gardening may not be your type of thing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make money. Many people enjoy gardening as a hobby, and they need up-to-date information and products.

Plus, gardening happens all over the world. Helping people get a better food source or better flowers to sell can be very rewarding. Here are some top gardening affiliate programs you need to check out:

1. Seeds Now

If you do not like genetically modified foods or all the chemicals people put n their crops, this is a family business that shares your concerns. It has developed its own garden products and supplies so people can grow organic food.

To help motivate you, they provide you with a 25% commission on all the successful sales you help generate. That is a pretty good deal for not getting your hands dirty. Then you can receive weekly payouts through Pay Pal, so you do not have to wait for your money.

Along with that motivation, the cookie lasts for 3 months. That is a long time to make some great sales in the garden area.

To investigate further and sign up, click here to get their affiliate information. Besides cookies, they have good information to provide you and competitions to help you make sales.

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2. Earth Easy

If you want to work with a company that has some integrity, this may be the one. Its products range in warranty coverage, and some warranties go up to 50 years. That is security for your website visitors.

Also, they are a top green company that gets about 3 million visitors a year to their websites. This is a company that stands behind its products. Your commission is only 10%, but that still can earn you some good money if you make the right sales.

The cookie will last 60 days, giving you plenty of opportunities to convince your audience that this is the place to shop for their gardening needs. Use this button to get to their affiliate program and see what it is all about. The average order does get up there, so don’t miss your opportunity to grow some cash.

3. Succulents Box

Gardening Affiliate Program - The process

Cacti are special plants. They do not need a lot of attention, and they can bloom with some of the most beautiful flowers if you own the right ones. This company helps people grow their own cactus in their own homes and has all the products they need to do it right.

The only drawback to this affiliate program is that you will not get rich quickly from it. The products do not cost a lot of money, and you are only given a 10% commission. The low cost of the products may convince people to try them out.

The cookie length is not that great, but its 30-day time is an affiliate standard amount of time. If you are interested in helping people connect with their inner desert, then click here to see what their affiliate program is all about. A few dollars is better than nothing at all.

4. Gardener’s Supply Company

With this employee-owned company, you are partnering with a group of people who like quality and credibility. Plus, they work with millions of gardens every year, so you have a built-in audience to sell to.

Gardener’s Supply also offers seminars and other activities to help you learn the business and sell better. Even though they only offer an 8% commission and a 30-day cookie, the people of this company want you to succeed and are willing to answer your questions.

Once you sign up with this affiliate program, you will receive lots of materials to help you sell. The sign-up is at this button. With this positive influence having your back, you should make quality sales and get some income to boost your savings.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, so check them out today to get your foot in the door.

5. Hansen Wholesale

Hansen Wholesale has been working online for 20 years, so they know a thing or two about making online sales. They may not sell gardening tools and seeds, but they sell the equipment to help someone enjoy their garden more.

The company offers a dual commission split, with 8% coming from sales and another 2% from coupons. You would have to ask them how that coupon commission works. You may not like the commissions, but your first sale nets you $25 as a bonus.

Plus, you get a 120-cookie duration to make sure your first sale can happen. That is a perfect cookie length, and it should help you make money off those slow-to-decide people who need to think about it.

Click on this button to read up on their affiliate program. The equipment this company sells only makes gardens look better and be more enjoyable.

6. Sunnyplants

You do not need to represent a large product line to make money. This company does not have an extensive product line but what it does have keeps its customers happy. The seeds, cuttings, and plants should sell well if marketed just right.

This is a European company, but they do not put any geographical restrictions on their affiliates. Once you earn 50 British Pounds, you get your payout through Pay Pal. When you sign up and are accepted into the program, you will receive a 20% commission on your sales.

To get all the details, click on this link and read what they say. There shouldn’t be too much paperwork to get started, and the company has a worldwide reach, so your customers can come from anywhere they garden. The cookie is only for 30 days, so make your sales pitch good.

7. Garden Tower

To make money, you need to represent companies with unique ideas. This company has a unique idea as its towers help people with little space grow up to 50 different plants that can grow in just 4 square feet of space.

Gardening Affiliate - Sunny plants

With an average of approx. $350 cost and a 16% commission you stand to make a lot of money helping people grow a garden in their apartment. The 60-day cookie length is ideal as well. You have time to write good content and make some great sales.

There seems to be a two-tiered commission structure, so put them high on the list of your considering affiliate programs. Check it all out here, and don’t waste any time doing it. Vertical gardening is not a fad. It is a great way to garden when you do not have a garden.

Gardening Affiliate Programs Honorable Mention

Even though the title says 7 gardening affiliate programs, we could not leave this program out. It is another unique gardening concept seniors, and other garden lovers may enjoy.

Click and Grow- the unique concept is that this indoor system does it all for the gardener. Once everything is in place and plug it in, the technological advances provide the light, water, and food the plants need.

It is a smart garden for those people who do not have the time to garden. The good news is that this garden can work on a kitchen countertop. Your commission is 10% which is nothing to sneeze at.

Then the cookie lasts for 45 days. You have the time and the unique product to generate the sales you need to boost your finances. All you have to do is direct people to buy the product. That is after you sign up at their affiliate program headquarters.

Why Get Into Gardening Affiliate Programs?

One main reason is that people are tired of the types of chemical-laden foods they have to buy. They are looking for ways to do their own gardening and create healthy food for their families.

However, it isn’t just that. Even traditional flower gardening is taking off as people love to see beauty all around them. Plus, people like to landscape their homes and put in top furniture, bar-b-q grills, and other equipment so that their homes go up in value.

It is well worth looking into as there is money to be made in this affiliate program.

final thoughts

To some, gardening is just a hobby. But they still want the best seeds, the best tools, and the best products. You can help people work on their hobbies the way they want. It doesn’t take much to do it either.

All you have to do is sign up at one or more of the 7 gardening affiliate programs, and you can make money helping others enjoy life to its fullest.

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