How To Make Money Selling Gardening Products

That is why In this article you are going to learn how to make money selling gardening products. We are going to leave no stone unturned. You are going to learn everything you need to succeed such as:

  • How to spot opportunities within a few minutes.
  • How to write great product reviews and descriptions, so people buy
  • The top 3 proven ways of selling gardening products.
  • Everything you need to start selling gardening products.

And much more…

Did you know that the gardening products niche is a multi-billion one?

U.S. gardening equipment market

Image source:

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Let’s get started.

How to Get Started

The truth is a lot of people are worried that they don’t know where to start. And it is completely normal.

Here is the deal.

Before we get into any type of business, we need to do something very simple: Check if there is demand and if so, how much exactly aka market research. You don’t have to have a marketing degree to do it.

It all comes down to two things:

1. Understanding how many people are looking to purchase gardening products online (search volume)

2. Knowing which of those products people will continue to buy in the future (a search trend)

This brings us to our next point.

Market Research for Gardening Products

As already mentioned earlier, doing effective market research comes down to search volume and search trends. Let’s break each one down and show you how you can find niche opportunities in minutes.

Search Volume

In order for us to know how many people are searching for products within the gardening niche online, we need to do something called keyword research. A keyword is a phrase or question that you type in Google.

With the help of a keyword research tool like Jaaxy, we are going to type in keywords that best describe our market such as…

Ok, gardening products get a decent number of searches. Don’t worry if they are too few, the gardening niche is a huge one. We just need to get more specific. This is where our logic and a great tool like Google comes in, in case our initial keyword doesn’t seem to get enough searches.

So, let’s get more specific and try the keyword “gardening tools”

keyword research on gardening tools

Wow, this keyword gets a huge number of searches. Around 5833 to be precise. And it makes sense because one of the things we need for our garden are tools.

We saw earlier that the keyword lawn garden products showed up, which basically means lawn garden tools right?

Ok, on top of tools, what else do we need for our garden?

Let’s try garden accessories.

Google search on gardening accessories

And again, we see that garden accessories are in demand. Over 3000 people per month are searching for garden accessories. By the way, the green Great text that you see under KQI, means that the keyword has awesome potential!

KQI stands for keyword quality indicator. The keyword “garden accessories” has normal KQI, which means there is a healthy amount of competition for the number of searches per month that the keyword gets.

We also got some amazing specific keyword ideas from this simple keyword search, which we will get into in a few minutes. Now we need to check if the demand for the specific keywords “garden tools” and “garden accessories will decline, stay the same or continue to rise.

Search Trends

As we can see from the graph, the keyword “garden accessories” is a fairly stable one, with slight seasonality. When we compare it with “garden tools” the demand for them has nearly doubled since the previous year.

There is a huge spike due to seasonality, but we can still see that around August this year the demand for garden tools is almost 50 compared to 25 last year at the same time. Now that we understand that both broad categories of the niche have potential, we need to get more specific. This brings us to our next point.

What exactly is the niche?

The thing you need to decide now is which subject you are going to cover or choose a sub-niche within the one you’ve chosen. I think I have pretty much convinced you to go for the gardening tools niche, but don’t hurry. A lot of sub-niches popped up

  • Indoor gardening products
  • Organic gardening products
  • Gardening supplies
  • Electric gardening tools
  • Outdoor garden accessories
  • Fairy garden accessories
  • Discount garden accessories

When we typed in garden accessories, we saw that fairy garden accessories get an amazing 2700 searches per month with a normal if not low competition level. It is a great sub-niche of garden accessories. There was also a keyword for butterfly garden accessories. Do you see the pattern?

When it comes to garden tools you can also get more specific instead of entering the niche in the broad category of gardening tools.

Here is a list of different Gardening Affiliate Programs to choose from

Here are a few ideas thanks to our good old friend Google.

I just typed gardening tool and hit space in front of gardening. Each one of those keywords is a potential sub-niche. Now you can take one of them and insert it into Jaaxy to get a good idea of the niche’s potential Don’t forget what we talked about.

1. Find a sub-niche that has a good number of searches

2. Run it through Google Trends to see if the sub-niche is going to prosper or at least maintain its demand.

After you choose a sub-niche that is targeted enough and has a healthy demand and a growing trend, you need to ask yourself one question:

What problem am I solving?

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Let’s continue.

What Problem is Being Solved?

You, I, and everyone else uses Google for finding solutions. Whether it is a question we may have or a product we want to buy. Remember when we talked about how keyword research is market research?

If we analyze the different keywords and their Google results, we can get a good idea of what our market needs and wants. In order for you to be able to sell to your potential customers, you need to understand them.

When you understand their needs and demonstrate them, you gain their trust and become an authority figure. Authority and trust sell. That brings us back to why you should choose a sub-niche with enough potential rather than taking a shotgun approach.

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Start broad and narrow it down to your sub-niche. Are they looking for information?

Information like:

“best tools for gardening”,

“the most beautiful garden accessories”

Here is an example.

Let’s say (I haven’t checked the numbers) you chose the professional gardening tools sub-niche.

When you type into Google “professional gardening tools” look what questions (longer keywords) show up.

This 1 minute of research gave us very important information about our sub-niche. We now know that people who are looking for professional gardening tools care about the brand and want a list of the tools that professionals use.

Your site can maybe compare different brands of professional gardening tools and teach others how to use them, etc. Creating some online content around these topics/keywords/problems would be helpful and as mentioned boost your authority which results in trust.

And you need trust to do the following.

How to Get the Audience to Purchase

We briefly touched on the subject when talking about market research and how we need to help our audience solve their problems. You need to understand who is going to buy the product. You are targeting as much the buyer as the product.

Are they looking for a cheap/budget gardening tool? If they are, then they would probably be concerned with durability and price. If they are looking for a specific brand of professional tools, ask yourself why that brand is specifically.

Ok, it is made from great material, easy grip, and let’s say it is lighter than other products. Why should the buyer care about those features? What is the benefit that they are getting from your product having those features?

How important is this benefit to them from 1-10? Here is a great example.

The problem it is solving is that the customer needs it specifically for hard soil. Just look at the description below. The first sentence shows that the writer understands why the reader needs it.

The last 3 lines of text take the features and make them into 2 benefits “make short work of tough ground” and “while the finely sharpened edge cuts through any rogue roots” Now, let’s talk about the different ways you can sell your gardening product.

Gardening productsWays to Sell Gardening Products Online

There are multiple ways how to make money selling gardening products. You can use affiliate marketing, dropshipping, selling your own products, and many more. We are going to go over each one.

How each one is done, how they are similar or different from one another, the pros and cons, and the process of how to do it. Let’s start with probably the most popular one.

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are set up directly by companies and marketplace platforms. When you join the affiliate program you can refer people to the products available in the program through an affiliate link.

For each product that you want to promote you can generate a separate affiliate link that is unique to your account. The affiliate link acts as a tracking code that helps to identify that you are responsible for the sale of the product for anyone who clicks the link and buys after that.

So, let’s say you have created a blog post about the best gardening tools for beginners. After you list each tool, you can add an affiliate link where they can go and buy that product. And if they do, you get a commission.

Affiliate marketing is very popular due to the fact that you don’t need to pay any upfront fee to buy and store the product. You don’t have any responsibility for fulfilling orders and customer support as well. All is taken care of by the vendor of the product.

Here is how to find affiliate programs. In this case for the gardening niche. Just type in Google affiliate: [your niche]

How To Make Money Selling Gardening Products - Google search on affiliate gardening tools

Also, Amazon has an affiliate program where you can pretty much promote any physical product listed on their site. As you see in the Google results, there are plenty of affiliate programs. Always check the following before joining any affiliate program or marketplace:

  • Minimum payout
  • How long does the tracking cookie lasts
  • The reputation of the company behind the program, or the reputation of the affiliate products marketplace
  • That they have good quality products.

If it is a company and not a marketplace usually you can find the “become an affiliate” in the footer of the site. Also, before you are allowed to join you will need to fill out an application where you are asked a couple of questions.

Questions like why do you want to join, do you have a website, how many visitors your site gets, etc. For easy reference, below you will find some great gardening affiliate programs you can join.

The Best Gardening Affiliate Programs To Consider

Let’s move to our next money-making method.


When we compare dropshipping to affiliate marketing there are some similarities. For example, just like affiliate marketing, you don’t need to invest in inventory and you are promoting the products of other people.

However, everything else is different. When doing dropshipping your profit comes from the difference between what the products you are offering cost, and how much you are selling them for. You are actually reselling products.

But before you can start promoting the products you need to do a few things:

  • Find a good dropshipping wholesaler
  • Promote the product on various platforms
  • Take care of the whole process from taking the order/payment from the customer to sending the final order and payment to the wholesaler to package and send the product.

Now, let’s start with finding a wholesaler. Just write in Google dropship: gardening tools

Google search on dropship gardening tools

The same rules apply to affiliate marketing. Picking quality products is out of the question. It is a necessity by default. The real trick of the trade is choosing a good wholesaler. Do a background check on the wholesaler. You need to know more about their reputation.

Are they experienced?

Have they dealt with customer problems before, and did they handle them effectively? Are their wholesalers dropshipping fees acceptable, so that they don’t slowly eat away your profit margins? And one of the most important things is this: Shipping time.

As mentioned earlier you are responsible for the product arriving at your client’s front door. The vendor is working with you, yes, but you are the middleman who needs to coordinate the whole process. If you prefer as much control over your business and are ready to take on the responsibility, then the next method is one you will love.

Sell your own gardening products 

Here you are selling your own branded products. The good news is that there is no need for you to manufacture your own products. You read it correctly. You don’t need to manufacture your own products. All you have to do is find a supplier who sells brandless products and attach your own logo to them.

The process of sourcing and selling your own branded products on your site, Amazon, etc. is called “white labeling”. Here you will need to purchase the products first and then attach your logo before selling them. And just like drop shipping, you are going to have to manage the packaging and shipment. However, some wholesalers offer to take care of the labeling (as long as you prepare and send them the labels), packaging, and shipping for a small fee.

To find a wholesaler, just type in Google supplier: gardening tools

Google search on supplier gardening tools

Other potential methods of selling gardening products

Another source of income for your gardening niche business can be selling courses/education. Keep in mind that creating a digital course takes time and effort to create. Not to mention that promoting them takes a ton of effort and skill because usually, they are more expensive.

The good news is that the commission is 3-4 up to 6 or 7 times higher than physical products. If you are interested in selling informational products, especially in the beginning, it is best to start promoting other people’s products (affiliate marketing). In order to learn how to do affiliate marketing in the best way possible, whether it is for digital courses or physical products in any niche, click on the banner below where you can learn exactly how.

What You Need to Start Selling Gardening Products

Building a website on gardening products Whether you choose affiliate marketing, dropshipping, white-labeling, or providing gardening courses, you need to have your own website. Your website is where you will be providing useful content that answers your customer’s problems

Usually, it will be in the form of writing blog posts and sometimes videos that you upload on YouTube and then your site. When you are providing useful content, you can link to a product that you own and sell. if you don’t have the product available at the moment through dropshipping or white-labeling, you can always include an affiliate link to it until you do.

Promote gardening products on social media

Social media is an excellent place for promoting your gardening products.


How To Make Money Selling Gardening Products from home

Gardening is a hobby that a lot of people share. Whether it is on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest you will always find a group of gardening enthusiasts. Especially when it comes to giving your audience a 3D experience when it comes to your products, Instagram and Pinterest are absolutely a must-have. With YouTube, you can upload more educational, longer-type videos.

Speaking of YouTube, let’s continue.

Start a gardening YouTube channel

As already mentioned, YouTube is a great place for you to provide educational content in your gardening niche. Here just like your website you are going to be providing more content building your following, and occasionally recommending and reviewing gardening tools, accessories, etc.

There is another huge benefit of starting a YouTube Channel. The video platform is the 2nd biggest search engine after Google. If anyone is looking for a tutorial video, or anyone looking for a real personal demonstration of how to do something, then I bet you they are on YouTube. And just like Google, you can conduct very in-depth research and get to know your audience even better.

Join gardening social communities

Joining a gardening community is another great way to get to know your customers. You see in front of you real people sharing what products they use, like and don’t like, as well as what problems they have and what information they need.

After you pick up on a few common problems they have or products they praise, check Jaaxy for a detailed analysis of search volume. And if you have discovered a great sub-niche, then look at the search trend as well and go from there.

To find a great social community just type [ niche], enthusiasts

Ok, as we can see there are 2 groups that have a total of around 500k members. Also, have you noticed the description? These groups are filled with helpful information. If you pay close attention to the number of likes, shares, and comments some of them get, then there is nothing stopping you from generating amazing content ideas. Ideas that you know for sure your target audience will just LOVE.

Final Thoughts

There it is- how to make money selling gardening products online. I hope with this blog post you have learned a lot about selling a product online and the different possibilities. Leave a comment below if you have any questions, or would just like to share some helpful advice that we may have missed and you think others will benefit from.

And before you go, if you are still reading this, can I share with you something? If you have decided that affiliate marketing is your go-to path to online business success then keep reading. Here is the best affiliate marketing platform I have found where you can learn everything from SEO, and social media and some of the top affiliate marketing experts started from.

If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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4 thoughts on “How To Make Money Selling Gardening Products”

  1. Very nice article on a niche you researched and are making money from. Great steps you outlined too. You are showing us in action how to do it, I like that. I learn better that way. Very nice site too, I will come back here later. My grandmother likes to the garden so it will help her.

    • It is a very good niche and very broad, so one has a variety of products to promote. Most elderly people attached themselves to this niche because of their passion and the love for gardening. The process I outlined would work for any niche.

  2. I see the gardening niche is big. And I initially thought I could just have a site with gardening as my niche but now I see it’s too broad. I would like to zoom into organic gardening products. And I see there is a lot of potential in this one. I know which are the problems in organic gardening and I can help to solve them.

    • Yes, the gardening niche is a big and growing niche and there is money to be made if you follow my guidelines and do your due diligence by doing your research so you would know where to target and what is trending and in high demand. This is the reason I recommend Wealthy Affiliate platform to get started, plus you would have me and a community to help you along the way.


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