How To Learn Affiliate Marketing For Free

If you are new to affiliate marketing or perhaps have been around for a while, you eventually realize you need to learn more about it. You can pay for training or study how to learn affiliate marketing for free using available resources.

Of course, like anything online, if it is free, you will trade some of your time to do it. That is OK as long as you are willing to make your investment in the form of your free time.

So think about this!

Two of the best affiliate programs are Amazon and Clickbank. They are also 2 of the largest for several reasons.

I noticed that those two and other affiliate platforms do not have good training or education programs to help you learn the affiliate marketing business. Affiliate marketing is a business regardless of whether you view it that way or not.

To make up for this lack of training, there are many places to get help.

Where to get affiliate marketing training.

How To Learn Affiliate Marketing For Free training

A quick internet search will overwhelm you with articles and videos saying they will give you your training for free. Probably the majority do, and your hardest decision will be choosing which one to go with. There are two main options to choose from

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Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

#1. You can go to YouTube

Once you put the keyword ‘How To Learn Affiliate Marketing For Free’ in their search box, you will have hundreds of video results. Each one has its unique name and approach to learning affiliate marketing, and they all have their ideas to share with you.

Just be careful about the ones making a lot of unrealistic promises. Those are the ones that promise to take you from $0 to $100 per day income or higher. Also, be careful that you do not land on a free video, then try to sell you more training after you click on the video.

#2. You can choose an article.

If you have the time, you can check out the more than 20 million results, all offering to teach you for free. We clicked on some of those articles, and while they gave some free essential advice, it was not real affiliate marketing training.

These articles are only giving the tip of the iceberg of what is involved with having an affiliate marketing career. The drawback to both options is that they will not be there when you run into a complex problem you can’t solve.

Get The Right Free Training

The best advice we found in the articles we checked to help you the most is patience. This is the critical piece of advice that should guide your affiliate marketing career.

Too many beginners go into affiliate marketing thinking they will make big bucks as soon as they start representing a niche or a group of products. That is the first sign that someone will not make it in the industry.

Successful affiliate marketing takes time and a lot of hard work. Plus, you have to learn the different strategies vital to a successful launch and career. Being patient helps you understand those key strategies and implement them correctly.

Plus, patience helps you adapt quickly when the marketplace criteria change abruptly. Taking your time is the way to go.

Why Go It Alone?

It is possible to learn all about affiliate marketing on your own. There are enough videos and articles out there that, when combined, give you lots of information that help you navigate the world of affiliate marketing and be a success.

The problem is that it takes time, and those articles and videos do not always address your situation. Why make the same mistakes others have made? With the proper training, you can avoid those errors and become a success a little quicker than others did.

Look Before You Leap

They say that you get what you pay for, but that does not mean all free training offers are inadequate. It would help if you did your research before signing up for a free training program to make sure they are honest and give you the correct information.

Free training offers are attractive but watch out for the hype. That hype is to hook you into buying more products or getting you to click on their web page or video.

There is one platform that is outstanding.

How To Learn Affiliate Marketing For Free wealthy affiliate program

Let me say this. Make the best choices possible when you start. That lays a solid foundation to build your affiliate business.

It helps you make better decisions when problems arise. Be smart and be careful, as affiliate marketing is like a traditional business.

I will mention Wealthy Affiliate here because it is one of the best affiliate marketing platforms you can go with. This is a good choice for you when it comes to learning affiliate marketing for free.


Because it gives you the proper training you need at first, they also have educational information to help you grow as an affiliate marketer. Plus, you do not have to go it alone as they provide a ton of support for free.

On top of that, they provide you with two free websites that they help you build, and you can have them designed even if you have no design experience. This enables you to get started, and then you can get more into the free training or take a premium membership for $49 a month.

There are good affiliate platforms, but they do not offer as much as Wealthy Affiliate does.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

Wealthy Affiliate Earning Program

This is an excellent place to say I am an affiliate for Wealthy Affiliate. I get paid to refer paid members to the program.

How do I do that?

By offering a free training program. This is a give, and you will get an approach to making money online.

Wealthy Affiliate tells us that one will upgrade to a premium membership for every eight free members that join for the free training and two free websites. I earn a $23.50 commission on every $49 premium member I sign up for.

They do have a way to make money without upgrading as an affiliate. You can read more about that here.

Related Video on How to Learn Affiliate Marketing:

More On Wealthy Affiliate Training

Here is the 10-part training program Wealthy Affiliate offers for free when you join as a free member.

1. Getting Rolling.

This is your introduction to affiliate marketing. You will understand some of the basics of the business model.

As an affiliate, you will begin to learn about building your own business. This is what makes affiliate marketing so exciting.

2. Understanding How To Make Money Online.

To make money online, you need a website visitor to act. It could be to click on an ad, fill out a lead form, or buy something from you.

Sometimes, this becomes over complicated when it does not have to be. Once you understand how to make money online, you can move on to step 3.

3. Choose A Niche.

A niche is a segment of a market. This is the first BIG thing you are going to do.

You will learn for free how to identify a good niche. You will learn how to choose a place you are interested in. Most importantly, you will begin to understand a potentially profitable niche.

4. Building Your Own Niche Website.

Your niche website is your Internet real estate on the World Wide Web. You get two websites for free from Wealthy Affiliate.

You are going to build your first one. Of course, you will have plenty of help from the Wealthy Affiliate customer support team and other WA members in the community.

5. Setting Up Your Website.

Did you know you can set up a website in one click? That is done using the WordPress platform, which is also free.

Granted, this is not a full-blown website yet. However, you will be online and ready to develop your website as you go and see fit to do.

6. Getting Your Site Ready For Search Engines.

How To Learn Affiliate Marketing For Free SEO

Google is the search engine to pay attention to. They get 90% of all search engine traffic.

You will start to make your website Google-friendly. This will include search engine optimization or SEO, as you will see it called.

7. Creating Your Initial Website Content.

You are going to need some basic pages. You will also start a blog and add content to it. This will help real estate investors and other business owners who looking to build a successful business online today.

Is that something you can do? Is it even something you want to outsource for a reasonable price?

8. Creating Custom Menus On Your Website.

A website menu is just like a menu at a restaurant. The menu tells people what your website has.

It shows them how to get around your website. Think of it as a beginning road map.

9. Understanding Keywords, The Start Of Your Content.

When someone wants to find something on Google, they search for a keyword or keyword phrase. You want to know what these keywords are to build a website with content they will find useful or helpful.

Building a keyword list is what will separate you from other affiliate marketers. It is also what you will create content around.

10. Congratulations And Your Next Steps

Once you make it to the end, you can decide if you want to upgrade and take advantage of all the benefits Wealthy Affiliate provides. Because you have NOT given your credit card info yet, you can choose not to go any further.

Final thoughts

I’ve laid out how to learn affiliate marketing for free. I focus on Wealthy Affiliate because I am an affiliate for their program and think they have the best free affiliate marketing training online today!

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.


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