How Do You Quit Your Job? And What Process Do I Have To Follow?

There are no lifetime contracts in the world of employment, and sooner or later, the question of how do you quit your job will come up.

Maybe you are there right now, and searching for that keyword phrase has brought you to this article. Let me provide a few tips that should help you do it the correct way.

I’m also going to approach this article from one other possible avenue. That would be the avenue of people coming on the Internet looking for ways to make money so they can quit their job.

We’ll talk about how to quit your job from an employee’s viewpoint and from the viewpoint of somebody looking to make more money.

Give 2 Weeks Notice

This is just basic employment etiquette, kind of like having good manners. Whether you like your employer or not, you mustn’t burn any bridges behind you.

Giving two weeks’ notice allows them time to look for your replacement. It also allows you to take some time and finish up your job in the proper way.

I understand there might be times when you cannot, or should not, give two weeks’ notice. For example, if you are being abused in the workplace for one reason or another, leaving your job right away might be appropriate.

What if you have not been paid for work you have already done?

I certainly would not continue to work for somebody for free unless circumstances made me feel comfortable. I would be paid for back pay as well as my current time.

These are all things that you need to consider, but for the most part, giving two weeks’ notice is appropriate and expected.

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Quit Your Job In Person

You can quit your job in person or other ways, such as email, phone, call, or text message. Which is better?

The best way to quit your job is to write a resignation letter and deliver it in person. Let your employer read it, and then take some time to sit down with them and go over it personally.

This is more professional and can play a big role in helping you get a better referral from your current employer to your new prospective employers. There’s nothing to be afraid of here because you should have thought out your reasons exactly why you want to quit and feel comfortable with your decision.

It would help if you relay that to your boss, and doing it in person is the proper way to do it.

I suggest that you do a little bit of research on the Internet to write a good resignation letter. This will take some of the pressure off of you when discussing it in person because you should have all of your reasons laid out coherently in the letter.

It’s always good to use the sandwich approach in a situation like this. This means that you complement your employer and your boss, then you talk about why you want to quit, and then you end on a high note by saying how much you have learned and enjoyed working there.

Even if you’re not happy with your boss in your current job, now is not the time to express your displeasure and leave them a note. You never know when you may want to come back and work there again, and burning bridges is not doing yourself any favors along this line.

Working At Home

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Many people long to quit their current job and stay at home and work for themselves. This can be done by working for an employer from the convenience of your own home, such as telecommuting.

You can also do it n the form of working for yourself by starting your own business. If you have the entrepreneurial itch, this may be exactly where you are at right now in your life in terms of wanting to quit your current job.

You basically need to consider two important things here.

1. Money. How are you going to earn it?
2. Expenses. How much money do you need to cover your fixed bills and food and other incidental items?


I mentioned telecommuting. This is where you work for a company, but you do it from the comfort of your own home. is an excellent resource site for training on telecommuting and finding jobs where people are looking to hire someone to work from home.

These are real jobs that pay real money and often provide benefits. You need specific skills just like you would if you were applying for a job offline.

We are not talking about get-paid-to-programs such as taking surveys or doing data entry. Although those could be ways for you to make money online, telecommuting is a real job with a real boss and everything.

Start Your Own Business

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This is a solution done by thousands of people who want to quit their job and work for themselves every day. You must understand and practice due diligence before quitting your job and getting yourself into anything you may not be ready for.

Due diligence is doing deep research on a business opportunity before investing time or money into it. This is often a mistake that people who work from home make. Quitting your job and living comfortably at home requires you should take seriously and know the company and its track record.

Many home business opportunities do not cost very much money, so it’s easy to get into them, and you are not risking losing much money this way. However, you’re also wasting your time in many cases, and unless you have a deep bank account, it’s going to be difficult to miss paychecks if you don’t get your business off the ground and make it profitable quickly.

For this reason, experts suggest you have at least six months of income in the bank to cover all of your bills every month. This takes some of the pressure off of you in terms of generating a profit right away.

It also allows you to be more selective in the business opportunity you join. This should be helpful to you in becoming successful in the next 180 days before your bank account dries up.

I hope you have enjoyed and learned something from this article on how you can quit your job! So before you do all that and do not have a full income………

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