Want To Learn How To Get More Traffic On Your Blog?

If you are looking for ways how to get more traffic on your blog, you need to invest in SEO. Not necessarily money, but time to learn the basics.
The majority of your readers are likely to come across your blogs through popular search engines like Google and Yahoo or from social media.

Use web tools like Google Trends, Jaaxy, and Yahoo! Buzz Index to select keywords that will bring you more audience and also improve the ranking of your page.

Don’t shy away from SEO because it sounds like this mystical phrase only trained professionals can conquer. Search engine optimization is nothing more than making your blog search engine friendly.

Luckily we have WordPress to help us build and market our blogs with SEO in mind. With WordPress and some simple SEO strategies, you have nothing to worry about

How To Get More Traffic On Your Blog for better SEOHow To Ensure That Your SEO Campaign Is Successful

Search Engine Optimization has emerged as one of the most helpful tools for any business which wants to make its presence felt online. It can influence a business both positively and negatively.

When used wisely it will increase revenue and widen your readership and customer base. When used carelessly it will seem more like a waste of your resources because you will not get anything profitable out of it. If you want to maximize the results of your SEO strategy with your WordPress site you should keep the following tips in mind.

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writing content for your blog

1. Use Content Optimization

When it comes to the content area, where your actual content will be entered along with the supposed keywords, the Visual Rich Text editor is helpful.

It allows users to underline or bold, customize the fonts, upload images or any kind of other media, additional heading tags and hyper-linking to internal or external sites or pages.
Basically, it allows you to add content that can easily flow through the search engine tunnels. This does not take the technical ability to do.

2. Don’t Forget Your cPanel Hosting

Use your cPanel hosting to manage the amazing features offered by WordPress. Cpanel is a hosting control panel on your account page that helps its users to manage their hosting.
Even if you don’t possess the technical knowledge regarding hosting management you can pick it up quickly in your cPanel. After you use it a few times it becomes second nature.

3. Use the Right Themes

Any developer can create a variety of themes and plugins which can be used by a vast majority of the WordPress Community. However, you do not care about that because thousands of mobile-ready themes are already developed for you.

Most of these custom themes have current SEO standards, and as there are thousands of developers out there. You get the availability of already standardized SEO themes.
Some of them are paid and some are even free. You may want to start with a free theme and graduate to a paid one. Elegant Theme is a source of fantastic themes for sale. You can do a Google search for free themes.

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4. Use The Right SEO Plugins

In WordPress, don’t forget to fill out the meta description and tags for each post. Additionally, go in for premium SEO plugins like Premium SEO and Yoast to help you get better results.
Your WordPress site has endless capabilities that you can explore. These endless capabilities help your site to perform specific SEO functions. Buy in All-in-One SEO or Yoast SEO and just install the plugin on your site.

They do everything from telling you SEO tips for each page and post to suggesting to you the right keywords. You know the SEO fields to fill in for each page, including the meta title and meta description, making it easier for you to keep track.

Increasing Blog Traffic From SEO

Here is a simple strategy to increase traffic from SEO. Build a keyword list of words people are searching for as they relate to them of your blog.
Build your keyword list using free or paid research tools such as SEMrush.com or even Google’s free keyword planner. Use these words in your blog content.
Put them in the title of a page or post. Also use them in the content including the first and last paragraph, and variations of them in the body of the article.
Over time Google and other search engines will pick up on these words and you will start to rank in the organic results for them. Ranking for multiple keywords will do more to increase your traffic than anything else.

WordPress and Social Media

1. Readers share. The thing I have always liked about social media is the ability for my readers to share my content with others by clicking on social media buttons. You can use a plugin on your blog to make this easy to do.

Do a Google search for “best social media plugins to use with WordPress. I did that and this caught my eye in the results Google delivered: 10 Best Social Media Plugins for WordPress (2018). https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/best-social-media-plugins-for-wordpress/

Install one of these and let people start sharing your content. This is like having marketing employees without having to hire them.

2. You share. Don’t wait for your readers to do all of your work. If you want more blog traffic social bookmark your own pages and posts. Where?
Again Google is our friend. I came across this terrific page: 20 Places You Should Be Sharing Your Content.

When you share your own content you are giving a link back to your blog. When people click on that link your traffic just went up by 1 person. Do the math. The more backlinks you get from social sharing the more potential traffic you get from it.
The great thing is these links stay out there forever. This provides potential traffic long after you do the work.

Final Thoughts

Do not overcomplicate this. A combination of SEO and social media can give you all of the traffic you need to have a successful blog. All you have to do is work 🙂

And if you need my personal help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, and much more.

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6 thoughts on “Want To Learn How To Get More Traffic On Your Blog?”

  1. Thank you for the tips on getting traffic David. I know that getting traffic to your blog can be a challenge and you have given some great tips and basic guidelines in your post . I have been struggling getting good page speed load for my mobile pages and have switched themes a couple of times to try to increase my load speed. I was just wondering if you could suggest any free themes that are the best for mobile pages . Thank you  I will bookmark your site and check back .

    • Hey Rick, glad that you get some value here. Good to see that you are focusing on your website speed. something that Google looks at when ranking a website. Here some good WordPress themes to consider.

      Ultra, Elegant, Nimble, Landing, Atmosphere,Float.

      Keep in mind that the best theme is good to match it up with your niche. hope that helps and thank you for the comment.

  2. Hey there,

    I completely agree that All In One SEO plugin is one of the best plug-ins when it comes to SEO. There is paid traffic available as well but SEO is the best to go for when you’re a beginner to blogging or if you have less money in spending for traffic. It’s not like you’ll get traffic in a single night but this is something which requires patience and effort. I’ve been producing quality content for 2-3 months and one of my posts is on the first page of Google. From my perspective, concentrating on SEO and targeting less competive keywords can make you successful in getting free traffic. 

    Thank you for taking your precious time in writing this wonderful post. Love what you’re doing. 


    • Great Ani, glad that you get some value here and congratulations on producing quality content to get on the first page on Google. SEO is definitely the way to build a long term business, and you on target by targeting less competitive keywords to obtain better rankings.

      Thank you for the comment and good luck with your business.

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    • Rick, thank you for your comment and kind words. The training at Wealthy Affiliate is simple and to the point. And if you stay consistent the system would work for anyone.

      Good to know that you are building income streams and thank you for seeing the value that Wealthy Affiliate has and decided to take action by taking advantage of the yearly premium membership. If you need a hand with anything please let me know, I take this business seriously and I will do whatever it takes to see others have the same success. Talk to you soon.


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