What Do I Write About In A Blog?

Starting in business the first thing that comes to mind is what do I write about in a blog. One of the hardest things people face when deciding what to blog about begins with choosing a niche for their blog.

This is important because your niche is going to determine what your blog posts will be about in the future.

One thing you don’t want to do is have a blog that is full of all kinds of different topics and themes and lacks focus.

For small bloggers like you and I, this is the wrong way to go about blogging.

A better approach is to choose a theme and write articles that relate to that theme. You can see how I’m doing that here on my blog which offers make-money tips.

I chose to brand myself in this blog by adding my name to the domain name. However, I’ve got my primary keywords, and what the theme of the blog is about in my domain name as well.

I take the time to start this blog article with these tips because so often I see people who start off with a specific theme and in then end up going off in all different directions. Don’t let that happen to you.

So now that we have that established what do you write about on your blog?


Some blogs lend themselves to news posts better than others. This doesn’t mean you have to be scanning the newswires for blog post ideas as news is breaking in your niche.

One thing you can do is subscribe to Google Alerts for specific keywords that relate to the theme of your blog. You can choose to receive these alerts by email. Visit the websites that Google is alerting you on. You will see they have made an update with the keyword you want alerts for in it.

Often this is going to be news that is happening within your niche. You may want to create a blog post right at that point because the news is relevant to that specific moment.

Another thing you can do is start a swipe file and put the URL to that Google alert in it for future reference. These make for excellent blog articles because Google is the one sending out the signal, and they are still the largest search engine in the world. They know what people are searching for information on daily.

I like the new idea for a way to get content on your blog right now! When Google gives you an alert run with it!

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Big Keyword List

I would suggest you develop a colossal keyword list that has all of the words in it people are searching for.

Useful resource tools for this are Jaaxy and Wealthy affiliate free Keyword Tool.

I am always amazed when looking at keyword lists at all of the different ways people search for things online. These keywords can be the basis for you to develop subjects to write about in a future blog post.

Having a big keyword list also serves another purpose. Rather than targeting a specific keyword density in your blog articles use variations of these keywords in the body of the article.

This is very easy to do when you have a large keyword list. Plus, now that you know what Google says people are searching for you can use these keywords in your article knowing that Google is going to spider them. This can help you rank in the organic search results for these keywords in the future.

What Are The Big Boys Using For Keyword Ideas?

1. Google. Get a Google Adwords account and start using it for keyword ideas using the Google Keyword Planner. This makes sense because Google tells you what people are looking for.

Another idea is to build your own keyword list using Google this way. Do a search for a 2 or 3-word phrase in Google.

Go to the bottom of the page and see what else Google lists for you. Start searching for them one by one and going to the bottom of the search page and adding new words that come up. Over time you will build a big list plus it is the words Google wants to see.

Read my article What Is The Best Free Keyword Tool for more ideas!

2. Keyword Tool. The keyword Tool is mentioned often in Google Searches.

It is free, lets you build a list of up to 750 words, and is 99.9% reliable. Use this to get your list going especially for longtail keywords.

3. Ubersuggest. This a great free keyword research tool from Neil Patel. Use it to build a keyword list, find the top SEO pages, new content ideas, and backlink data.

Watch this video from Neil Patel…

Competitors Blogs

I like to be an Internet spy. This just makes good sense because you want to know what’s going on in the marketplace as it relates to the niche your blog is in. The best place to do that is to look at what your competitors are writing about.

You never want to take their content and use it as your own. This is a version of spamming that can get your blog into a lot of trouble with Google because they don’t like duplicate content.

However, what you can do is take these articles and use them as a basis to develop fresh content of your own. Again when you come across something you think would make a good blog article in the future put it in your swipe file where you can always go back and reference it.

What Do You Like?

One very basic approach to take when coming up with ideas on what to write about is just thinking about yourself.

What interests you?

What do you like as it pertains to the theme of your niche?

You obviously had enough of an interest in this niche to start a blog, so just write about things that interest you. When you do this chances are you will see that people find what you’re writing about is interesting to them as well.

The other reason this ties in well with a niche you enjoy is chances are you are always reading about, watching a video on it, or listening to a podcast on it.

As you do this jot down ideas and come back to them. You should enjoy writing about what you have a reference to.

Start A Swipe File

This is a technique I have used successfully for over 15 years now. By doing this I always have blog ideas on what to write about.

So what is a swipe file?

You can use these in all aspects of your online business. In blogging a swipe file is an example of writing examples, content ideas, videos to watch, etc.

Maybe it is a blog post you enjoyed and would like to create your own doing it in your own words and your writing style.

It might be a short blog post another blogger made that you could use to expand into longer content. Your own blog is probably full of posts that need some fresh content.

Social Media

Hang out on the top social sites and see what people are talking about is relates to your niche. A good source of ideas to write on in these social networks can include…

– YouTube. Today people use this as a search engine, and they’re a lot of great content ideas here.

– Discussion forums. Join discussion forums in your niche and look for the most lively threads. Often these are excellent ideas for blog articles.

– Twitter. This has become a way to see what’s trending on a particular topic. Follow the primary players in your niche and see what they’re tweeting about to come up with blog post ideas.

– Facebook. Of course, this is the largest social network site in the world with over 1.3 billion members now. Take a different approach and don’t just use it for fun, but rather use it for business. You’ll never run out of ideas on things to write about.

Blog Ideas Generator

Use the Blog Ideas Generator from Hub Spotto instantly to come up with blog ideas based on entering a noun into their search box.

I’m always up for new ideas so I entered “make money”. It returns 5 ideas including the idea of Make Money, Expectations vs. Reality. I have to admit that it is an article I would read.

If you are willing to enter your personal and/or company details HubSpot will give you 1 year’s worth of ideas.


When thinking about things to write about in a blog you now have the huge advantage of using the Internet never to run out of ideas. As long as you have an interest in, or passionate about, the theme of your blog you will find it’s fun to keep really up to date in all these ways.

If it begins to be too much, you can always outsource some of your blog writing to a freelance writer. You can even contact other bloggers and offer them a chance to write a guest post on your blog. Allow them to put a couple of links back to their blog in the body, and you will have fresh content without doing the writing yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions On What Do I Write About In A Blog

frequently asked question on what do I write about in a blog

What should my blog be about?

You will be deciding this when you choose a niche. This is the theme of your blog.

You are often instructed to choose a niche you have a passion for. Billionaire Mark Cuban: ‘One of the great lies of life is to follow your passions’.

I disagree when starting a blog. When your blog is on a topic you have a passion for it will never seem like work. This matters in the early days when you have few readers and are making little to no money.

Alongside passion might be to start a blog on something you are an expert at. If you are lucky maybe you can combine passion and skill!

What is a blog used for?

A blog could be for personal or business use. It might even be used for both.

Today personal blogs are more of a hobby. They might still be used as an online journal or just a way to keep in touch with other people in their own group.

Business blogs or just that. A lot of times they are started and used for marketing purposes. Many successful blogs are information blogs.

They write about things people are interested in, often times this could be problem-solving. The long-term goal would be to create an authority blog within your niche that people come to when they need information or advice on something.

The blog posts can be marketing in nature or just informational. However, the blog itself will be monetized with banner ads, text ads, and links to more information that would lead somebody to purchase the product or service you are selling.

What is blog entry?

A blog entry is a blog post. You type words in and hit publish. It shows up online and that entry is your blog post.

For a newbie, this is really exciting. The idea you can put something online without any technical knowledge is really cool.

The words are just part of what makes up a great blog entry. Do a Google search in your niche and become a blogger spy.

You are going to come across some really good blogs filled with text, graphics, videos, podcasts, banners, and so on. Striving to build a blog like this takes commitment to go way beyond just making a blog entry. However, anyone with a little determination and a stick-to-it attitude can build a blog like this for themselves.

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5 thoughts on “What Do I Write About In A Blog?”

  1. Those are great tips for getting a topic for a website. Finding a niche can be a demanding task for anyone in this business, then finding fresh content about your theme or niche is easy once your topic has been established.

    I like your advice about going with what you like. You are going to be writing a lot, and I do mean a lot, of content for your site so liking what your doing is critical. Otherwise you might not stick to it out of boredom.

    Good advice my friend


    • Randall,

      Glad you spent the time to comment on my site. It is very crucial that we write about our passion. Like you rightfully said, to get out of our boredom. Thanks again and good luck with your business.

      If there is anything going forward that I can help, please leave a message.


  2. Well if you are asking that question you really should of thought about an interesting niche before taking this blogging world on LOL.
    Blogging is easy – but only if you go about it in the right way. I have been doing it full time for 7 years now and it’s a great way to earn a living – but you really need to concentrate on subjects that interest you! 🙂

    • Chris,

      I could not have agree more. This is the reason a lot blog or business get started and never continue. People just do not know what to write about in a blog. This is the reason I decided to write this article. We all need clarity on what we should be focusing when adding content to our blog.

      With all the facts I have mention, and the ability to choose the right keywords for your business, you will see major results with your website and higher rankings in the search engines. Hope this helps.


  3. You’ve given some pretty nice ways to get blog topic ideas. I also agree with you in that people should be more focused on the real topic and not get distracted. I think writing conversationally helps. You can engage with the reader more naturally by writing as if you’re talking to a friend. It makes it more engaging and interesting. As for topic ideas, I usually look for questions that people are looking for answers to.


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