How To Make a Website with Google – with The Right Platform!

A couple of years ago I read about how to make a website on Google by using the Google Blogger free blog platform.

Their goal was not to save the $5 to $10 a month website hosting cost, but rather to see if they could get better and easier rankings with Google using their Blogspot platform.

I know from personal experience over the years that most bloggers are afraid if they use Blogger their blog could be cancelled. From what I understand that risk is there if you use blackhat marketing methods, or try to get a lot of backlinks that didn’t come naturally.

So was it worth it to them?

Here’s what they found out after about eight months of use.

Organic Rank

1. Rankings. They found no proof that Google favours a blog on their Blogger platform over a Word Press self-hosted or shared hosting platform.

Google seems to use the same parameters for ranking a blog post on its own platform as they do for anybody else. The big difference was in how fast Google ranks a post when it is bookmarked on Keen.

They would rank the blog post almost immediately. The problem with this is when people see a Keen ranking in the organic results they have to follow that back to your Google blog.

They have to take the next step of clicking on that link to make it to your blog. I’m not sure there are a lot of benefits from a Keen ranking from a traffic standpoint from Keen, at least not in competitive niches like I am in such as making money and affiliate marketing.

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making a website with Google - BloggerBlogspot Platform

2. Blogger as a blogging platform. they found this extremely easy to use. In my limited experience, I found this as well.

However, you will not have a static homepage. This is more of a magazine-style blog in that it updates with every new post made.

Most of the other features were pretty nice. You can see why 46 million people use this blogging platform.

Related Video: How To Create A Google Site.

Professional Template

3. Templates. There are many more professional templates available from Word Press than Google’s Blogger is using. They have added new ones and they are professional, but nothing beats a high-quality responsive theme from WordPress.

WordPress has both free templates and ones you can buy on a site such as elegant themes. You can also order a customized WordPress theme to get exactly what you want if you choose to do so.

One thing I have always thought about is if people may be turned off by the free BlogSpot URL and the template. In a services business that may be true, but for the most part, I do not think the average person even looks at the URL much anymore.

How To Make A Website on Google and monetize it

Making Money

Do you monetize your blog with Google AdSense? If you do Google makes it very easy to add this to every blog post through the use of widgets. You can customize those as well in terms of colour, size, and so on.

Another thing you can easily do with the Blogspot blogging platform is ad banners and text links. Of course, you can do that with Word Press as well. One thing I’ve noticed personally on a Blogger blog is how Google lets you build your list through them.

Customers can subscribe to get Google updates from your blog just by adding their email addresses in the following email box. The downside to that is you do not on the list, just like you do not own the blog when you’re using Google’s platform.

making a website with Google BloggerWould I use Google’s Blogger blogging platform?

In certain situations, I just might. However, I would be very cautious with what I did because I don’t want to put any work into a blog that Google might cancel. What I would do is save a copy of every post that I make just in case I was cancelled so I could go back and re-create it using paid hosting and Word Press template.

I kind of view it this way. Google is the largest search engine and they need to deliver high-quality results in the form of content to people using their search.

One way they can find that content is through owning their own blogging platform. To me, this means they really do want to rank Google Blogspot blog posts, but they’re not going to do it in the form of duplicate content, or low-quality content.

If you keep everything white hat and focus on quality, you’re probably going to be OK and you may very well enjoy using Google Blogger.

For that, you should probably write your own content, or use an outsourced freelance writer that runs their article through Copyscape before giving them to you to post.

Final thoughts

In the review of their experience using Google’s Blogger, they noted they were able to transfer their blog from Blogger back over to WordPress using Go Daddy as the host.

They mainly tried this because they wanted to see if their posts would rank faster and higher. They didn’t, at least in that 8-month period.

Unless they were bookmarked on my Google Plus account, and that’s what Google ranks, they saw no decent rankings.

I know any blog is going to need good-quality backlinks to all of the posts to see organic rankings. They felt at least now they knew their blog won’t be cancelled by Google so it will be more worth the effort to get the backlinks.

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4 thoughts on “How To Make a Website with Google – with The Right Platform!”

  1. Hi, David…

    Interesting post…From the title of this post, I was expecting some simple directions on how to set up a Google website using the blog website service they have.

    By deep-diving into the subject to show how effective using such a blog is for monetizing your work, you exposed much more, which is helpful and useful..

    I had always heard that the Google blog site posts will rank faster and easier, so the information you provided is helpful.

    In my case, I use Google’s blog service in a slightly different manner. It provides ancillary support for the main posts and sites I operate. It would be interesting to see if THAT provides any boost to the main site’s rankings…

    I have not tested to see if there is a difference, rather I am using the blog account as an additional communications channel to get the word out as widely as possible to the internet community about my posts…

    The idea is to write curated versions of posts made elsewhere, providing an embedded referral to the posts and websites. I get a backlink from the curated post, and it is not duplicate information, rather synapses of posts…

    Have you run into that or heard of something similar? I would be interested in your take on this, it seems you have a pretty good grasp of the SEO world.


    • Hey Dave, thank you for you comment and honest feedback and insights on making a website with Google. What it seems you are doing with website out your main site is what I use to do back then with Wix and many other websites and I am not sure if it did work.

      I would love to get more of your feedback and the outcome you are having. One experts told me to forget about getting backlinks, just focus on writing quality content with competitive keywords and you will be fine.

      I believe that quality contents and website engagement via social media is what is working today. Google Team is very smart and can detect what we are trying to do. Hope that helps.

  2. I did not know that google use the same parameters and google favors google plus for ranking. I think I should give more importance to that. However I just don’t have enough following so should I go on using it or should I gather some more following? What do you recommend for me?

    • Furkan, I have done it with certain article and yes they do favors you, I guess because they own google plus. The same as with Youtube.

      SEO is big business and you need to understand what they are looking for, and how to go about doing the things for better rankings.

      You should be building your following all the time but sharing your article on Google plus has nothing to do with how much following you have for SEO.

      So every time you write an article, fetch as google, then your social sites, especially Google Plus for faster rankings. Hope that helps.


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