How To Start A Beauty Blog – As A Full-Time Business!

Today we’re going to talk about how to start a beauty blog and earn money from it. The beauty business is a massive industry and there’s a wide range of products that you can make blogs about. We’ll discuss why this is a lucrative and limitless opportunity and the effective marketing methods that you can use.

How to Get Started

The beauty industry’s 2019 revenue is estimated to be $49.2 billion in the U.S. alone. A recent report suggests that beauty bloggers can earn anywhere between $1,000 to over $10,000 monthly. But that’s not all. There are also those getting a 6-figures income of over $100,000 monthly. I understand that you can be a little bit skeptical about these figures but these are revealed by credible beauty bloggers who have been blogging for a while and even those who just started a year ago. But let’s pause that curiosity for a moment and let’s do a little market research first.

Market Research for Beauty Products

Let’s try to find out how many people are looking up beauty products online.

Search Volume

We will be using the Jaaxy Keyword Search tool to help us determine the actual search volume of “beauty products”. Here are the results we’ve received:

the results of Jaaxy keyword research for beauty products

Based on the search volume shown above, there’s a fair search volume for the keywords “beauty products”. We’ll try to use a more specific keyword that people would use when searching for beauty products online. This time we’ll use “lipstick”. Here’s what we have:

the results of Jaaxy keyword research for lipstick

As you can see, there is more search volume this time around. Even the brand names are showing up with great keyword quality indicators that already give you an idea of what topics you can write about. With 10,000 search volume, you can make money selling lipsticks alone.

Search Trends

This time we’ll check the sustainability of beauty products by looking at their search trends. We’ll use Google trends this time and here’s what we have:

search trends for beauty products

Based on the graph above, beauty products remain above 50 in popularity. And it seems that it will be that way for a long time based on its history for the past couple of years.

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What exactly is the niche?

Beauty products are a vast term and finding the exact niche could be quite a challenge. We’ll look back at the keyword search results we have earlier. You’ll notice that there are keywords that people use such as “all-natural”, “best”, “new”, or “recommended” in searching for beauty products online. This already gives you an idea of what you can choose as your niche. You can also have beauty products as your main niche and use the others as your sub-niches. Here’s an example:

Beauty products – All-natural beauty products, new beauty products, recommended beauty products

Lipsticks – all-natural lipsticks, Urban Decay lipsticks, MAC lipsticks, Sephora lipsticks

While having several niches may mean more income, there’s also a risk of failing. You could feel overwhelmed and may not have the capacity to work on them altogether. On the other hand, working on a specific niche will allow you to focus on making it successful. This means you’ll have more time to do research and know more about it. This knowledge will help you in effectively marketing your product to your audience.

In choosing a niche, it is also important to consider a couple of things.

  1. Does it solve a problem? – Think about your niche and what problem will it solve. Remember that people usually look for solutions when they use the internet.
  2. Are you interested in your chosen niche? – Think about blogging as ongoing work. It will be very difficult for you to keep going when you’re not interested in your niche.

As we move further, we will talk about why a problem-solving niche is essential especially when you’re starting a beauty blog.

how to start a beauty blog - using the right ingredientsWhat Problem is being solved?

In general, beauty products are made to enhance a person’s appearance. As you can see this niche is already problem-solving as is. But let’s try to dig further. Think about how you use search engines to look for answers. Do you use a few keywords or type in a full question? Here are some examples of problems related to beauty products.

  • Where to buy beauty products?
  • The top cosmetic brands
  • Where to buy safe beauty products?
  • Online shop for cosmetics

These are just a few and there could be more possible problems related to beauty products. When you list them down you can paint a big picture of the common problems and what solutions your niche can offer to address them.

How to Get the Audience to Purchase

Perhaps the most difficult part of how you can convince your audience to purchase your products. To do that, you need to determine your potential audience first. In sales, knowing your customers will allow you to think of strategies on how you can sell the products to them.

Here are some of your possible audiences:

  • People who need makeup products for their daily use
  • Working men and women
  • People working as models, makeup artists, vloggers, etc.
  • Individuals with a skincare routine
  • People looking for beauty products that are safe to use

These people are your customers who might want to purchase your products. This is when you need to think about the effective ways how you can reel them in to buy. Here are some recommendations you can use:

  • Target your top potential buyers. Create solutions targeting the type of customers that will highly likely purchase beauty products. This approach not only saves you a lot of time and effort but also helps you earn more.
  • Provide honest product information. People would love to know what’s the real deal about some of the overrated products. They are usually costly but do they really work? You should do a little research yourself before you start writing and promoting them. In doing this, you also establish a level of authority and credibility of your content and attract more audiences.
  • Write more. When you become a blogger, you will need to create quality content and publish content regularly. You can’t reach out to more people if you post content and forget about it. You need to be active and always stay on top of what’s going on in your chosen niche.

Ways to sell Beauty Products online

Becoming a blogger doesn’t end with writing content but you also need to find ways to sell your beauty products online. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways how you can do that. Here are some of the methods you can try:

Affiliate Programs

This is one of the most successful methods to earn money from your beauty blog. There are many affiliate programs you can join. Once you’ve joined successfully, you will be sent a unique affiliate link for you to promote their products.

When a reader clicks your link, it will direct them to the brand’s website and will be able to purchase the beauty product you promoted. Generally, your income comes from the commission from every sale. But some affiliate programs are more generous than they also give incentives for just the clicks.

Google search for affiliate beauty products

Using Google, you will be able to find companies that offer affiliate programs. When you begin your search in finding a good affiliate program, it is important to consider the following:

  • It offers the solutions you need for your niche
  • Has a wide variety of quality products you can promote
  • Offers good commissions
  • Trusted brand
  • Several payments option

Some affiliate programs have a set of requirements that you need to meet before they will accept you. It’s good to check first if you’re able to meet them to avoid getting turned down. But other companies are more lenient in accepting affiliate marketers but may not offer a commission as high as those with strict qualifications.

Since you will be promoting their products for a long time, it is crucial that you look for companies that are well-established and has high trust ratings. You can take companies such as Amazon or eBay for example. Below are examples of beauty products being sold on Amazon.

using the right products to build your beauty blog


Another great way to monetize your beauty blog is Dropshipping. This includes managing your online store but the products you sell come from wholesalers. When a customer orders your product, you will purchase it from your supplier for a cheaper price and then ship it to the customer. You earn from the difference between your purchase and the price you set to the customer.

In dropshipping, you will take care of the orders, shipping, customer service, and any post-sales requirements. But you don’t have to manage the inventories since you get your products from your suppliers.

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Dropshipping and blogging are lucrative combinations. You earn money from managing your online store while promoting your store and the products you sell through your blogs. They both work hand in hand. You can also build an email list that you can use to send promotions, new products, new blog posts, newsletters, etc.

Google search on dropship beauty products

When looking for dropshipping suppliers, you can use Google as well. You can also use the checklist you have when looking for a good affiliate marketing company to guide you in your dropshipping supplier search. Ensure that when you make your first contact, you’ll be able to get a good deal.

Sell your own beauty products

The beauty industry may be a competitive market and selling your beauty products would be challenging. But people are always on the lookout for new cosmetic brands and love to be the first the try them out. If you have the right resources and you’re willing to take up the challenge, you can create your beauty product line. And since these are your own, you’ll be able to create a more informative and effective blog post to promote them.

Some people found their success by making their beauty line by simply using natural ingredients and putting them in attractive and convenient packaging. However, you can also look for wholesalers who can supply you with unbranded products and place your brand on them. In selling your brand, you will take care of all the processes involved in running the business from order processing to the shipping of the product. But some suppliers will also provide you with shipping services for a fee.

Google search on wholesale beauty products

In the same way, when you looked for affiliate and dropshipping companies, you can also use Google to look for your wholesale suppliers. Check if they’re a good company to work with. Remember that you will need a steady supply of products so it’s important to find a reliable company.

Other potential methods of selling

If you’re not into dropshipping or putting up your brand, you can also try other methods of selling. You can create short videos featuring your products and upload them on YouTube and share it across your social media accounts. You can include your website link to direct your audience to your blog post. This will help increase your website visits and potential customers.

What You Need to Start a Beauty Blog

Building a Beauty Blog Website

You will need your website when starting your beauty blog. There are free website builders you can find with user-friendly features to help build your blog website. Since our focus here is to start a beauty blog you won’t necessarily need to host your website. The free website builders have hosted services that already have features you can already use to publish your blogs. But you can also purchase a self-hosted website if you want to own a domain name and have more freedom in customizing and adding functionalities.

How To Start A Beauty BlogPromote your Beauty Blog website on Social Media

Social media is the best way to promote your blog site. With an enormous audience database, you can’t simply include social media. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter, all have massive audiences that are interested in beauty products and reading blogs about them. Some successful beauty bloggers simply focused on what people post on Pinterest related to their niche and create blog posts about them. In turn, they were able to build organic traffic and make money.

Start a YouTube channel

YouTube is as influential as social media platforms. You can create a channel about your brand or the products you’re promoting. You can show your audience how the product is used and even prove its effectiveness. You can also recruit an influencer to promote your products. YouTube live allows you to connect with your customers in real time and get more sales.

Join Social Communities

Being in social communities helps you to increase your online presence and directly connect with your potential buyers. Join the groups related to your beauty niche on social media. After joining, make your first post about your blog website or your beauty products following the admin rules. After that, ensure that you’re online and have notifications on so that when a potential customer inquires, you can immediately reply.

Final thoughts

I hope this topic can help you in starting a beauty blog. It could be intimidating for some people and that’s understandable. But there’s plenty of help if you need it. I can personally guide you in a complete training platform to ensure that you’re assisted on your blogging journey.

If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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4 thoughts on “How To Start A Beauty Blog – As A Full-Time Business!”

  1. Your article dealt with a very specific industry from the point of view of affiliate marketing, but I think it was a great general article on affiliate marketing in any industry.  Using beauty productions as a base, you have described step by step how to create a successful affiliate marketing business around any product, but then added the enhancement of a very much in the demand product industry.  I hope many would-be home business owners follow your steps and access this information to get them into marketing in the beauty industry.

    • Good to see that my detailed strategy can be useful for any business in affiliate marketing, cause the procedures are the same once you do your research and find what your audience is searching and the demands for your product. This is why most businesses fail because they fail to do there due diligence and follow the guidance that I have laid out in this article.

  2. The beauty niche is a niche that can bring a hand full of success and having a beauty blog is a very lucrative business idea. I am.not into the beauty niche, at least for now, but it is very educating getting to know how to start a beauty blog and then expanding it to a full-time business. Such a move, with the necessary things out in place, will definitely achieve a lot.

    • Blogging is big business, and if done right, anyone can turn it into a full-time job if built on the right platform. This is the reason I promote Wealthy Affiliate. this is by far the best online platform for anyone to have success. The support, tools and community outweigh anything that is available today for that price.


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