How To Start Dropshipping With No Money

Today we’re going to discuss how you can make a profit with zero capital. We’re talking about Dropshipping. It may seem impossible, but we’re going to walk you through how to start dropshipping with no money.

This guide will cover the things you need to know about dropshipping and how you can make it successful.

How to Get Started

Dropshipping is a low-risk business model where you can sell products to your customers without spending excessive money on capital. It has reached over $4 Billion in profit and continues to thrive every year.

Anyone would want a piece of that pie. There are many free e-commerce websites that you can choose to build your website. But before we jump to the nitty-gritty part, let’s do a little research first.

Market Research for Dropshipping

First, let’s find out the demand and sustainability of Dropshipping by looking at the search volume and the search trends.

Search Volume

In finding out the demand, we will need to determine the search volume. We will use Wordtracker to help us with that. Let’s check the results.

What the search volume results prove is that Dropshipping continues to be popular with many people. That means that the business model is an effective way to make money, as some successful sellers have already testified.

Search Trends

This time let’s check the search trends. By using Google Trends, we’ll find out if Dropshipping is a sustainable business.

dropshipping search trends- How To Start Dropshipping With No Money

For the past couple of years, Dropshipping shows an increasing trend and even reached its peak recently. Based on this graph, it seems that the projection will remain high and will continue to grow. This means many people are curious about Dropshipping, and this is possible because of how lucrative it is.

commission map pro nichesWhat exactly is the niche?

This is probably the biggest hurdle when putting up your Dropshipping business. It would help if you were careful in deciding what exactly the niche you will be choosing. While there are many niches you can choose from, it is important to find out the top-selling niches. Here are some top-selling niches and products you can consider:

  • Apparels – leggings, biker shorts
  • Home gym equipment – ab roller, resistance bands, dumbbells, weights
  • Bedroom necessities – bedsheets, blankets, mattress protector
  • Electronics – cameras, smartphone accessories, wireless earbuds, tablets, gaming headsets, gaming consoles
  • Outdoors – inflatable pools, pool floats
  • Others – sports shoes, reusable food bags, air diffusers

Perhaps you already have a niche in mind right now. It’s preferable to focus on one niche so you’ll have more time to work on it instead of having several niches which could be difficult to market. People will most likely remember your brand if they understand your niche. Moreover, when choosing your niche, you need also to consider the following:

  • Is it a problem-solving niche? – Your niche should offer a solution or solutions for it to be profitable.
  • Are you interested in it? – Dropshipping is a long-term commitment. You would want to choose a niche that you are interested in.

The next part will explore more about why you need to select a problem-solving niche and its importance.

What Problem is being solved?

The best way to decide on your niche is to look at it from a customer’s perspective. Think about how they look up for answers to their questions or how they look for solutions to their problems. In your chosen niche, what problem is being solved? Below are some examples based on the top-selling products we enlisted before:

  • Where to find leggings on sale?
  • What is the best camera for making videos?
  • How to choose the right weights?

After listing down the common questions or problems related to your chosen niche, you’ll be able to work on the solutions your Dropshipping store can offer.

How to Get the Audience to Purchase

By now, you already have your niche and the solutions you can offer. We’ve come to the part where we’ll find out how to get the audience to purchase your products.

Before that, let’s think about who is your possible audience first, and we’ll use one example from our top-selling products list.

How To Start Dropshipping With No Money - purchasing power in dropshipping
  • Niche: Bedroom necessities
  • Product: Blankets

Your possible audience could be the following:

  • People who need blankets like fleece blankets or weighted blankets
  • People who reside in cold regions
  • Businesses such as hotels, inns, bed and breakfasts, motels, etc.

After identifying your possible audience, you can then think about how to make them purchase your products. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Target your top buyers – These are the customers who are most likely to buy your products. With this approach, you’re able to provide more solutions and offers they need. This is a repeat process that will be more effective when you already have a running Dropshipping store. Most e-commerce platforms can provide you with reports that will show you who your top buyers are. It will then allow you to target customers more effectively.
  • Provide complete details of your products – When posting your products, ensure that you have provided the necessary details that your customers would look for. Incomplete information would generally cause your customers to lose interest and move on to another seller.
  • Write blogs – This is a good way to promote your Dropshipping store and your products. Suppose you’re not a writer. You can always tap on some to do the writing job for you. Ensure that they are quality and will provide interesting insights about your brand and the products you sell.

affiliate MarketingWays to sell with Dropshipping

This part is also important to help your online store become successful. We will now find out the ways to sell with Dropshipping.

Some of these methods may not be feasible for you based on their availability and your resources. Let’s look at the methods you can use:

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are a great way to make your online store and your products known. You will have more hands in marketing your business and ultimately getting more leads and sales.

One example is Shopify which supports creating an affiliate marketing program for your store. By vising the Shopify app store, you will find free apps to help you with affiliate marketing.

Even your customer can be invited to sign up for your affiliate program. You assign a unique link to your affiliates, and when a customer makes a purchase using that link, they earn a commission from the sale.

your affiliate shopify app store

If you’re not using Shopify, you can also search for free affiliate marketing apps using Google search.

Google search for free affiliate marketing app for dropshipping - How To Start Dropshipping With No Money

When looking for a free affiliate marketing app, ensure that it will integrate with your e-commerce website without any issues. You also would want to look for apps with easy affiliate management features such as performance management and reports.

Sell your own products.

If you have the resources and skills, you can manufacture and sell your products. Customers also love unique items that can only find in your store. You can set your price as well since you have little or no competition.

Otherwise, you can try to look for a wholesaler with the products you would like to sell. They can place your brand on the product and also ship it directly to the customer for free.

Google search on wholesale free shipping

You can use Google search to look for wholesalers that offer free shipping and even no membership fees. When choosing your wholesaler, select a trusted company that can offer reasonable delivery times.

Please make your first contact productive by talking directly with someone who can offer you better prices and provide you with free samples of their products to test out first.

Other potential methods of selling products

Another method of selling your products is making short videos or tutorials. Some free tools and apps are specially developed for marketing. You can upload these videos to your online store, social media platforms, or your YouTube channel.

building a website for your dropshipping businessWhat You Need to Start Selling with Dropshipping

Building a website

Most e-commerce platforms enable you to build your Dropshipping website fast and free. Some free or free trial e-commerce website builders are Shopify, Weebly, WooCommerce, Webstarts, Mozello, and many more. There are many free themes you can use to enhance the appearance of your store. You can then upload your products, blogs, and videos to launch your Dropshipping business.

Promote on social media

Social media is a great way to promote your store and your products without having to spend a dime. For example, you can create a Facebook page for your business at no cost. Then create a post about your online store and the products you’re selling, and then share these posts to start getting customers and possibly making a sale.

Start a YouTube channel.

YouTube is another way to promote your business without having to pay for anything. You can create your business channel and upload videos promoting your products. You can also try to look for an influencer friend with substantial followers who would love to do this for you for free.

Join social communities

This is a more targeted strategy for marketing your brand and getting more customers. You can join social communities that are related to your niche. Generally, people who become members of these groups share the same interest.

A good way to start is to comment on posts that need solutions that you can offer. When people from the group expressed their interest, you can send messages directing them to your website.

Final thoughts

Lastly, we’d like to say that the Dropshipping business requires plenty of time and hard work. While starting it with no capital is possible, it also means that you need to be more resourceful. Concerning that, we have a complete solution for you.

You can get training and guidance for your Dropshipping business. You will also receive professional advice, social media, and SEO assistance which is very important for success.

If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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2 thoughts on “How To Start Dropshipping With No Money”

  1. Thank you for introducing me to the concept of dropshipping which is explained in a clear and helpful way that has me interested. As you describe the trends seem to be very positive. I notice that you also recommend Wealthy Affiliate as a way to earn a sustainable income online.  How long have you been working online?  Do you think this is the way to go to earn a living wage by working online?

    • Trevor, people are making money and a full-time income with dropshipping, and they are using the Wealthy Affiliate platform to do just that. As stated in the trends, it is big business and is growing exponentially. If you do decide to use WA platform, I will be happy to work with you and help you reach your goals and beyond. 


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