Keala Kanae Review – Is He A True Affiliate Marketer?

Sometimes companies need to focus on the man or men behind their company. Those founders’ histories are important in understanding how a certain company operates. In this Keala Kanae review, we study the man, not his businesses.

The direction of the business depends on the man running the show. If the man is honest, full of integrity and character then you can expect the business to follow that pattern. If the man has less than stellar characteristics and likes to live life on the edge, then expect the business to be the same way.

The reviews seem split on who this man is but if his Awol Academy was doing so well why did he have to change its name? The history behind this man is not that great as he started with Empower Network then went to Project Awol then to Awol Academy and now it is named Fullstaq Marketer.

If everything is on the up and up why the constant changes in the name? This is a question you have to answer before you sign up and spend all that money on his courses.

What is Keala Kanae?

Keala Kanae Review - affiliate marketer

The personal history of this man is enough for you to bring out the tissues and shed a tear or two. It seems he came from a disadvantaged home and had no breaks sent his way. Yet he was able to attend the University of Hawaii and get a bachelor’s degree.

According to some information he spent 12 years going from one job to another and ended up so broke he was unable to afford his girlfriend a birthday present. Cue the violins. It was here that he decided enough was enough and he signed up with Amway.

It was at this company he met his future business partner Kameron George. Cue the band playing happy music. They decided to team up and create the greatest affiliate marketing education company of all time.

They seemed to have it right when they created AWOl Academy. Cue the violins again. But Awol started losing money and the two split with Keala Kanae starting Fullstaq marketer. A new name for the same old company he had been working with for 7 years.

Cue the band again and let it play happy music as Keala Kanae is on his own doing what he loves best- selling overpriced materials that everyone already knows about.

How Does Keala Kanae Work?

He seems to work with a lot of hype and generated excitement to help motivate you to buy his courses. He is not selling much of a product just an affiliate marketing education. One that he has been selling for 7 years until he changed the name of his company to catch other people unaware that his material is not new.

He starts with a free webinar but as some people have described it, it is just a sales pitch to get you to buy the more expensive products he has waiting for them. He seems to spend a lot of time talking about himself, his material possessions, and his wealth instead of actually providing constructive guidance that will help him make some money.

Some people like and respect him while others call him unethical, shady, and prone to misrepresent his products, exaggerate as well as leave information out of his lessons, etc. Those that like them say they turned their lives around by applying his lessons to their affiliate marketing business.

The people that like him seem to ignore that others have to pay $10,000 in order to learn how to make that $10,000 back in 3 months. The lessons involved there take up a lot of time cutting in on your attempt to recoup your losses.

Can You Make Money with Keala Kanae?

While some people claim that they have made money using the Keala Kanae system there are a lot more who say differently. While the initial webinar is free. You are led to pay $99 for the next step. Then after that, you are pressured into buying the next lessons that cost anywhere between $1000 and $15,000.

The only one making any money is Mr. Kanae. Everyone else has to dig themselves out of a big hole after spending a lot of cash on information they could get cheaper at other places.

Keala Kanae - can you make money with his program

Then if you like what he is selling, you can be an affiliate and help sell his materials for a 50% commission. At least for the initial package priced at $997. Good luck in getting people to shell out that kind of cash when they need it for bills.

Those that have that kind of money and can afford to part with it do not need these courses. If you apply his lessons to your affiliate marketing you will do no better than you would have if you got the same information for free. Except you would be $1000 to $150,000 richer.

Examples Of How To Make Money With Keala Kanae.

The only way we found that you could make money through Mr. Kanae is by becoming an affiliate marketer and helping him sell his old material to unsuspecting people.

We call it old as it is the same information he has sold through his now-defunct Awol Academy for over 7 years and the same information he sold through his Project Awol program.

Then trying to sell his materials will be a problem as there is higher quality information at a lot cheaper price on the internet already. There seems to be a lot wrong with these programs the only success stories people have had after paying for his materials is selling his materials for him.

Again the question arises if his techniques were so good why did he have to change the name of his business? There are flaws that we will talk about later. If you want to make money this is not the way to go about it except for Keala Kanae.

The Pros & Cons of Keala Kanae


Even a person can have some good points and some bad ones. This person is no exception to that rule. It is just that the good points seem to be more of a masquerade than anything real. Read the two lists and you decide for yourself:

  • He knows how to teach to hook people
  • He has made money through different online programs
  • He uses material possessions, which could have come from anywhere, to prove his success
  • His ads can be very effective
  • He does provide training materials
  • There is supposed to be a money-back guarantee (if you make it through a phone call with his coach trained to talk to you out of asking for a refund)
  • High commission rate
  • B+ rating with the BBB


  • Recycled materials from Awol Academy
  • New name, not new training materials
  • Very expensive to get access to those materials
  • Too many upsells to get the information you needed at the first step
  • Courses are not enough, you need to buy other tools to do your business right
  • He misrepresents everything and is not forthcoming in all his presentations
  • Focuses on paid advertising causing you to spend more money
  • Refunds are hard to get
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Any Negatives? Beware of Lawsuits

We have found no record of a lawsuit or lawsuit against Keala Kanae. Maybe he shuts down his programs and changes their name before anyone does decide to file one against him.

Keala Kanae Review - The ethics behind the man and his business

His unethical behavior and misrepresentations along with hype and unrealistic claims certainly set him up for lawsuits. Then there are the negatives that mislead people into thinking they only have to pay $99 to get the information they want.

Only to find out 2 hours later that they need to pay $1000 or more to learn more about affiliate marketing. That is just one of the problems that come with being involved with Keala Kanae.

The difficulty in getting a refund also weighs heavily on our minds as Keala Kanae makes it very difficult to get your money back. You would have to do some intense research to see the full picture behind the hype and picture Mr. Kanae presents to the public.

Is Keala Kanae Legitimate?

In spite of his providing the product he has to sell, we do not think he is legitimate. He is not in this business to help you become a success. Instead, he is in this business to make money for himself.

We do not buy that sob story of not being able to afford a birthday present for his girlfriend as there are many men in the same situation. They found less unethical ways to find something that would delight their girls.

Also what makes us suspect his legitimacy is that he keeps changing the name of his company. It looks like he is trying to stay one step ahead of the law with these moves. Then he is selling information you can get anywhere for a lot cheaper price than he is asking.

This is not revolutionary material we are talking about nor is it cutting edge. It is old information he has made lots of money on in the past when his companies were using their original names.

Final Thoughts

It is impossible to recommend buying anything from this man. There are too many questions and the answers just do not add up correctly. You would be better off finding a good affiliate program to work with as you would save a ton of money.

This Keala Kanae review may not be what you expected but then a man who does a lot of misrepresenting of his product’s capabilities can’t be trusted.

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4 thoughts on “Keala Kanae Review – Is He A True Affiliate Marketer?”

  1. Agreed, wasted a weekend on his boot camp that spent 2 out of 3 days dealing with tech support issues that weee supposed to be done prior to class. A ton of hype and zero substance. All he taught was how to build a funnel to sell HIS own products. Genius scam. He told all of us he’d give us double our money back if it didn’t work (I saved the email). That was BS too! I got what I paid refunded but had to send a very curt email to get that. Point is, this guy is a used car salesman at its finest. I cannot recommend to anyone.

    • Yes Dari, companies that give you all the hype about their business, most of the time, if not all of the time, is all hype. And Keala Kanae operates under that umbrella. Sorry to hear that you lost money and could not get it back. Do your due diligence next time before you shell out your hard-earned cash. If you are still interested in joining a business you can check out my #1 recommendation for free and I will meet you inside the members to help you out as you build your business.

    • Hi Dani. I signed up for the BLCwith Fullstaq a few days ago, but after doing my due diligence on Keala, I would just like to get my money back. Do you have a strategy that might work for me. If so, I would really appreciate it. You can call or text me at eight zero three 772-0210. Thank you!

      • New members are getting results with this platform for affiliate marketing. You can check it out for free to see if it something that you might be interested in. I will meet you inside the members area and help you get vstarted with your training. if you see that it is not for you, then that is fine as well. Click here to test drive your FREE account.


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