Modere MLM Products Review – Is Modere MLM A Scam?

To find out about Modere products, continue to read our Modere MLM Products Review and see what they have to offer you in terms of products and compensation.

One thing about taking care of your skin is that you have a wealth of health and wellness companies to choose from. They seem to be springing up almost every year. It takes good information to know which one you should buy from or work for and market their products.

Overall Modere MLM Products Review

  • Name: Modere Products
  • Website:
  • Price: $29.95 + up-selling
  • Owners: Robert Conlee
  • Overall Rank: XX out of 100

The most interesting fact about this company is that while it began in about 2014, it is not a relatively new health and wellness company. Its products have been around for about 30 years, give or take a few years, under the name of Neways International.

It is an MLM corporation which means you will have to pay to play and buy starter kits to help you get on your way to some financial success. With a BBB rating of B, the company is not bad when meeting the Better Business Bureau’s criteria.

This company uses independent representatives to called social marketers to sell their products through social media and other marketing methods. The company does not publish how many of these social marketers are working for them, so it is hard to say how much competition you will have when you sign up and start selling their products.

Modere MLM products Review - their facial creamWhat is Modere Product

The claim to fame that helps Modere stand out is that it sells nothing but clean products. They make a big thing about not using certain products as they dedicate a whole web page to listing those products they avoid putting into their health and beauty products.

Those clean products can be found in their collagen sciences, home care, personal care, and health and wellness lines. One piece of our research found that the company and products are so new there is not a lot of information about how well they work.

That statement flies in the face of other statements that state the formula used by Modere is the same one from their Neways days. Whichever it is, their products help with joint issues, skin aging issues, and so on.

They are well diversified when it comes to their product lines. Those product lines have some relatively inexpensive products, with the cheapest one we saw listed at $6.99 for makeup remover. Quite a few were priced over $100.

Their home care products only had one that we saw for over $50.

The Good & The Bad of Modere Products

No matter which part of the industrial world they are found, every company will always have some good and bad aspects of them. Modere is one of those companies, and you learn a lot about them through their good and bad points.

The Good:

  • Use social media for marketing instead of face-to-face selling
  • The company is very eco-friendly
  • Their products lack certain chemicals in their formulas
  • Products may do what they are designed to do
  • Easy to sign up

The Bad:

  • The company uses an MLM business strategy
  • You pay to play
  • Very competitive market
  • Lots of upsells
  • Poor training and support

Who Are Modere Products For?

This company and its products are for those people who thrive in MLM atmospheres. If you enjoy selling and making a commission, you will feel at home in this company.

Also, it is for those people who need to pick up some extra cash doing the work part-time or recruiting others to sell the products. Either way, you are going to be entering a very highly competitive and well-over-saturated market.

That means that you will need to bring your A-game to your marketing efforts or learn how to sell well very quickly. Besides your Modere counterparts, you have lots of representatives selling their products in this limited market space.

Modere Products Tools & Training

Our research found someone who said that the company does not have a great training program. They justified that lack of training because Modere is a new company and hasn’t worked out all the bugs yet.

Modere mlm products Review tools and training

That is a bad justification for two reasons. First, even a new company knows it needs to train its representative to get its sales up properly. Failure to provide for this is a red flag and poor business.

Second, the name Modere products may be new, but the company has been in business for over 30 years. They have had time to create a great training program. They just have ignored that business essential.

There is no excuse for Modere to be lacking in its training. The tools they offer are their starter kits which do cost you a lot of money upfront.

They also encourage the use of social media but provide few guidelines, etc. They do not offer any training on how to use those market areas effectively.

Modere Products Support

The same reason given above for lack of good training is also applied to their lack of support for their social marketers. The company does give out its contact information on its website, but there is no separate support section or guiding tools.

The fact that over 65% of their marketeers make less than $300 per year is evidence that the company is not interested in providing support to its representatives. In a tough, oversaturated market like health and wellness, good support would do wonders for the success of those social marketers.

The social marketers are basically left on their own and given very little help to get over the hurdles that come with MLM employment.

Modere Products Price

To get started with Modere Products, it will cost you about $29.95 upfront to get your foot in the door. That is after you fill out the form giving your personal information to the company.

After you complete those mandatory requirements, you are still made to buy a $399 starter kit. Of course, you are encouraged to buy the more expensive kits as the company makes more money that way.

Then there may be alternative sign-up options as it has been mentioned that the starter kits go from $49.95 up to $99.95 and more. You would have to sign up to find out the real cost of joining this company.

To stay active, you have to recruit at least one leg of down sells and those recruits must make sales or will not qualify for your commissions. You are also required to maintain either 150 Av points or 75 MP points to qualify to get your commissions.

Advancement is difficult, but the company offers lots of rewards and incentives to keep you motivated and selling your product. They have the usual bonuses, and there are about 9 different ones you can qualify for. Qualifying is the key term, and to do that; you have to be very good at selling and recruiting.

My Final Opinion

If you are working with MLM corporations, you are an ideal candidate to work with Modere. It has an extensive product line that helps people in their daily life and lets them avoid face-to-face selling by encouraging them to use social media.

Modere has been sued

However, there are a couple of drawbacks. Modere is a relaunch of Neways, which was caught defrauding the government. Its owners were given 2-year jail sentences.

The other drawback is that the company has been sued 3 times since 2014, once by one of its distributors. So, if you like risk, then you may succeed in working for this company. We wouldn’t recommend it because the former CEO of Neways is the current CEO of Modere.

Modere at a Glance

It is a new relaunch of an old company.
The company sells clean products that generally are free of certain chemicals.
Despite its newness, it has been in business for over 30 years.
They have a wide product line to sell.
The company uses social media more than face-to-face selling to market its products and gain recruits.
It is a pay-to-play corporation.
The compensation plan is full of requirements and is complicated.
The company’s honesty is in doubt, and it has been sued as well as convicted of crimes.

Modere Products Summary

This is a company that seems to be very eco-friendly in manufacturing its products and throughout its entire business holdings. They eliminated various chemicals to make their products safe to use on your body and in your home.

Plus, it has chosen the MLM marketing strategy to get its products to the consumer. They do this by using social media instead of just face-to-face selling. You have to pay to play, and the upfront costs may be a bit much for most people.

Besides that drawback, the company has built its foundation on a previous company that was caught cutting legal corners, and its owners were given 2-year prison sentences.

The former CEO still runs Modere. This should give you a pretty good idea of the character, integrity, and honesty of the new company. When you factor in all of the thousands of direct sales companies, you could join Modere with both eyes open.

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