MoneyGuru.Co Review – Is This Legit Or A Scam?

Money-making apps are everywhere online, and you may have come across a few like this MoneyGuru.Co Review. This app claims you can earn money from completing simple tasks that you can do on your phone. Is this legit? Or is the MoneyGuru.Co a scam? We will dig deeper into this app and uncover the truth in my review.

  • Product Name:  MoneyGuru.Co
  • Founder: Unknown
  • Product Type:  Data harvesting app, CPA network publisher
  • Price: Free to join
  • Best For Nobody

MoneyGuru.Co is an app where you can allegedly take simple tasks and get paid. You can earn as much as $5 from a single charge and earn commissions from your referrals. The lessons can vary from answering surveys to installing apps on your mobile phone. But there’s an ugly truth behind MoneyGuru.Co, and we will get to that in a moment.

  • Ratings: 0/100

Please keep in mind as you read my MoneyGuru.Co Review, that I am not a member or an affiliate of MoneyGuru.Co. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any opinions and conclusions may not apply to all persons or situations. So read this review in its entirety and you make your own decision. It might even be helpful to read other MoneyGuru.Co Reviews.

What is MoneyGuru.Co?

MoneyGuru.Co boasts they are the # 1 app install affiliate network that claims that they will pay you for doing simple tasks using your mobile phone or tablet. They also claim they will pay you $10 for simply signing up and $5 for each person you invite to join MoneyGuru.Co and complete tasks as well.

The tasks that MoneyGuru.Co offers are:

  • Install and review – You will install an app, use it for about 30 seconds and then rate the app on MoneyGuru.Co’s website.
  • Instant tasks – You will provide your phone number and email address then the instructions will be displayed upon the start of the task.
  • Survey – You need to answer a quick survey about the advertiser’s product.

On their website, MoneyGuru.Co says that they have paid over $44 million to their 730K members since 2010. But just launched their website in June 2020. Unfortunately, the website says nothing about its owner or the team behind the company.

MoneyGuru.Co also has confusing business addresses. For example, their website’s homepage shows that they are in Amsterdam, Netherlands. But their customer service is in Melbourne, Australia. And on their Privacy Policy page, they offer another address in Utrecht, Netherlands.

MoneyGuru.Co claims they partner with popular brands such as Epic Games, Amazon, Norton Symantec, RedBull, Burger King, and McDonald’s. But I highly doubt this claim. These companies will not think about investing money in MoneyGuru.Co. They may not even have the slightest idea about MoneyGuru.Co at all.

They also have video testimonials on their website and screenshots of payment proofs. But regardless, I will now save you time and keep you from signing up because of MoneyGuru.Co is a scam. But don’t take my word for it. Continue to read on to learn why.

How does the MoneyGuru.Co work?

MoneyGuru.Co works like any other scam social referral app you can find online. They bait people to sign up by offering them generous pay and simple to-do tasks. Let’s take a look at how they MoneyGuru.Co works according to them:

  1. Join the MoneyGuru.Co for free – Provide your name, email, and password for your MoneyGuru.Co account. After that, they will direct you to MoneyGuru.Co member’s board.
  2. They will credit you the $10 sign-up bonus.
  3. Start completing tasks – listed on your TaskWall
  • $5 Task Wall – Some tasks may include providing your email address or your credit card information
  • Review Wall – Read MoneyGuru.Co reviews for $1
  • Refer and Earn – Invite other people to join MoneyGuru.Co for $5 and get 10% commissions from their earnings.
  • Social Media Tasks – Leave positive reviews about MoneyGuru.Co on social media for $10.
  1. Cash Out – Payout request. The payment options are PayPal, CashApp, and Bitcoin.

That’s how MoneyGuru.Co is supposed to work, but they are network publishers in reality. Their tasks are CPA (Cost per Action) offers. Advertisers pay them to complete specific actions or tasks from their offers.

MoneyGuru.Co will list these tasks on their website and have you complete them for them. So whenever you meet your jobs, you are doing it for the owners of MoneyGuru.Co, for free.

MoneyGuru.Co provides an easy payout process. You can request for payout, but they will never credit your payment method. Even if you receive a notification that they have already scheduled your payment to arrive on a specific date, that is just for show.

They deceive you by somehow assuring you with the information when you will be credited on your payment method. So you can wait, but your money will not arrive.

At this point, you may wonder about the payment proofs you saw on MoneyGuru.Co’s website, and the video testimonials you’ve watched as well. They look convincing. At first glance, MoneyGuru.Co will make you believe they are paying their members, but:

  • The payment proofs on their website are copied from other scam websites. They were edited to change the name of the company and the logo.
  • While the written testimonials may show actual people’s photos, they are models and find their photos in stock images online.
  • The video testimonials are done by actual people sharing their positive reviews about MoneyGuru.Co. But they hired freelancers from gig platforms. So they may not even know that they were promoting a scam website when making the video.
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Also, in MoneyGuru.Co’s terms wrote that if you are under 99 years old, you may not use MoneyGuru.Co website, features, and services. When you sign up, you agree to these terms. Therefore, if you are not 99 years old, you should not be using MoneyGuru.Co at all. This also means that you can’t expect them to pay you because you have already violated their terms by simply joining them when you’re not 99. Crazy.

But even if you’re 99 years old, MoneyGuru.Co will not pay you. They will claim that you committed fraud and will suddenly ban you from accessing your account, just like what happened to most of their members.

After requesting a payout, suddenly, the members got banned from the app and couldn’t log back in anymore. The next thing they know is that MoneyGuru.Co-accused them of violating their terms.

Some members have tried emailing MoneyGuru.Co’s support, but they didn’t reply. And I highly doubt that you will ever get an answer. The people behind these websites are too busy counting their profits even to bother replying to their emails. They will not move an inch since it was all a scam from the beginning, and they do not have plans to pay their members.

Can You Make Money with MoneyGuru?

No. Unfortunately, there are a lot of these online scams. MoneyGuru is part of a network of online scams like Cash Miracle and Cash Monster, which I’ve also reviewed before. If you are not careful, you could sign up for one and unknowingly work for free.

How To Make Money With the MoneyGuru.Co?

No, you can’t make money with MoneyGuru.Co. Unfortunately, no matter how many tasks you complete, you will not receive your payment. In the end, you just wasted time and effort.

The Pros & Cons of The MoneyGuru.Co

I know there’s no point in listing down MoneyGuru.Co’s pros and cons, but if you are still unconvinced that it is a scam, here it is.


  • None


  • MoneyGuru.Co will not pay you
  • The owners are unknown
  • The website is a duplicate of other scam websites
  • Fake testimonials and payment proofs
  • Downloading unknown apps may have potential viruses or malware
  • Customer data harvesting app
  • High risk of fraudulent charges, hacking, identity theft, and identity fraud
  • Endless marketing calls and spam emails

Any Negatives? Beware of Lawsuits review - any lawsuit

I didn’t find any lawsuit against MoneyGuru.Co, but I found many complaints from reliable rating websites. They have fooled many people to sign up with MoneyGuru.Co and work. The app tallies your earnings to entice you to complete more tasks. And when you request for payout, no money will arrive, not a single cent.

What’s more alarming is the tasks themselves. Most of the tasks will ask you for your email address. You may have used the same email address and password as what you’re using for your banking apps, Amazon account, personal email, etc. MoneyGuru.Co can use this information or sell it to hackers. Aside from not getting paid, you could face more significant problems later on.

Is MoneyGuru A Scam?

Yes, MoneyGuru is a scam business. And you should not waste your money investing with this company; You can check out my recommendation and the end of this post where you can join for free and see if it would be a good fit for you.

Final Thoughts

Since most of us would like to earn an extra income online, we get fooled by these money-earning apps. These apps go the extra mile to pose as legitimate websites, and they offer high-paying tasks to lure unsuspecting victims. Especially when the jobs are simple to do, and you can conveniently use your mobile phone to do them.

Scammers take advantage of our needs and, sad to say, many of us get deceived by them today. Therefore, it is essential to do your research before signing up for any money-making opportunities online.

Check the reviews just like this one to make an informed decision about whether you will join. Otherwise, you may deal with problems you could have avoided by doing a little research.

Scams like this poorly represent affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a legitimate way to earn money online. It is nothing like these scams. You can make a passive income in affiliate marketing and even build your own business.

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