Real Estate Investor Website | Here Is Why You Need One!

If you are in real estate, you need a Real Estate Investor website of your own to market and build your client today.

Is it a must?

No, but many of the reasons I list in this article could apply to just about any profession or field business is in. So, let me lay out some of the primary reasons you should have a website if you are a real estate investor below.

Real Estate Investor Website - learn how to make a websiteYes Have A Website

1. Credibility. Your website will often be your first point of contact with somebody who doesn’t know you or doesn’t know you well.

You can direct people to your website where they can learn a little bit more about you. This could apply to buyers and lenders, and other people you may be dealing with in the real estate industry.

2. Prove you are a business. Many people who do real estate investing do it part-time as a hobby.

Having your real estate investing website proves that you are a real business that should be taken seriously. A website shows you as more of a company than just an individual.

3. Add a blog. Have you ever noticed businesses from all categories now have a blog?

Adding a blog to your website is an excellent way to establish that you are an expert in real estate investment. Blogs are a quick way to update whenever you want to say something consistently.

Blogs are a form of social media, and you can tie them in with other social accounts such as Facebook or Twitter every time you make a new post. If you do not have time to write, you can outsource your blog content at a very affordable rate.

4. Lead generation. Real estate investors need leads just like any other business.

Having your website is a great place to drive traffic as a beginning point. You can then capture the contact information of potential buyers, sellers, or even lenders so that you can follow up with them at a later date.

You may even want to publish your newsletter weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. This can all start on your website!

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selling a home

5. Design Is Critical. I want to suggest that you use a professional hosting company such as Go Daddy or WA for less than $10 a month. Buy a professional domain name for $15 a year, and use a WordPress template to design your website.

There are thousands of free or inexpensive Word Press templates to choose from, and you may be able to find some that specifically have been developed for people in the real estate investing profession. In WA, they make recommendations, or you can ask experts or like-minded people like you and me.

This is not the wrong time to become an Internet marketing spy and look at other real estate investors to lay out their professional websites. You can pick and choose from several to develop your design ideas.

It’s vital that you keep it simple to navigate around on and professional looking so that you can capture the attention of experienced buyers and sellers. Potential sellers can give you their property information right on your website if you ask for it.

6. Flipping. Do you invest in real estate to flip it for a profit?

Having your website can become your listing tool. You can upload pictures, and graphics, do a podcast on a specific property, and so on. Nothing is out of bounds if it helps you move your properties, and WA can show precisely how.

7. Offer tips. I mentioned starting your email newsletter, but you can also provide recommendations on your website and blog. Education is key to building a list of people who like and trust you. Often, these are the same people who will buy whatever you are selling from you.

What kind of tip?

These can be simple things, such as giving people thinking about selling their house ideas on improving it, so they get top dollar. Provide tips to other real estate investors which could lead to potential joint venture opportunities with you in the future.

Do a weekly podcast and cover things that are topical at the time. The exciting thing about this is the website that can lead you in different directions to improve your real estate investing and help others, brands you as the real estate investing expert in your area.

                                                                 EDUCATION = SALES

8. Start a buyer’s email list. Beyond building a broad email list of potential investors, buyers, and lenders, you might want to start a specific list known as your buyer’s email list, and WA can show you exactly how it’s done.

This is where you can update people that are specifically interested in purchasing real estate and may want to buy a property that you have. I think these people are cash buyers because they already have money and have a specific interest in purchasing real estate you may sell to them.

You can also sell advertising to your buyer’s list to private lenders as an additional income stream if you choose to do that. In reality, your website can turn into a revenue stream from advertising as your number of viewers and subscribers grows, and WA will assist you with that. Who is WA? or What is WA? We are getting to that.

real estate

Final Thoughts

I said it at the beginning of this article, and I’ll close with this thought. As a real estate investor, is it a must to have your website? No, it isn’t, but I think I’ve laid out some pretty compelling reasons why you should.

If a website helps you attract top dollars, sell properties quicker, and open up more opportunities for you, because they’re so cheap to have today, there’s no reason not to have your real estate investor website.

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