What Is The Best Online Marketing Business That Is profitable?

What is the best online marketing business that is profitable today.? This is where you offer the services of online marketing to other Internet and offline businesses.

However, I think most of us who search for building a profitable business online are looking for ideas on how to start a business of our own selling products on the World Wide Web.

Let me ask you something! Are you crazy?

Don’t you know how saturated the Internet is with businesses already competing to sell things online? Why would you want to do that?

Ok, I admit the World Wide Web is not saturated, and there is plenty of room for you to join people like me who profitably market things online with our own online marketing business.

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Let’s talk about how!

What Is An Online Marketing Business - selling items onlineWhat Will You Sell?

There is no doubt the #1 obstacle to people starting their own online business is they do not know what to sell. Most of us do not have a product of our own and that is a problem.. or is it?

In reality, the Internet is the perfect place to start a business if you have nothing to sell. There are many great business models that allow you to get started with little to no money and be in a profit mode almost immediately.

1. Dropshipping. This is a way to sell products online without the need to inventory and track what you are selling.

Dropshipping companies take care of product fulfilment. They sell to collect the money and ship the products for you.

Your job is to find the products you want to sell and promote them online. There are many ways to market online where you supply work and not money for promotion.

A quick search on Bing comes up with 8 top dropshipping companies.

1. Salehoo
2. Worldwide Brands
3. Doba
4. Dropship Direct
5. Wholesale2b
6. Sunrise Wholesale
7. National Dropshippers
8. Inventory Source

How will you sell online?

One of the great things about dropshipping is you can put your products on a website that is provided by companies that specialize in just that.

A really hot company right now is Shopify. You can set up your own online store with a mobile-friendly website from Shopify. Other top ways to do this include Volusion, Big Commerce, and Sale Hoo.

2. Affiliate Marketing. Getting paid to promote other people’s stuff is how this was described in the early 2000s.

Now affiliate marketing has evolved into a multi-billion dollar business model where people like you and me can build 6 and 7-figure businesses quickly and profitably.


What Is The Best Online Marketing Business? Planning on what affiliate marketing to join

1. Pay per click. Join Google AdSense and get paid when people click on your ads sold by Google. Information websites such as a blog is a top strategy.

2. Pay per lead or cost per action. Get paid when your website visitor fills out a lead form or performs an action such as downloading software.

3. Pay per sale. Sell physical or digital products from affiliate merchants such as Amazon or Clickbank.

4. 2 Tier affiliate marketing. Recruit affiliates and earn money on your and on their actions.

5. Start your own affiliate program. Build your own affiliate network and let them earn your money as an affiliate.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

How hard is all of this?

Affiliate programs are free to join so that’s not hard at all. Affiliate merchants provide everything you need to market a specific product or service.

This includes ready to go affiliate websites, and marketing materials such as banners, videos, text link ads, and so on. Using the affiliate provided website is not the best route so that creates one obstacle right there.

The hardest part of any marketing for an online business is where and how to promote at an affordable cost. Social media marketing provides avenues where people can market online for free.

However, the fastest way to really start making money is to do paid ads with services such as Google Adwords or Facebook Ads. This requires a certain skill set, and a small budget to get started. It can be the difference between successfully marketing your business or not.

Fulfilment By Amazon

Amazon is a buyer’s search engine. 44% of everyone in the US has bought something from Amazon.

With that in mind, why not use Amazon as your own way to sell online? How?

1. Amazon affiliate program. You can become an affiliate for Amazon for free and sell the products they provide.

The upside is this is a great source for physical products if you don’t have one of your own. The downside is the relatively small commissions Amazon pays.

2. Amazon fulfilment program. This is, in my opinion, the best way to take drop shipping to the next level.

Find the products you want to sell, purchase them, and store them in Amazon‘s warehouse. Then market them on Amazon and let Amazon handle collecting the money, and shipping products.

They send you a check every two weeks. You focus on finding unique products to promote, and then getting them on Amazon.

being profitable with your online marketing businessA Few Words On Being Profitable

One of the best ways to become more profitable is to identify your business’s key activities required to make money. Then think about how you can do them better.

I can tell you right now you either need skills or you need to master outsourcing. In my view outsourcing is a big key.

People will do things for you that you do not know how to do, or do not have time to do. Check out Fiverr.com for everything you could ever need to be done starting at $5.

Final Thoughts

Unless you are a non-profit business there is no need to have an internet business unless you make money. The Internet is the greatest invention of all time for anyone to make money and do it in a cost-effective way. Hopefully, I have given you a few useful ideas in this article to help you do that.

So let us get started.

If you are interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, and much more.

PS: No credit card is needed!

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10 thoughts on “What Is The Best Online Marketing Business That Is profitable?”

  1. Hi David,

    It’s good to see you’re now getting results.

    I did try dropshipping once but that was nearly 20 years ago. I don’t know if it is easier or harder these days.

    Affiliate marketing sounds as if it would be more my sort of thing.

    Have you got an article about 2 tier affiliate marketing?

    All the best,


    • Julia, thanks for those kind words. It was a little rough at first but I guess the hard work and longevity decide to pay off.

      Drop shipping is much easier if someone don’t want to get in on all the tech stuff of building a website and optimizing it. The payment is a little lower than Affiliate Marketing.

      Here i touch a little on 2-Tier Affiliate Marketing, but not too much in details. https://davidbishopmakemoneyti

      Hope that helps!

  2. Hi there,
    Thank you for a great article. I am still learning the ropes myself and it is true that commitment is number one priority. Niche can be quite difficult too because we want result very quickly and if we do not get them we think that we chose the wrong niche. I had this period of time too.
    Love this guy’s youtube channel him and his girlfriend are very motivational.
    Best regards

    • Andrea, thank you for the comment and kind words. The best niche is always the ones that you have a passion for rather the the most that people choose. I will always choose passion over popularity. 

      Yes, Stefan James channel has some valuable information on how you can increase traffic to your offers. His videos has helped me tremendously. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Very much appreciated.

  3. Hi David
    Im building out an Amazon affiliate site at the moment, biggest thing is the commisions are quite low so I aim to target a variety of price points in my reviews and posts to help fill the gaps. Dropshipping is an interesting way of buisiness, what is the commision structure compared to their affiliate rates? Does it vary with the product catergories?

    • Hi Vaughn, Amazon commissions are low depending on the products, but there are high ones as well that you can target. I normally focus on solving a need rather than going after the commissions. This is a perfect site you need to take a look at and let me know if that helps. https://nichehacks.com/100-100

      Dropshipping is great and it do varies according to the product categories. Take a look here and see if you gather anything here. https://www.wholesale2b.com/ Thank you for the comment and your concerns.

  4. Hi David, Thanks for writing this interesting article about Online Marketing. I think drop shipping confuses me a bit as it seems complicated to setup the e-commerce side of business, but the Affiliate marketing sounds less complicated.

    There does seem to be alot of competition already on the internet. My main concern is how would I go about getting traffic to my website, as this would be the only way to earn an income. I watched the video and it was helpful information. There are alot of people on the internet how can I get them to my website and then to click on a product and buy it from me and not just searching online to find it cheaper elsewhere as most people do. Mary

    • Mary, thank you for the comment and concerns. when I was starting up I wanted to see traffic to my website and I know it would not be an easy task. So I went for the low competitive keywords that had a few traffic. Using Jaaxy helped me in this area. I was using the over 100 under 100 rule.

      I know I had to wait for Google to recognize my website, so I was posting frequently and consistently and trying to get engagement on my articles as well. I dipped into Bing Ads, and that started to bring traffic to my website and made me some sign-ups in my offer as well. That had me excited and wanted to keep on that trend while I find favor with Google.

      It may seem that there are a lot of people on the internet, but still there is room for more people to choose a profitable niche and become successful. This is where Wealthy Affiliate comes in. They teach exactly how to go about it in a systematic way to get your offers out there. Hope that helps!


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