Where Are The Real Online Jobs From Home?

Where Are The Real Online Jobs From Home? Not that long ago if you did a Google search for these jobs you ended up frustrated and possibly even poorer than when you started.


Because the results that Google delivered to you contained websites that were built by search engine optimization experts. These were people who sold information on how to find jobs from home or were promoting specific business opportunities.

Today that is not the case. Because there are so many opportunities for people to work from home with real jobs there is no need to purchase e-books, join a membership site, or actually start a home business unless you want to.

You can find real online jobs from home that you have to qualify for. This means you are actually working for a real company with real pay and benefits, and you must have the necessary skills if you expect to be hired.

Web Designer

It is much easier to build your own website from scratch using WordPress, and here at Wealthy Affiliate, they teach you step-by-step how to do that. So if you can do that for your business, other business owners who do not have the time would pay you to do exactly that.

Some would also pay you a commission or a monthly recurring fee to drive traffic to their website, something that you learn also at Wealthy Affiliate and the platform that they provided to boost your traffic and conversion rate.

The Bureau of labor statistics shows the national wage for web designers was over $65,000 back in 2016, with the top 12% earning an average of $120, 000. And a bachelor’s degree is not even needed.

A Freelance writer is Real Online Jobs From HomeFreelance Writer

Building a business through Affiliate marketing has become very popular, and Blog owners have to write articles on a consistent basis to build their brand and to get their website to be noticed on the search engines and throughout social media.
This has posed a great challenge to these owners and most of them do not have the time to write articles to post on their blog on a regular basis so they higher a freelance writer to do that for them, whether through a company like Upwork and Fiverr or through private writers.
This can be a great business that is high in demand and can very well serve as full-time income overtime. Sometimes when I am on a long vacation use these services so that I can stay consistent with my content writing. on one of my websites.
Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

Where Do You Find Real Online Jobs From Home?

When you do a Google search for online jobs from home you are going to find some interesting sites that come up on page 1 today. One that catches my eye is an article from Forbes which is a leading business site and is providing quality information they are not trying to sell anything to you as their income stream.

This is an article by Laura Shin titled: Work From Home: The Top 100 Companies Offering Flexible Jobs In 2014.

I can tell you right now this is the kind of information you can find on the Internet today with very little effort. If I was looking for jobs online this is the type of article I personally would want to read.

Real Online Jobs From Home can be a scam sometimes

There are others that you need to stay away from because there are all types of scams on the internet that promise you the world. These Scam Businesses will take your hard earn money and leave you with no internet skills or success.

Let me summarize a couple of things about it for you.

First of all, on the first page, she talks about FlexJobs.com. This is a paid membership site that gives you access to companies that are looking to hire employees that want to telecommute.

It used to be known as TJobs.com. The website and membership offer a lot. for $15 a month, if you are looking for real jobs you can do it from home.

When you actually get on the list you are going to see some of the major US corporations in the United States. There is a shift towards allowing employees to work from home and these companies provide a wide range of jobs you can do from home, both for the convenience of the employer as well as for yourself.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

What if you do not have the skills needed? Get them!

I am not going to beat around the bush here. The job market is changing in the U.S. and around the world.

Skills get in you the door. Hiring managers and human resource departments have literally thousands of people contacting them every day. The first thing to look at is whether you are qualified to do the job.

This may mean going back to school and actually getting a degree. Of course, you can do this online from the comfort of your own home.

The University of Phoenix is the most well-known school, but there are thousands of schools that now offer online higher education. A quick Google search will help you out here.

wreal online jobs from home can create a full-time incomeWork From Home

I am going to finish this article by saying that many people just want to sit down in front of their computer and work, but they do not have skills and do not want to get them.

OK, fair enough.

For this, I say look at get-paid-to-programs. Things such as…..

– Taking surveys
– Data entry
– Social media
– Write for content mill sites
– Fiverr.com
– Virtual Assistant

And much more…..

Relate video On ways To make money Online From Home.

You could even work for yourself as an affiliate marketer as I do! You are not paid a set hourly rate or salary, but you will earn money based on your performance.

You control your schedule and to a certain extent, you control your income!


First, you need to be educated on how to approach your online business, and you need a community that shows you exactly how that is done. Joining the Wealthy Affiliate Community is your best bet. There are experts to guide you along the way, and you have video lessons to help you build your website from scratch with your brand.

Not only you would interact with this community, but the owners of the company will also be involved when you ask any question. You have me that you private message at any time. This will have you focus as you go through your training and keep you ahead of your game.

Does affiliate marketing have a bad name?

No, and here is why. You have to join a community that you can work with so that you can get the training on how to get started and help you along the way till you succeed. That is the reason I recommend this company so that I can work with you.

My No.1 Recommendation

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

Working Online From Home - A Proven 4 Step System

See the 4 steps to working online from home & earn residual income

26 thoughts on “Where Are The Real Online Jobs From Home?”

  1. Hi there,

    Nowadays when you go online you see scams from left to right. You just have to really do your due diligence on finding the right platform for you in order to make money online.

    I have tried taking surveys for a side income. It is frustration and did not really give you that much money for it. I also tried Fiverr, but I find that building a solid resume is hard since I am very new to this internet marketing. I see other people resume outstand mine.

    I know that I can charge people less and build my resume on Fiverr but I do not want to waste my time for freelancing either. That lead me to affiliate marketing. I get to be my own boss and work on my time whenever I want to. I love the flexibility aspect of it.

    We will see how it goes. Thanks for your review.

    • Yes, is kind of a norm now to see scam business online. I get so many emails per day asking me to join. Even some of them take the time to make phone calls to join their business. Wow!

      You could build up your resume within Wealthy Affiliate, and learn all the skills to set up Gigs on Fiverr to earn some extra cash.

      Some of the successful entrepreneurs I know came from being a freelance writer. they just made a few adjustments by joining Wealthy Affiliate and start learning the SEO skills for better writing, and started to implement them in their writing, and started to use it on their own blogs that they build from scratch here at WA platform.

      Affiliate Marketing is what I always recommend to get started. So you are definitely on the right track. let me know if you need a hand with moving your business forward.

  2. Hi Bishop, like always, this is another informative post from you. The world has evolved well enough that the opportunities available to everyone online is massive but the only problem is the alacrity associated with the growth of scams too. 

    Sitting at one’s comfort to work is a dream for all but only a few are willing to input the energy required to attain success. I’m into affiliate marketing though I’m still a rookie with little experience its a very good way to make legit money. I took surveys, data entry, and freelance writing jobs but now, I’m solely dependent on blogging and affiliate marketing

    Getting worthy and honest information about making money online is rare these days due to the level of scams and schemes but seeing your Forbes suggestion makes me very interested and grateful. I will read that too.

    thanks for sharing this post

    • Freelance writing is a huge business, the problem with this is that these writers have no knowledge of SEO and how to structure these articles for SEO. Now you as a freelance writer who knows how to do this, cha-ching!

      Would you know what would happen if every time you write an article for someone, you take that website and complete the on page and off page strategies and they start to show up on the first page? Your Freelance business would skyrocket.

      the problem with this is that the freelance writer and the person you write for do not know this. from the keywords all the way through on completing the steps immediately after they hit publish.

      Need to know this/

      Join me In Wealthy Affiliate, and I will take you by the hand and show you exactly how it is done.

      The Forbes site should help if you are qualified in the area you choose. Hope you get through, and please let me know/ Talk to you soon.

  3. Your article is an honest opinion on the availability of jobs from home. Since my retirement, I have been doing some jobs from home. The best one so far I found through flex jobs, a subscription service you mentioned. 

    However, it was an editing job for a company in India and although it gave me the freedom I wanted the pay was very low. The problem with that job and others offered through Fiverr are that you are competing with well-educated professionals in third world countries who are bidding very low rates for their services. 

    If you want to work from the USA you are at a disadvantage. But the key, as you mention, is to gain more skills. Knowledge is the most important factor in working from home. I am currently taking free courses by adding website design to my toolbox. However, like you, I am currently trying to earn money as an Affiliate Marketer. It is not easy, and it takes time, but I am progressing thanks to the free training I am getting at Wealthy Affiliate. 

    • Hey Carlos, you are so right about the low paying jobs on these sites, but those jobs fit well for the people there. Some of them thank me cause they did not know it was available.

      As for the people in the US, affiliate marketing is your best bet once you first learn the skills. This is the reason I recommend Wealthy Affiliate to steer you on the right path like they did for me.

      All good thing takes time, and following the lessons and doing all the tasks is one way to get closer to your goals here at Wealthy Affiliate. if you need a hand, please let me know. talk to you soon.

  4. Wao, what a wonderful educative article. Thanks so much for this uncommon write up you have made. There are so many businesses on line you can do at home. Working at home makes boss of your own. You can advertise people’s product on line by creating a link or platform to market those products. As people place order on those products, you earn commissions on each products that is sold. You can also make good money on line by having a good write up on website. You could also make good money on line by commenting valuable comments on peoples write up. It was an excellent article. Best wishes!

    • Thank you for your comment and kind words. Once you build a website, there are Affiliate programs you can apply to become an Affiliate to market their products. Amazon, Walmart, ClickBank, just to name a few. Thank you for your input.

  5. Wao, what a wonderful educative article. Thanks so much for this uncommon write up you have made. There are so many businesses online you can do at home. 

    Working at home makes you the boss of your own. You can advertise people’s product online by creating a link or platform to market those products. 

    As people place an order on those products, you earn commissions on each product that is sold. You can also make good money online by having a good write up on a website. 

    You could also make good money online by commenting on valuable comments on peoples write up. It was an excellent article. Best wishes!

    • the good thing about these jobs it will make you start to take action. and by taking these action it is preparing you for your online business to get you up and running.

      Being an Affiliate Marketer would be your ultimate goal if your desire is to make a full-time income from home. learning the skills and building your website from scratch is the process you would have to take.

      Being a member at Wealthy Affiliate, they would walk you through the step by step process to get you there. taking action and being consistent is what going to get you the success you are looking for. Would love to help. thank you for your input as well.

  6. What a great post! I like the way that you write a detailed report of all the different ways one could earn money online, you have included trusted sources to back your information up. 

    I have to say that Wealthy Affiliate is the most trusted platform in the universe that has the tools and training that will take anyone from a complete online novice to an accomplished expert in online marketing. I am so glad I found Wealthy Affiliate because it has completely changed my life.

    • Thank you for the comment and kind words. Yes, Wealthy Affiliate has the training and tools for anyone who wants to build a successful business online. thank you for confirming that.

      Glad to see that you are a part of his platform, and it is changing your life to the better. Please let me know if you need a hand with business going forward. Thank you.

  7. Thanks for these great tips! I agree with you on everything you say especially that big sites like Forbes are sending people to downright bad information and making people think that you can get rich online by completing little tasks. Why Google ranks these thin value pages is beyond me, so I thank you for telling people the cold hard truth. Great article, will be back for more.

    • Thank you for the comment and your insight here on tips where to find the real online jobs from home. And yes, completing little tasks online do not make you money.

      Learning all the necessary skills and how to attract real customers to your offer is a learned process, that is the reason I always service like Wealthy Affiliate. Where you build your website from scratch, drive traffic to that site and monetize it to make continuous sales.


  8. Great article and you are absolutely right that most online work from home job offers is a scam. I’ve spent a lot of money on such traps, but it was a lesson for me. I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for five years, and I can say clearly that this is a fair and very valuable knowledge base for online job success.

    • Yes, it is hard to find a service that one can make money from home and learn step by step exactly how to do it the right way that would be around for a long time and able to supplement a full-time income.

      I have been with Wealthy Affiliate going on six years now and is definitely a true platform and community that anyone can join and learn how to work from home and build a successful business online. Congrats on the choice that you have made and I wish you all the best.

  9. I can say that Wealthy Affiliate can teach you many things, ideal for new Online Affiliate Marketers that want to learn the basics of Online Marketing to build their own business from scratch.

    There are scams all over the internet blocking real programs from getting to people in need of making money online. But these programs can be identified if you look a little deeper and do your research before joining any program. Wealthy Affiliate is the best, but you should see for yourself if its a scam by trying out as a free member then go from there.

    It helps to read reviews, this way, you know what you are getting yourself into.

    Thank you for covering this topic and all the best.

    • What you have mentioned is what everyone looking at an opportunity should do their due diligence before they shell out their hard earn cash. That is why you should stay away from services that do not offer a free membership.

      I have found a few companies that are legitimate that anyone can join and build a successful income online if they put their mind to it. Some of them you can take a look at my website under Product Reviews Category. Thank you for the comment and wish you all the best as well.

  10. I have tried several ways to make money from home over the years but none of them have really worked for me… I’ve tried surveys, user testing, data entry, etc.

    Last week I began freelancing on Fiverr but I haven’t received any requests just yet…

    I took a look at your recommendation but it doesn’t seem like something I could do for now…

    Thanks a lot for the info!

    • Thank you for your comment and honest opinion. I wish you find what you are looking for in the future, and feel free to contact me if you need further help in finding something that you feel comfortable with working from home. Talk to you soon.

  11. Hello

    I.ve just read a very informative and resourceful article about the online jobs that can make somebody just working on his computer screen. That’s what I’m doing with the Wealthy Affiliate. I think it’s a very friendly community that help you anytime. I believe that I will have my own passive income one day. Thank you for your helpful video. It will help those who want to work at home.

    Thanks again, Thodoris.

    • Thodoris,

      Happy that you started your journey on the online opportunity and passive income would come once you stay consistent and take advantage of all the training in WA community.

      Is good to know that the video was helpful and you get some value.

  12. I believe that so many people have been scammed on the internet that they are pretty much gun-shy when they see “make money promotions” that are too good to be true.

    That’s where your article differs. You are assuring people that there are excellent job opportunities working from home if they know where to look.

    I think many people have excellent writing skills and would do amazingly well at content creating for those website creators who struggle with writing or perhaps just don’t have the time. It’s good to see that you do not promote get-rich-quick schemes, but rather opportunities on the internet that take some legitimate effort.

    • Hi Ray, I too was scammed by a few get rich scheme companies that make promises but never delivers. and there are some that are really legit but closes their doors after the reached the amount of money they were seeking.

      My website is to show legitimate ways on can earn an income online and I am willing to walk them through the steps on how that is accomplished.

      If they would join me for free inside Wealthy affiliate I and the community there would be happy to take them through the steps and they can make a decision if is that is something they were looking for before the put out any money and take full advantage of the membership.

      Thank you for your comment and kind words. If there is any way I can help you to take yoiur business to another level, please do not hesitate to ask, I take this business seriously and I will do whatever it takes to see others have the same success.


  13. When I first encountered the phrase ‘Work from Home’ I got so interested until I got nowhere. While there are legit websites that promote ‘Work from Home’ but most of them talk about affiliate marketing. Meaning, you engage in business by promoting other’s product and earn a commission.

    Now, you’ve done another type of invitation to people by offering real jobs from home which are employment opportunities that any employee can do it in their home. This is such a non-traditional offer from private companies and government-owned institutions and organizations if there are.

    It’s something that offers a more flexible engagement in life because you are not pressured to work in an office with a designated time. I like this new trend and thank you for presenting and magnifying this to the international public. I hope many people will be helped.

    • Companies are getting better results with employees working from home and more and more companies are adapting to this new trend in big cities like New york.

      If you want to work from home for yourself you can do that as well, but the first thing I recommend is to find a community that can teach you about Affiliate marketing, and who will stand by you during the process to help you along the way. Wealthy Affiliate is my number one recommendation.


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