7 Fitness Affiliate Programs To Earn An Income From Home!

Everyone wants to be fit. Well almost everyone. For those who like to be fit and promote fitness, here are 7 Fitness Affiliate Programs you can use to make some money on the side. Actually, there are more than 7, but you get the idea.

These 7 are some of the best affiliate programs you can attach yourself to and help your affiliate business earn some more money. Why should you think about joining a fitness affiliate program?

The reason you should is that fitness is a very large industry that generates billions of dollars. That is a pie you want to get a slice of before it is too late.

Fitness Affiliate Programs What To Look For

Fitness Affiliate Programs for better health and money

Don’t let the hype fool you. You still need to know what to look for before you sign up. You do not want to sign up with just any old fitness affiliate program as they are all not the same.

Here are some things you should look at before signing up:

Growth of the industry- you want to make sure the boom has not peaked yet and started to shrink.

Commission rates- you do not want to get stuck with low commission rates on every sale.

Payment terms- when do you get paid, how do you get paid and how quickly do you get paid are questions you need answers to.

Cookie duration- this is important as the shorter the cookie time the more sales you need right away.

Application process- is it easy, quick, and does not have a lot of criteria to meet?

Materials provided- you need to make sure you get the right materials so your affiliate links work well and you have the right information to pass on to your audience.

Fitness Affiliate Programs Fitness Keyword Strategy

Using the right keywords helps get your website to the top of the ranking pile, but the word fitness used as a keyword will not get the job done. That is because just about everyone else is using it.

To use keywords properly in fitness affiliate marketing, you need to go to those sub-niches where uniqueness prevails and there is not a lot of competition for the keywords.

Some examples would be exercise ball chairs, upper body workouts for women, and even postnatal exercises that should bring you nearer the top of the ranking system. The way to get a lot of good keywords is to use a good keyword-generating tool

It will take a little work but once you find those top keywords your fitness affiliate business should blossom a bit more.

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Fitness Affiliate Programs For You

Like all our other lists there is no particular order to these affiliate programs. Nor is the list limited to only the 7 we provide here. This list is to get you started and lists some of the top affiliate programs you may be proud to be associated with.

1. Body Spartan

This program is for those people who are serious about being fit and in good health. Not only does this program help the body, but it also helps tune the mind. Some of the workouts through this company include working on your calves, back, biceps, shoulders, and legs.

To be an affiliate you should sign up through Share a sell. That is the platform that manages their affiliate program. The company is offering a 10% commission on each sale you help generate. The average order value is roughly $80 so you can make some good money by working with this company.

Then the cookie length reaches 45 days giving you a lot of opportunities to convince slow deciders to purchase this company’s products. Your affiliate materials include banners and top-quality links to use.

Make sure you get all the affiliate materials you need so that you can have a professional-looking website.

2. 24-Hour Fitness

Fitness Affiliate Programs 24 Hour Fitness

With over 400 stores in its chain, you should be able to make some good sales promoting 24-Hour Fitness. Your affiliate reach should be large enough and help your audience find the store that is nearest to them.

Besides helping people find a way to get fit, you can earn money on every referral you make as well as a sale on memberships. For every free trial sign up you get $1 but if the person upgrades or buys a paid membership first, then you get 8% of the purchase price.

You should check to see how much those memberships cost so you can calculate how many sales you need each day to make a viable income. The cookie lasts for 30 days and your target audience are those people looking for a gym to work out at. That is a good market to target and make a little money.

3. Bowflex

While there are a lot of people who want to work out at a gym there are also a large number of people who like to work out in the privacy of their own homes. You can target those people with this fitness equipment affiliate program.

The company has a wide array of fitness equipment people can use in their own homes. From home gyms to step climbers, your audience can find the right equipment they can use effectively. Then when they do you make about 3% as a base commission.

The details about the commission should be found on the company’s website. Then with the 30-day cookie, you should be able to generate a few sales to boost your income. Pay is completed every month.

There is an application process you have to go through before being approved. Some affiliate promotional tools are also provided.

4. ProForm

Here is another affiliate program that restricts its business to athletic equipment. Not only that this company offers training videos, personal apps, nutrition plans as well as fitness equipment.

Make sure you have your act together as you will need to present your promotional plan and other information to the company prior to being accepted. Once you are accepted and received your materials, etc., you will start receiving a 6% commission on all sales those links help generate.

Part of the affiliate tools you will receive will be banners and links. These items help you set up your website so your visitors have an easy time navigating to the store’s website. The cookie lasts 45 days making sure you can talk your audience into making some great buys.

The system should be easy to use and set up on your website. Once that is done, you can steer your audience to stay in shape.

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5. Jillian Michaels

You may have seen her on The Biggest Loser television show. She was one of the original trainers on the program and helped hundreds of people get fit. Now she has her own line of products you can help her sell through her affiliate program.

The catch to signing up and representing her products is that you have to have a blog dedicated to fitness, especially if it is geared toward woman’s fitness. The company uses ShareASale to manage its affiliate program so you would need to check that site out to see how to sign up.

The good news is that you can get 20% off every subscription you sell. The cookie lasts for 30 days so there is more than enough time to sign people up and get them on the right track to being fit.

6. DynaPro Direct LLC

Fitness Affiliate Programs exercise equipment

One thing that sets this exercise equipment company apart from its competitors is that they have a wide range of smaller exercise equipment you can represent. Smaller equipment means more affordable prices which in turn can lead to more sales.

This focus allows people to work out anywhere making those products more attractive. They also use Share a sell so you should be familiar with their system by now. With a 10% commission, you can make a good amount of money because you will be relying on volume and not quality sales.

The cookie lasts for 30 days making sure you get the credit you are due. There is no minimum threshold limit before you get paid. That allows you to concentrate on your sales pitch and content.

7. Ace Fitness

One of the steps in the application process to work as an affiliate for this company is that you need to sign up with a Rakuten account first. After you get that done, you are looking at helping people sign up to be trained as physical trainers, health coaches, and other similar programs.

The products also focus on training, education, nutrition guides, videos, workouts, and more. With every membership or purchase, you should get 8% of the sales. It’s a very constructive product line that helps people become someone and that aspect makes it a very attractive product line to work with.

There is no mention of how long the cookie will last. That is something you have to discuss with the company.

Keep in mind that I was referring to fitness Affiliate programs and not fitness MLM programs. You cannot build a full-time income with the MLM business model unless you are in the one percent bracket.

Final Thoughts

When you sign up with a fitness affiliate program you are signing up for a built-in audience. There are large groups of people wanting to stay fit or get back into shape and you can choose the right program to help them achieve their fitness goals.

Signing up at one of the 7 Fitness Affiliate Programs mentioned above should be simple and easy. Just make sure you have a plan in place when you do. Going with the best affiliate programs is the way to get your income soaring to new heights.

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