How Can I Start Affiliate Marketing? – And Earn An Income Online

How can I start affiliate marketing is a question I found to be very popular on Quora. I did an article a couple of years ago titled Is Quora A Reliable Source? You will come to the conclusion that it is, once you read that article. Is a good place to find out in what areas people need help so that you can write a post if you can fulfill that need.

My Make Money Tips blog is always looking to research and write timely articles as well as popular topics people are searching for. With this approach, I can build an audience that pertains to their needs and is able to help them solve that needs or send them in the right direction.

How can I get started in affiliate marketing is one of those topics. It is always timely and people are looking for information to answer that question. Cause that is the same question that brought me to Wealthy Affiliate, and here I learned the necessary skills to build my website and to help others to do the same.

It just takes a little common sense and some business know-how, and a simple 4-step proven system that I follow. Understanding what you are doing will help you as you get used to being in the affiliate marketing industry.

Plus it takes learning the following key points. These key points will guide you in starting your own affiliate marketing business. It is not that hard if you have patience and dedication. And are able to follow the training through videos, and execute as you go through the process.

9 Ways On How I Can Start Affiliate Marketing

The first step is not to put the cart before the horse. Get your eyes off the $$ and get them on what you need to do. There are several steps you need to take before you are ready to launch your new endeavor.

Some people may have the first few steps a little differently but we want to make sure you get off on the right foot. Here I will discuss a proven system you can leverage to begin your marketing journey.

And at the end of these 9 strategies, I will recommend to a service that I use so you can take a look to see if this is a good fit for you. You will be part of a community to learn from expert affiliate marketers and be part of a network with like-minded people like yourself. I will be there to help you along the way as well. So let’s start with the 9 strategies that you would need.

1. How To Pick The Right Affiliate Platform

This is essential as some platforms are not made for beginners. They are designed to work with experienced affiliate marketers only. So you have to do some research before making a leap and a commitment.

The best platforms for beginners are the ones that offer you free training and educational materials. Plus they have a good support system as well as providing you with free websites with help to get them built right.

Finding the right platform for you may take some time and please avoid those free YouTube and other videos. They may confuse you more than help you.

2. Choosing The Right Niche

This is the next important step no matter what anyone says. Getting the right niche will determine the quality of your SEO strategy, keyword use as well as the quality of content. Avoid those niches you are not interested in or know nothing about. Unless you want to learn about that niche, knowing nothing about it will show up in your content and business behavior.

Your visitors will see that lack of experience and passion and bolt to a more qualified competitor. Pick a niche you are familiar with, like, and would want to promote. The difference is telling.

3. Ask Yourself Some Key Questions

This applies to #2 as well and you need to know, ask and answer key questions to make sure you have found the right niche, platform, and products to represent.

Here are those questions:

  • What niches do I like?
  • What niches am I passionate about?
  • Are there affiliate programs in this niche?
  • Is there an audience for the products in this niche?
  • What are the commission levels?
  • How much training and support are available?
  • Can I work within the rules of the affiliate marketing platform?
  • Do I get free websites or do I have to buy my own?
  • Can I write enough content to keep the audience interested?

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4. Choose The Right Products To Market

The good thing about choosing products and niches is that if you first do not succeed you can try again. You are not locked in the one niche or few products you initially choose to work in. If something is not working out for you, change them.

When you choose products make sure you know something about them, have used them or are using them, or want to learn about them. This will help you build good content and help you bring solutions to people’s lives with your affiliate marketing business.

5. Getting The Right Traffic Tools

Just because you open a website does it mean people are going to drop everything and rush to read it. You need to learn how to drive traffic to your door and that takes special tools. Some of these tools are free and are very good when you are just starting out. The paid ones are better, but you have to make sure you have the budget because some can get pretty pricey.

Do some research on the tools you need and as an example, a good keyword generator is what is going to help you get traffic. Do not stop there and investigate other SEO tools that are designed to get traffic to your website

6. Content Is King

Affiliate Marketing is to create content

After you have done all of the above, you have to take time to think about the content. Nothing motivates people to move on to another website other than boring, uneducated, and poorly written content.

Your content is how your visitors will see you and if it is bad, you will not get a good reputation. If your content is solid, knows what it is talking about, and brings solutions to people’s problems then you stand a good chance of making some money.

You have to determine if you are the writer for this or if you need to hire someone else to do your writing for you. It bears repeating- content is king.

7. Your Website Design

Make it good, easy to navigate, and appealing to your visitors. You won’t be able to please everyone but at least you can try to make the visitor experience friendly and simple. There are people who can help you with this if you sign up at the right affiliate platform.

Your website must be able to have a high-loading SiteSpeed. this accelerated provides a sophisticated, highly compatible, and ultra-fast caching option to vastly increase the overall speed of websites.  Your site must be able to have an SSL certificate(HTTPS), encryption is favored by search engines and keeps visitor data safe.

Last must not least, Your website needs Site Protect, The problem with plugin spam blockers is that the spam still hits your website, clutters your database, slows your site down, and wastes your time recovering real comments. SiteProtect is a server-level that blocks ALL automated comment spam before it even hits your site.  this is what you will need to have a secure site and a successful business.

8. Picking The Right Domain Name

This is how people will know you. Your domain name is your identity, so make it good, catchy, and not insulting to anyone. Here you will decide to brand yourself or the product or service you would like to market. Most people waste a lot of time here, so here is where you would need expert help for you to come upon the right domain name for your website.

Training In Affiliate Marketing9. Getting Continuous Training In Affiliate Marketing

The Internet changes ever so often, and Google makes periodic updates to its algorithms, so it is good to stay ahead of the learning curve so that your website would stay current to your audience.

This is my famous strategy because if a company is willing to build you a website so that you can use it on the internet, it would be impossible for them to update your website on a continuous basis. is only a strategy for them to get you to join.

Lots of work is involved in building a website, but it is a learned process that is easy to follow through simple videos, that anyone can watch and implement. This is what caught my eye being a newbie.

My Final Thoughts

Affiliate marketing is all of the above and it is something else. You need the right mindset. You have to be ready to make and accept mistakes. Then learn from them after making corrections.

Also, you will need a business plan to guide you. This plan should set out your minimum work hours every week among other things. Finally, you need to know why you are doing this business.

Having a good reason why you are getting into affiliate marketing will help motivate and inspire you. How can I start affiliate marketing? By following the steps above you will get on the right path. Success comes with patience as well as hard work with a little common sense. You can look at the questions and answers I mentioned on Quora here.

My Suggestion

If you are really interested in creating your own affiliate business, check out my # 1 recommendation. You’ll get plenty of training, support, your websites, and access to 24/7 live chat where a community is available to address any concerns or questions you may have. Click on the banner below to get started, and I will meet you inside.

PS: No credit card needed!
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6 thoughts on “How Can I Start Affiliate Marketing? – And Earn An Income Online”

  1. This was a good overview.   It would be nice if you would share some other methods to drive traffic.  I focus primarily on content and rely on SEO  However, I now understand that back links are another way to boost rankings.  

    I also read that you can create a business profile on google that will drive additional traffic.   What else so you suggest? 

    • You can browse my website to find other ways to drive traffic to your website. There are tons of ways but it is better to be a master of one first. I hope that helps.

  2. These are some great tips and ones that I wish I knew when I first started in affiliate marketing. It has taken me almost two years to find these things out for myself, but I am so glad I stuck with it. This is really helpful to someone who is where I was then! There truly are so many different niches out there that chances are if you have a passion, there are products you can promote! The key, like you say, is getting the right training!

    • Building a business takes time, that is the reason you choose a passion of yours when becoming affiliate marketer so that you would enjoy the process. Is good that you are consistent and not quit as most people do.

  3. Hello what a very helpful post you have here you really helped people know how how to start affiliate marketing and you also stated nine-way on how I can start affiliate marketing which was also helpful and one of those nine ways that caught my attention was number three which was asked yourself some key questions nice work and thanks for making me know more on affiliate marketing and I really hope other people get to know about this thanks for sharing this very important information with us 

    • Happy that you got some value here on affiliate marketing. If you need help moving forward please do not hesitate to ask. I take this business seriously and I will do whatever it takes to see others have the same success. Talk to you soon.


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