How To Build An Opt-In Email List That Converts!

How to build an opt-in email list that is convertible, you need to follow specific steps to ensure a higher response rate.

In spite of what you may have heard email marketing campaigns are more popular than ever and raising response rates is vital.

I think we all have an email address we use for subscribing to something. When you voluntarily provide your email address you are opting into that person’s email list. Often this also includes clicking on a verification link in an email you immediately receive after filling out a short form.

Getting the email address, and other info such as name, phone number, etc., is the goal of the website you are on when you subscribe. This usually leads to some form of marketing that can work overtime.

As a business person yourself an email list is, in my opinion, the most important asset your company can have. An email list can never be taken away from you.

You can mail to your subscribers anytime you want day or night. However, the key is to build an email list that converts in the ways you need to maximize your numbers.

That is what I want to spend a little bit of time on. How can you build an email list that is converting into customers that are making you money eventually?

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Make A Commitment Against Spam

You have to aim in achieving consent for your business by making sure everyone agrees to your spam policy. You should bear in mind that not everyone knows concerns about the values of opt-in.

Building an opt-in list lacking an official policy allows another marketer to abuse your opt-in list. Without expecting an email from you recipients may get the information they do not want, need, or agree to. There are also fights on who will use the opt-in email where many divisions exist to serve many customers.

The Tech Side

Here the email list is outsourced either by hosting or internally. To outsource you need to hire experts to avoid missing innovations or slower turn-around time.

Now you have to decide which hosting service to use to outsource your email list. Free services are best referred to where you have 1,000 names or fewer sign-up. Organizations that mail many emails over a short time use free services.

However, let me say that you should have a long-term goal of building a large list of people who will stick with you as you email them. This is a list of more than 1000 and can grow many times larger than that.

Using an autoresponder is the best way to handle the tech side of email marketing. Actually, it is not even that technical because proven autoresponder companies such as Aweber, Get Response, or my favorite Traffic Wave take care of pretty much everything for you.

You really have 2 jobs and these are not technical.

  • 1. Promote your opt-in sign-up forms or landing pages.
  • 2. Provide the content inside the body of each email

Let’s get more into these now.

Conversion Of Your List By Sending Email

How To Build An Opt-In Email List - emailing to your list

You don’t need a non-opt list to enable conversion. On deciding to request people to join your opt-in list, they really only need to give you their email addresses. This is all your autoresponder needs to begin automatically sending an email.

You can’t convert people who already have to send their email addresses to you unless you are renting an opt-in list which I do not recommend. You should ask all email contacts to confirm their opt-in status by sending an immediate email when they have a subscriber.

You should always indicate where you got their email in the first sentence of your email messages to ensure they know that you have some information about them. The conversion message should be polite and precise.

While emailing people, you should give them the chance to unsubscribe. Even when you remind them they can do this you will find just by doing that a high percentage of your subscribers will stay with you.

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Online Tactics For Growing Your List

It makes sense that using the Internet to grow an opt-in list is the way to go since people are online anyway. There are several ways you can do that.

1. As stated you can rent an opt-in list. If you do this always promote your own list so you can build your subscribers.

2. Opt-in form. Put a form where people can subscribe right on the right-hand sidebar of each page. Keep it simple and ask for no more than an email address, or name and email address.

3. Run ads in email newsletters by publishers who come from small traditional media companies. Online PR enables one to get the correct word count and send a message explaining your special offer to every editor’s ezine explaining your topic of concern. Your opt-in offer gets added to all emailed signatures and notes that all people in the organization should have them.

4. Landing page. Promote a landing page that builds your list. Buy a separate domain name that redirects to the landing page you want to promote.

5) Offline Tactics For Growing Your List

You should inform customers by asking them to join your list in all offline marketing you do. This can be done via…

  • – direct mail
  • – newspaper
  • – radio
  • – magazines
  • – word of mouth
  • – press releases
  • – billboards
  • – trade shows
  • and using Trafficadbar to get you people who are already in business but looking for the perfect traffic source.

creating a wave of traffic to your siteSendShark

If you want a complete system for building an opt-in email list that converts use Send Shark. I have found it to be a great autoresponder for sending personalized email messages and for branding my business.

SendShark is very easy to set up. Their drag-and-drop feature is great for adding images to an email which helps in increasing conversions as well

Final Thoughts

Building a convertible opt-in email list starts most importantly with the system you use to get your subscriber’s email address. Using a professional autoresponder system, such as SendShark is the best and right way to do this!

Still, haven’t built a website to make extra income from home? They join a community and learn step-by-step through videos on how to market online. I will be there to show you and help you along the way.

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8 thoughts on “How To Build An Opt-In Email List That Converts!”

  1. Hello!

    Thank you very much for this article.

    I am using MailMunch for my Opt-In and I am very happy with it.

    I guess it’s also important to have a decent amount of opt-ins on the website, placed on strategically important places.

    You mention Traffic Wave as provider. Do they offer a free plan for their service or do you have to pay for it?

    Thank you!

    • Building your list will certainly become your main source of income, so it is important to start by growing your subscribers through email marketing.

      Traffic Wave has a business attached tom it, one of the reason the peek my interest  Their fee is 17.95 per month and that remains the same regardless of the size of your list unlike some providers. You can learn more about Traffic Wave here. Thank you for the comment.

  2. Thanks very much for the informative post Bishop, I found the article very insightful! Honestly didn’t know that mailing lists were that important, going to start one for my website ASAP.

    So is Traffic Wave your favorite option? Are there other services to consider as well?

    Looking forward to reading through your other articles.

    • Thomas, glad that you found this post informative. Email marketing is very good for your business after your website is set up and is getting traffic. In the long run it would turn out to be your number one traffic source.

      Yes, Traffic Wave is what I would recommend because of the simplicity in setting up with the step by step videos. you can learn more about Traffic Wave here. https://davidbishopmakemoneyti…There are others like Aweber, Constant Contact, Mailchimp and a few others.

      Feel free to stop from time to time. Talk to you soon.

  3. Thank you for this great review regarding how to build an opt in email list that converts. Many affiliate marketers are aware of the benefits of having their own email list, but they are unsure as to how to go about making one that actually converts into $$. Affiliate marketing is a business after all!
    I agree with your comment to make an agreement upfront regarding spam. We all join mailing lists for different reasons. What you might consider information, I might consider spam. A clear policy can help with any disagreements. Picking a company to use as my email hosting service was actually a lot harder than I thought. Lots of companies don’t like the MMO niche and won’t allow these sorts of sites to use their service. Others only allow a tiny list for free and then you have to pay. I was just wondering what service did you end up using? I also wasn’t sure what is the difference between Traffic Wave and a service like Awebber. Can you answer that question for me please?

    • Glad that you get some value here and why building an email list is that important. The statement ” money in your list,” is a true. if you are not building your list, you are leaving money on the table for someone else.

      I have use many email service before but Traffic Wave is my choice. The easily set up videos is why I chose them, plus the prices do not change regardless of the size of your list, which is not the case with Aweber.

      You are going to build your list regardless, so having an affiliate attach to it is what makes Traffic Wave a good choice. Plus their advertising coop ads makes it possible for you to earn from, and having Traffic Wave pay for itself. You should definitely take a closer look and join for Free. Hope that helps!

  4. David, thank you for this post. Right now I am with sumo. My site is a year old and I have had an e-mail opt in for several months and so far, no one has left an e-mail. Any suggestions on how to word your opt-in so that people will actually respond? I have heard that offering something for free is the surefire way, but I have seen plenty of websites where all they do is say “leave your e-mail if you want to be notified of the next post”. What are your thoughts?

    • Hi Melo, you are right it do take time, but if you focus on quality content and you are offering a service to your audience you can offer them a free eBook, course or any video lessons that can help them solve a problem.

      For me, I dab in a little paid advertising from Bing ads and there is where most of my opt in comes in on a regular basis. Hope that helps.


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