The Benefits Of Using Email Marketing – The Money Is The List!

Are the benefits of using email marketing still effective today? Are you new to the marketing world and wondering if email marketing works? Well, It does! And I will show you in this article.

Think about your own personal situation. Do you open emails?

I’ll bet you do if it is from someone you know, or from someone sending you the information you requested. In spite of the growth of text messaging and social media sites, email marketing still holds its own.

In fact, it’s more efficient than several other types of marketing. Despite the rise in blogs, forums., Facebook, and YouTube, email is still one of, if not, the best ways to turn your audience into customers.

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The Benefits Of Using Email MarketingHow effective is an Email Marketing campaign?

Getting started is quite easy and doable for any beginner. All you require is permission to email potential clients.

You can approach marketing services such as SendShark, Aweber, Mail Chimp, OptinMonster, ActiveCampaign, GetResponse, Constant Contact, and much more. You can put an enticing form on your site so that people register to receive your emails. Traffic Wave is my number one choice.

If this is unsuccessful, you can always use a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a fantastic thing that you give free of charge in exchange for an email address. It includes stuff such as; audio, videos, and free eBooks.

You should then segment your list into smaller groups so that the message you send is specific. People may unsubscribe from your emails if they are general and don’t appeal to their interests. You can then come up with unique information and share it with your audience.

Now that you are familiar with email marketing there are many benefits to both you, the sender, and the subscriber who is on the receiving end. Below are 7 advantages of using email as a marketing tool and strategy.

1. It saves Time and Effort

Comparing email marketing to other offline marketing techniques such as postal mailings and telesales campaigns, just think of how much time and effort is required to structure and execute such kinds of marketing techniques.

In Postal mailings, you will probably have to get a designer to come up with the mailing. You will waste lots of time through thorough revisions.

You’ll also need to wait for the printing of the mail and put it into the envelopes. But, thanks to email marketing. It will take you at most three hours to come up with content for your email, edit it and share, as long as you have a reliable email service provider.

The Benefits Of Using Email Marketing is to have success with your list

2. It is a Targeted form of Communication

Marketing mostly fails due to targeting the wrong audience. You should be able to place an advert in a place where those you intend to communicate with can see it.

With email marketing, you are capable of doing this. It’s because, during the segmentation of the audience, you can opt for those who will see the email depending on the location, status, or any relevant data.

The targeting aspect makes marketing effective because the content will specifically meet your client’s needs. Therefore, leading to a higher conversion rate.

3. Build Your Brand

You will be able to build your brand easily. Because every sent email will expose your business to new customers. Due to the segmentation, design, and targeting, your company will grow. Plus, you will be a step ahead of your competitors.

4. You can Personalize your Messages

It is easier to win over a client with a personalized message. With email marketing, you can tailor information that will appeal to your audience.

It includes mentioning their names or even locations, which will show that your organization not only cares but understands the needs of the clients. This can be done in an email as long as when the person signing up gives you their first name.

5. It Allows for Frequent Communication

It takes little time to create an email and send it, compared to other marketing techniques. As a result, you can communicate more with your audience.

You can remind your clients of your offers on a weekly or even daily basis. However, it’s advisable not to send more than one email in a day. It’s unethical because it appears as if you are nagging the customers.

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6. It Is Cost-Effective

How much does it cost to send an email? You will have the monthly cost of the autoresponder that you use to send email messages and store your contact information.

A good quality autoresponder comes to around $20 a month. Depending on the size of your list there really are no other costs associated with email marketing.

As your list grows you may be charged a certain percentage per subscriber, but this generally doesn’t start until you have at least 10,000 subscribers on your list. Many affiliate marketers never get a list that big, and if they do they are often in multiple niches so the cost is minimal.

message us is one of the benefits of email marketing7. Easy Way To Make Money

Building an email list takes time and effort, and maybe even some money to promote your offers. However, once you have even a small list going email marketing is an easy way to make money.

Affiliate marketers can send email messages with a link to a product they promote right in the body of the email itself. Another strategy is to put a snippet of a blog post you made with the link leading back to the full blog post.

This is a way to drive traffic to a specific offer you want to make sales on. It’s also a great way to get people to come to your blog and generate repeat traffic.

One other important thing to keep in mind is once you have a list going it’s an asset nobody can ever take away from you. This means you can monetize it over and over in the future, or even sell the list for profit if you decide you want to get out of that niche.

final thoughts

Other than the above benefits, email marketing is very effective, it enables you to track the client’s feedback. If you are starting out your affiliate business it should be among your top marketing strategies.

Why did I choose Aweber for my email marketing campaign? Is because it has a business attached to it. It is called the three matrix position where you can have three people placed beneath you whether you recruit them or not.

Join a community that teaches you what is the best email marketing that suits you and how to put it into effect to build your list.

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2 thoughts on “The Benefits Of Using Email Marketing – The Money Is The List!”

  1. Hello David, I have heard that there is no business if there is not a email list. And that is truly potent. So having this article truly helps get us to start working on our email lists.
    Thank you so much for this information. I will be back to read it again. In peace and gratitude, ariel

    • Thank you for your comment. Ariel. if you are in internet or networking marketing. you should hear the phrase, “Money is in the list.” And you should know that people do not decide to join anything the first few times they see it, As a matter of fact, it takes the person seven times before they decide. and it is impossible to that without building a list and marketing to that list numerous times.

      Email Marketing is a must for all Internet Marketers and once you learn the art of building a list and sending winning emails, your business will grow exponentially. Thank you for your concern and do start building your list today.



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