6 Tips On How To Start My Online Business

I was devastated when I started my training because I wanted to learn how to start my online business so that I can make money at home full-time. It took me a while but I was able to follow the steps as I build my website even when traveling overseas.

In the past people used to avoid traveling overseas because it was too hard to conduct business and pleasure at the same time. That is not the case anymore.

Online is the place to be if you want to own and operate your own business while enjoying traveling overseas. Let me give you 6 tips to keep in mind that will help you have a good time while still making sure your business is running smoothly at the same time.

learn how to start my online business - I need to researchTip#1 – Do Your Homework First

As a general rule, if you are looking to travel the world and make money too, you should do your homework well in advance. Fortunately, with all of the advances in technology, laptops, mobile phones, wifi and so much more, you can start your own business by doing a little at a time.

From designing your own website for publication while traveling by air to hiring extra online hands via sites that employ the best in the U.S. and abroad, there is a lot that you can do while traveling overseas.

A little research to get things set up before you go will help you avoid problems while you are traveling.

Tip #2 – Choose A Specific Type Of Business Venture

If you want to start your business right away it is very important that you do your research in advance. A significant part of this research is to choose the right type of business venture.

Because you like to travel you can use these skills to your advantage today. For some, this may mean teaching an online class for tutoring, especially for those who want to learn another language.

Traveling overseas may be the perfect opportunity if you know what language will be the most beneficial to you and the area that you have chosen. To that end, one of the very first things that need to be done in this type of business is to select a specific type.

I call this, choosing a specific business model. Examples of other things you can do are email marketing, affiliate marketing, network marketing, and e-commerce.

Along those same lines, you will choose a niche within those business models. The niche should target a micro-market to avoid more competition than you need.

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You will also want to have a way to make money within that market and niche. This is why I like affiliate marketing so much.

You can make money in a variety of ways including pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, and pay-per-sales affiliate programs. Every one of these can be done 100% on the Internet while you are overseas traveling.

Start with Affiliate Marketing today and turn your passion into a successful business today by learning how to start a business at home. 

Tip #3 – Make Sure You Have The Right Type Of Technology With You

How To Start My Online Business - working as a team to build your business

Because technology allows you to work remotely from anywhere you should make sure you are using the right type of technology. With the best technologies in the business you can set up a large online front for your organization and you will know that your office is on the road.

For instance, you may want to hire telephone services that answer all of your calls before they transfer them to you. You could also hire a virtual assistant to take your calls and other things for you while you are gone.

One other great resource is Skype. This lets you talk anywhere or even do a face-to-face visit online for a reasonable rate.

As long as you have the Internet you are in business no matter where you are. All you need is a good device with an Internet connection, whether it be your smartphone, tablet, or notebook computer.

Tip #4 – Add A Blog To Your Site

When you have decided what you want to do online you will need to create an image that makes you an authority on the business that you have started. One of the best ways to become an instant authority on your business is by starting a blog. This blog can cover a wide range of different topics.

Because you are traveling during this time you can make your blogs very interesting by sharing some of the sites that you see along the way. Adding a blog will not only create a following but also keep everyone that enters your site engaged with what is happening.

I like to tie in some email marketing with my blog when I am traveling. If you make a blog post be sure and let your email list know so they can go read it.

The easiest way to do this is with a short snippet from your post and a link back to read the whole article. Just send that out to your list and you are easily driving traffic to your website via your blog.

Tip #5 – Open An Online Store

Opening an online store is an excellent idea for people who travel. In fact, when you find great deals on unique items, you can double and triple your money if you list them on your site.

This is a good idea for offline and online businesses alike. People go online looking for information, but if they find something relevant now is the time to offer to sell it to them.

taking professional pictures for your blogTip#6 – Sports Special Skills

If you have a special skill that makes you money, why not use these skills on the road? For instance, if you take good pictures, you can download these pictures on your site and then charge for their usage.

Providing a service can be a business in itself as well. Freelance writing is a great business to tie in with traveling. Make money writing in a variety of ways and charge for what you write.

final thoughts

Starting your business online while traveling is a great way to fund your traveling activities. If you already have an existing business know you can run it and travel overseas at the same time.

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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8 thoughts on “6 Tips On How To Start My Online Business”

  1. Oh David this an awesome site, you have just built a powerhouse here. I am one of those that struggled about 8 years ago and quit. Everything I tried did not work for me, it was so frustrating. It’s like the whole world comes to an end because you think you are a failure and can’t understand why others do succeed. I joined WA in 2008 and then 10 years later I rejoined them and to my surprise, I’m achieving now the success that I wanted earlier, but maybe this is the time and the place.

    • Glad that you make that decision again. Eugene. Your story is a good one for others to follow and join Wealthy Affiliate. Learning all that you need to know to build a business online should be ones first priority. the money will always follow if you build it right.

      I have learned that if you stay in the game long enough and learned all that you need to know, you can become successful and teach others to do the same. this is why i created this website, so others can follow my path and become successful as well. thank you for the comment and i wish you all the best.

  2. Very succinctly written David. Good tips to lead the way for others to gain a successful online career.

    I wish I had access to information like this years ago. I was always too busy with ‘normal’ work to go search myself.

    I have travelled a bit and worked while doing so. But not online as it wasn’t available then. It was from people who phoned me from work to get instructions. Even though I was in another country. And from Australia, most countries are far away. So frustrating and so slow.

    Thanks for your tips.


    • Helen, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment and kind words.

      I look for information on how to start my online business but always end up finding a lot of fluff and hype and never got the steps and the training i was looking for, this is one of the reason I started this website. glad that you got some value here.

      The online world is changing and ordinary people like you and I are are gaining access to information to make it possible for us to work online and build a business from home. Wealthy Affiliate has provided us with that access.

      You welcome and I wish you all the best moving forward.

  3. Great tips for starting an online business. I will check out how and what regarding virtual assistants and freelance writers so to get more content on my page. So I am not 12 hours per day busy with work related to WA and my website. This important as we live in a time where everything should go fast. Don’t waste time right?

    • You hit the nail on the head, and once the momentum started, we should take it and run with it. And being in a community like Wealthy Affiliate, give you the opportunity to do just that. Thank you for commenting here and finding my tips for starting an online business was very helpful. All the best.

  4. These are great tips, David! And I could not agree more with what you said about “doing your homework”. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail, as the saying goes. This is the basis for everything that you want to accomplish.

    Thanks for the compilation of great ways to make money while on the move.

    • Happy to known that you got some value here. These tips have helped me and it will do the same for others if they apply it.


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