Juice Plus+ MLM Review | Is Juice Plus A Scam Or Legit? 

Are you looking for a way to earn extra income from home? Then read the Juice Plus+ MLM Review and see if is the perfect solution for you. This company offers a unique opportunity to build a residual income without having to sell anything or spend time marketing.

The juice plus MLM program was created by Dr. Steven Lantzy, who has spent years researching nutrition and health. He discovered that certain fruits contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that promote good health.

Dr. Lantzy decided to combine these natural ingredients into a delicious drink called Juice Plus. His goal was to provide his customers with a healthier option for their favorite beverages.

Juice Plus+ MLM Full Overview

  • Name: Juice Plus+
  • Product: Health and Wellness Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM)
  • Founder: Jay Martin (1993)
  • Price: $50.00
  • Website: JuicePlus.com
  • Best For… MLM Marketers who are good at recruiting


Please keep in mind as you read my Juice Plus+ Review, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Juice Plus+. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any opinions and conclusions may not apply to all persons or situations. So read this review in its entirety and you make your own decision. It might be helpful to read other Juice Plus+ Reviews.

What is Juice Plus?

Juice Plus+ MLM Review - their products

As stated in other Juice Plus reviews, Juice Plus is a multi-level marketing company that sells a range of vitamin supplements. They are based out of the United States and have been around since 1970. Their motto is; “The power of good food.”

They sell a variety of different products including energy drinks, protein shakes, nutritional supplements, weight loss Dietary supplements, and vitamins. This includes B12, D3, E, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, and many others.

In addition to all their health claims, Juice Plus offers a wide array of products such as coffee, tea, snacks, and even pet food.

Juice Plus, like other MLM companies, but this MLM brand sells fruit and veggie-infused powder products. They claim that their products are “the next best thing to real fruits & veggies,” and that people who consume their products regularly will experience health benefits like increased energy levels and improved digestion.

The problem is that there isn’t much evidence to support either of those claims. In fact, some studies suggest that consuming concentrated amounts of vitamins and minerals could actually lead to negative side effects.

A recent study published in the journal Nutrients found that vitamin D supplementation caused a significant increase in blood pressure among participants. Another study published in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that high doses of calcium can cause kidney stones.

Clinical studies show that certain nutrients are essential for human health, but the idea that we can simply replace our meals with powdered versions of fruits and vegetables doesn’t make sense.

Is Juice Plus a pyramid scheme?

Juice Plus is not a pyramid scam. In fact, it doesn’t even use a pyramid structure. Instead, the company uses a network marketing model where you recruit others to sell the product. You don’t pay anything upfront. Instead, you are paid commissions based on how many people you recruit into the program.

Juice Plus+ MLM Review - Is juice plus a pyramid scheme?

However, there are some red flags that suggest Juice Plus might actually be a pyramid scheme. For example, the company claims that it will pay you $2,500 per month for life, but it requires you to buy a certain amount of juice each week. If you miss a single week, you lose your income. This sounds like a classic case of paying people to do nothing.

Furthermore, Juice Plus requires you to purchase a starter kit for $1,495. While this isn’t much money, it does add up over time. After six months, you’ll have spent almost $3,000 on the product. And while you’re still making $2,500 per week, you’ve already lost out on thousands of dollars.

How does Juice Plus Work?

Juice Plus+ is a juice brand that sells juice in bottles and cans. These are sold in supermarkets and convenience stores across the United States. There are many different types of juices sold under the Juice Plus name. Some contain vitamins and minerals while others do not.

The company uses a distribution network called “juicers.” These are individuals who buy Juice Plus+ products in bulk and resell them to retailers like grocery stores and pharmacies. As part of their agreement with the distributor, the juicer gets a commission for every bottle of Juice Plus+ he or she sells.

Can You Make Money with Juice Plus MLM?

Yes! It’s possible to make money with Juice Plus+. However, it takes hard work and dedication. The best way to make money with JuicePlus is through recruiting new distributors.

the cost of joining Juice Plus?

Juice Plus+ is a diet supplement brand owned by Unilever. In 2016 it launched a subscription box called Juicero, which allows people to juice vegetables and fruits into a reusable container. This costs £59.99 per month and includes three juices every week.

The cheapest option is £19.50 a Month and includes just one juice each week. If you want to add a second bottle of juice every week then it goes up to £49.99 a month.

the pros and cons of Juice Plus?


  • The company offers a free trial so you can try the product before committing to a monthly fee.
  • It’s easy to join because all you need is your email address.


  • • The company charges a monthly fee even if you don’t use the service.
  • The company has been accused of using misleading marketing tactics.
  • The company makes unsubstantiated

Is Juice Plus a scam or Legit?

I’ve had people ask me whether or not Juice Plus+ is a scam or legit. Juice Plus is one of the most popular brands in the industry. It’s also one of the fastest-growing companies in the business. In fact, it’s been so successful that they have expanded its product line to include more than just juices. They now offer smoothies, teas, energy drinks, protein shakes, and much more

People usually spend a lot of time and money looking good and staying healthy, which is no wonder because health and wellness is a multibillion-dollar industry. But did you know you could actually earn money selling health and wellness merchandise too?

There are many different ways to sell health and wellness products online including affiliate marketing, dropshipping, eCommerce stores, etc.

However, one way to make money online is to start your own health and wellness company. Nowadays there are many companies out there promising to help people build their own businesses. One of those companies is called Juice Plus. They claim to provide everything you need to become successful in the health and wellness industry.

In fact, they say it is easy to start your own business with them. All you have to do is sign up for free and watch videos about how to set up your own business. After you complete the steps, you will receive your very own product kit within 24 hours.

Juice Plus complaints

The main complaint that people are having with Juice Plus+ is that they don’t get paid for their downlines. The reason why people aren’t getting paid is because of the way the company operates. They use an incentive program called “the juice plus club” which pays out $10 per month for every person who signs up under your downline.

This means that if you sign up for 10 people, you would only receive $100 each month. However, there is no guarantee that these people will actually sell anything. In fact, some people have reported that they haven’t sold one single product since joining Juice Plus+.

The other problem with the company is that it doesn’t pay commissions on its own products. Instead, it uses a network marketing system where you can earn money by recruiting new members to your team. But the catch here is that you won’t make any money until your recruits start selling the company’s products.

Juice Plus Testimony (one woman’s experience selling Juice Plus+)

I’m not sure I’d recommend it. Do you know how you hear about people getting paid $50-$100 per week while working part-time? Well, I got into Juice Plus+. I knew nothing about juicing. I had no idea what I was doing. But I thought I could make some money fast. My husband worked full-time, so I needed something extra to supplement our income.

My friend recommended me to Juice Plus+ because he wanted to sell it too. He already had a good job, so he didn’t want to take the risk. So I signed up without him knowing. And that’s where my problems began.

When I joined, I received a lot of information and training materials. They taught me everything I needed to know about juice fasting. Then they sent me to a health food store to buy the ingredients. I bought several different types of juices, plus supplements, such as protein powder, vitamin B12, and calcium tablets.

Then I went home and followed instructions. I drank four servings a day — three times a day. I did this every single day for five months.

The problem is that I wasn’t making enough money to pay rent. I couldn’t even afford groceries. I was living off of ramen noodles and bread. When I finally stopped drinking juice, I lost over 30 pounds.

So I called my friend and asked why I hadn’t been promoted. He told me that Juice Plus+ doesn’t promote people unless they’re earning $1,500 a month. I was shocked. At least that’s what I’ve heard from others who work there.

But I kept thinking, “Maybe I just haven’t tried hard enough.” So I went back to the same store and bought another bottle of juice. This time, I added more supplements. I drank eight bottles a day. I still wasn’t making anywhere near the amount of money I needed to live.

Juice Plus MLM Opportunity

The first thing you will need to do when joining this business opportunity is to find out if it is legal where you live. You can check your local laws on Juice Plus MLM reviews before signing up.

Working online with MLM companies may be a decent way to generate some extra cash but it is not a viable business strategy that can support a full-time income for most people.

According to the statistics on MLM companies, only 1% of people ever earn a full-time income from them. These are the people at the top levels.

Today, Juice Plus is available in over 20 countries around the world. The company also sells its products through retail stores and online retailers.

My final thoughts

When reviewing some of the Juice Plus reviews, in addition to being an effective weight loss supplement, Juice Plus also provides many other benefits.

In addition to creating an amazing-tasting product, they make sure it would taste great in any type of beverage. That’s why they developed a proprietary blend of fruit juices and added fiber to help keep your stomach full.

This is what makes Juice Plus so different than other energy drinks on the market today. It tastes great and keeps you energized all day long.

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