Luxury Travel Affiliate Programs – Best For Travel Minded People

In this topic, we will be discussing how you can make money with Luxury Travel Affiliate Programs. With the easing of travel restrictions, the hospitality and leisure industry businesses are gradually rising and continuing to recover steadily after nearly a year of lockdown. This means that luxury travel affiliate programs will be in full throttle too.

And here’s how you can earn a potential passive income in marketing hotels, airlines, resorts, etc.

How to Get Started

Let’s start with checking why luxury travel affiliate programs are a good income opportunity this year. According to a survey with almost 6 thousand participants, about 70% want to travel in 2021.

Many of the participants have carried over their vacation leaves to this year. They want to travel to international destinations such as Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, and Mexico. Even within the US, 52% would like to travel to the West and the pacific northwest, and other parts of the country.

The forecasted revenue for the travel and tourism industry for 2021 shows $540 billion in revenue and is expected to rise to $768.4 billion by the end of 2023, surpassing the pre-pandemic mark. This positive revenue outlook gives a lot of income opportunities even for affiliate marketing.

Market Research for Luxury Travel Affiliate Programs

But let’s start with simple market research for luxury travel affiliate programs. We will take a look at how many people are looking it up online and if it is a sustainable choice.

Search Volume

Let’s check its search volume using a keyword search tool, Jaaxy. Here’s what we have:

Jaaxy search on Luxury travel

As shown in the results above, the keywords “luxury travel” and its related keywords have around 2K monthly search results on average. It may not seem that much, so let’s use a more general term that most people use.

Jaaxy search on travel

The results from Jaaxy show that when we use a general term such as the word “travel,” we will get around 800K average monthly search results. That’s a lot of potential customers.

You can also see the other related keywords that people looked up in search engines. These can help you think about the topics to write about to promote your luxury travel affiliate programs.

Search Trend

We will also check the search trend, and this time we can use Google Trends to help us identify if it will be a sustainable affiliate program.

Google trends on travel

As you can see, the “travel” keyword has been mostly consistent for the past two years. And it appears to remain around the 50% mark for popularity. The peak in the graph was around the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, which explains the 100% increase in popularity.

What exactly is the niche?

At the moment, we don’t have the exact niche yet. The luxury travel affiliate program is still a broad term. You can refer back to the Jaaxy results before and get some ideas from there. Here are some examples:

  • Best luxury travel places – Top luxury travel destinations, Best luxury travel hotels, Best luxury travel in December
  • Luxury travel deals – Last-minute luxury travel deals, Best luxury travel offers, Best luxury travel packages

While these are great ideas for your niche or sub-niche, you must focus on a specific niche. This allows you to concentrate on one niche giving you enough time to do enough research, gather information, get stunning images, etc.

You can also consider two important things when choosing your niche, such as following:

  1. Are you interested in the niche? – Perhaps the first thing that you can ask yourself is if you are interested in the niche you have chosen. Sometimes, this becomes the make-or-break factor of being an affiliate marketer. If you have a deep interest in the one you decided to be your niche, you would have the right motivation and determination to keep going. While a half-hearted decision sometimes would result in giving up early.
  2. Does your niche solve a problem or problems? – People search online for answers and solutions to their problems. Determine how your niche can provide solutions to your audience. We will discuss this further in the next part.

What Problem is being solved?

The problem-solving niche is one of the effective ways to stay relevant to your audience. This is because you can offer solutions to accommodate the needs of your audience.

To understand if the niche you like will be an effective problem-solving niche, you can start by thinking about the common problems related to it like the following:

  • Where to find the best luxury travel deals?
  • What are the best luxury travel places?
  • Where to go for the best luxury travel experience?

Continue to list down similar problems and then analyze them carefully. Think about what main niches and sub-niches you can offer to your audience so you can provide the solutions to the majority of the items you listed down.

How to Get the Audience to Purchase?

In this challenging part, you need to think about how you can convince your audience to purchase. But before that, you would need to identify who will be your target audience. Who are the people who will most likely read your content about luxury travel? They could be the following:

  • Frequent travelers
  • People looking for a pleasurable travel experience
  • Business owners
  • Rich people

There may be more types of audiences who could be checking out your content. However, they are not paying customers yet. What can you do to convert these audiences into sales?

Here are some ideas you can apply to your strategy:

  • Focus on the top-paying audience – Try to identify who could be your top-paying audience or those who are most likely to buy. Then create solutions surrounding their needs and wants. Possibly list down the most luxurious hotel packages from around the world or feature a unique travel destination.
  • Offer more – Another way to make your offers attractive is to provide information about the important things that your audience needs, such as loyalty programs, extended warranties, gifting to someone, complementaries, and so on.
  • Use stunning images and videos – Perhaps the best way to convince your audience to purchase is to show them the places in high-resolution images or short videos to show them the place’s surroundings. Another good idea is to provide testimonials from the people who have been there. You can ask your previous customers to share their experiences with you voluntarily and with the option to hide their identities for privacy reasons.

Ways to Sell Luxury Travel Online

There are several ways how you can sell luxury travel online. It will be up to you to use these methods to increase your potential income possibly. Here are the best-proven methods that you can use.

Affiliate Programs

There are many affiliate programs for luxury travel you can find online. These programs have different commissions ranging from 2% to 10% or more. Some programs offer cash commissions depending on the package that your customer purchased.

Before you can get those commissions, first, you need to apply to become their affiliate. Once you get accepted, it will provide you with a unique affiliate link to identify the sale from your marketing efforts. You can use this link on your blog or your social media posts.

To find these affiliate programs, we will use the Google search engine for our research.

Google search on luxury travel

As you can see from the search results above, there are many affiliate programs you can apply to. Although you can choose to submit as many applications as you can, it is better to focus on affiliate programs that:

  • Provides products or services related to your niche
  • Pays good commissions
  • Positive customer reviews
  • Available payment options
  • No signup or monthly fee

Some affiliate programs have certain requirements for those who would like to be their affiliates. It’s better to check their requirements if they have to gauge your eligibility and chance of getting approved. But some will accept applications without asking for requirements. Generally, you will receive an update about your application within 24 hours.

Another thing to consider when looking for an affiliate program is to check how long the company has been in business. You can trust a company that has been successfully operating for many years. Amazon is a good example of a trusted and reliable company. Here are some products related to travel:

luxury travel affiliate programs products


Unlike affiliate marketing, dropshipping requires you to have an eCommerce website. You will also look for merchants who can offer your travel products at wholesale prices. Then, once you get a good deal with a merchant, you can upload their products on your website and set the prices you want for them.

You can set the price higher than the wholesale price for your profit. But make sure that your prices are set competitively to match your business competitors.

Dropshipping search on luxury travel

Using the Google search engine once again, you can look up dropshipping suppliers to supply you with products related to luxury travel. These can be travel suitcases and bags, clothing, gifts, travel kits, and many more.

A good dropshipping supplier should:

  • Provide you with a wide range of products related to your niche
  • Be able to ship orders within a reasonable delivery time
  • Have good customer ratings
  • Be a trusted and reliable company

Sell your own Luxury Travel products.

If you want to build your own luxury travel brand, you can start making your products and selling them. However, this business requires a big amount of money for capital investment and money for the other involved expenses. But you can also look for wholesalers that can supply you with brandless products. In this way, you can still have your own brand without manufacturing the products from scratch.

Google search on Luxury Travel Affiliate Programs

Using Google, you can find many wholesalers for luxury travel products and even for hotel packages, trips, cruise line vacations, and so on. You can work out a deal with these wholesalers for your brand and perhaps promote discounts for hotel packages on their second purchase.

When you look for the right wholesaler, make sure that you speak with the person that can arrange the best price for you. It is also recommended to do some research about them and see if you can find customer reviews. This will help you in deciding which wholesaler you would like to be business partners with.

Unlike in dropshipping, selling your own brand will need to manage from order processing up to the shipment. You must know how to anticipate which products you need to order in advance before running out of stock. Otherwise, your customers may look somewhere else.

Other potential methods of selling Luxury Travel products.

There are other methods of selling luxury travel products aside from what has been mentioned above. You can create luxury travel eBooks and sell them on your website or your social media accounts. Or you can create videos promoting your luxury travel products or services and upload them on your YouTube channel.

working on my online business from homeWhat You Need to Start Selling Your Luxury Travel Products

Now, we will be discussing the tools you need to start selling your Luxury Travel Products. These tools are mostly free to use, which is a good thing. But the success of these tools will rely on the time you invest in them and your consistent efforts. Let’s check them out.

Building a website on Luxury Travel products

Building a website is the first requirement if you decide to sell Luxury Travel products. Whether it will be for your blog, dropshipping, or your own brand, you will need a website.

There are free and affordable website hosting services to build the website you want in just a few minutes. After completing your website, you can start creating posts, promoting your products, sharing your website links, etc.

Promote Luxury Travel products on Social Media

Social media is a powerful marketing tool, and you can make the best out of it by promoting your luxury travel products. You can either post your product across your social media accounts or create a business page and advertise your products there. You can also promote your business by paying for ads.

Start a Luxury Travel YouTube channel.

Whether you want to promote luxury travel products or holiday packages, YouTube is a great tool for marketing. With billions of active users daily, you can have a high chance of getting views and subscribers, which could also be your potential customers.

Join Luxury Travel Social Communities

Joining luxury travel social groups is another great tool to market your business. These groups are already interested in luxury traveling and products related to it. This means that there’s a high chance that they will purchase your products.

Final thoughts

We have finally concluded our topic today. I hope you have a better idea of how you can make money with luxury travel affiliate programs and the other ways to make money from them.

If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

4 thoughts on “Luxury Travel Affiliate Programs – Best For Travel Minded People”

  1. I love to travel. And I would really like to have a travelling business. But I know that I need to learn about how this online thing works. I like the worldwide opportunities that the Internet gives us. And I also like that we can join several affiliate programs and promote their products without having them in stock. I would prefer being an affiliate over doing dropshipping.

    • Affiliate marketing is growing every day because ordinary people get results, and companies are getting better advertising from people promoting their products. Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best platforms to learn how to build a business from home by becoming an Affiliate Marketer.

  2. So I actually legitimately Bookmarked this website for further reference! Really well written, plus the added contents with an index to click where you need to go. Even then, I found myself scrolling further down and up to read more like someone trying to make money online in this day in age—what a sincere and candour site. 

    I am starting my own website and company, and I just learnt so much from the researching skills displayed in this article. And the content is easy to read. I love that travel is picking up again and your programme makes me want to start picking up the pace in travel marketing. Thanks for the insight. 

    • Thank you for the kind remarks. I am happy you got some value here on the process you should take when doing your research when building an affiliate marketing business, like Luxury Affiliate programs.

      The best place to start your website to get maximum exposure and support is Wealthy Affiliate, where you can find me for further assistance. There are three levels, so feel free to start with a free account to see if it is a good fit for you. If you think it is, you can upgrade to a premium level and get all the value necessary to build a successful business with affiliate marketing.

      Looking forward to working with you and help you reach your goals.


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