My Online StartUp Review – Is Training For Free Possible?

You get what you pay for, and this My Online StartUp review tells you about a company where you get information and training for free. Hopefully, what you receive is better than what you paid as you should not spend anything out of pocket for the training material.

After reviewing several ‘academies,’ that charge you thousands of dollars for their expertise and information, it is refreshing to see someone offering the same material for a lot less money.

When you come across these deals, you need to be a little bit away as there may be hidden costs somewhere along the line. While we have seen great reviews of this company, we have also seen some negative ones which help paint an excellent picture of the product.

All you have to do is continue reading our article and get the information you need to make a wise decision. After all, this may be a sheep in sheep’s clothing and not a wolf.

What is My Online StartUp?

This is another training course that does not have you buying any products to resell, nor do you have to recruit to make more money. It is something beginners could use to help them get started in their online business.

The training was created by Chuck Nguyen, who was the owner and leader of Earn Easy Commission, and this material is supposed to be an upgrade from that business. Yet if this is so good, why did he change the name of his company?

What makes us hesitate about this new venture by Mr. Nguyen are the following hooks-

“Earn passive multiple income streams on autopilot,” they say.
A proven formula that will work for you even if:
“You’ve never made a single cent online.”
“You’ve got no experience whatsoever.”
“And even if you’ll only work for a few hours per week.

Even a free product has a hard time overcoming such great promises and makes the material look like its gold gift wrapped in silver. We are not sure of the quality of the information. Still, in reading follow-up information directly from the owner, it seems that the free material remains a hook to get you to spend money elsewhere in the company.

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How Does My Online StartUp Work?

First, you sign up for free. After all, it is a free training program, and paying any money would negate that offer. Once you sign up, you can access the free material, but then the pressure starts.

After you have signed up, you are pressured to spend $147 for the Insider membership, where we guess you get more training. One thing is for sure, Mr. Nguyen says that you do not have to pay the money and remain a free member; do not expect to earn as much money as you would as an Insider member.

Then you can pay almost $500 to be a part of the mentor’s program. The real deal is that this free training somehow transforms itself into an affiliate program where you get $20 per person who signs up.

You are not earning money with your own line business but helping Mr. Nguyen drive traffic to his website and help him earn money. That is how this free training works. Oh, and did we fail to mention the $47 a month fee if you want to continue with this supposedly free ‘school’?

Can You Make Money With My Online StartUp?

One of the hooks to get you to sign up for this free training is the claim that you are getting tens of thousands of dollars of information and expertise for no money.

How can you make money with this training?

One is you don’t. All this training does is get you to drive traffic to Mr. Nguyen’s website, where he gets your referrals to sign up for his programs. Then your effort nets you about $20.

Then the information in each module, and there are about 9 of them, is basic at best and lacking in substance. After you sign up, there are some upsells that cost you $7, $47 per month, $147, and $497, all with the promise that you will make more money, 5 times more if you pay for the upsells.

It is hard to make that money back as you rely on referrals to be as gullible as you were. There is nothing to sell except those upsells, and we are not sure how much you get if your referral buys the $497 option if you get anything at.

Making money with this not-so-free training is difficult at best.

How To Make Money With My Online StartUp

As we said earlier, the only way you can really make money with this training is to sign up and be an affiliate marketer. To do that, you need a Clickbank account, so you can receive payment from the affiliate marketing link you get from MyOnline StartUp.

My Online StartUp

You can try to make money by implementing the training you get for free, but as some people have said, that information is really lacking and may not even be worth the paper it is printed on.

The rest of your income will come from the different products you represent through ClickBank. Even though this information from this company is free, the owner had two previous companies that did the same thing.

Already mentioned was EEC, and the other was Digital Elites Academy. Why they disappeared is anyone’s guess, but maybe Mr. Nguyen is staying one step ahead of the law. It is hard to say.

The only person making any real money is Mr. Nguyen and not you. That is another giant red flag you need to think about as you go through the training.

My Online StartUp Pros & Cons

Always check the pros and cons section of any company review. Those little snippets tell a big story about any company. Some may be exaggerated on either side of the debate, so learn how to discern between valid and not valid points.


  • Free training
  • Free to sign up
  • Able to continue as an unpaid member
  • Nothing to sell
  • No recruiting
  • Some useful information


  • Nothing is for free
  • Lots of upsells that cost you big money
  • Low-quality information
  • From an owner who keeps changing the name but not the content or process
  • Have to have a ClickBank account
  • Lots of hype
  • Lots of false promises
  • Too many similarities to previous renditions
Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

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Any Negatives? Beware of Lawsuits

We have not heard of any lawsuits so far. But that doesn’t mean people haven’t tried. It is hard to sue someone who keeps changing the name of his training institute while offering the same material and promotions that earlier versions had.

Even though it is free, you get what you pay for. The information you get access to is basic, found anywhere, and not the best information possible. Another negative is that you are pressured into buying the not-so-free programs he has established.

False claims are used to convince you that you will make more money only if you pay and upgrade your status. Other negatives include that you are funneling traffic to his website instead of actually starting your own online business as the claims promised.

These negatives overshadow any benefit you supposedly get from enrolling in a free program.

Is My Online StartUp Legitimate?

My Online StartUp Review

We want to think this is a legitimate training prospect, but too many red flags have us thinking otherwise. The first one is the constant name change. There is something fishy going on, and it seems that the owner is operating just under the radar enough to avoid legal issues.

Second, while you get training materials for free, you could do better for the same price elsewhere, and you do not have to buy expensive upsells to get them. Third, you are not shown how to create an online business per se.

Instead, you are secretly being turned into an affiliate marketer for Mr. Nguyen and his free training program. The pay is not good, and there are too many issues with a lack of transparency that cannot resolve.

There are better employment opportunities on the internet that are legitimate for you to get tangled up with this one.

Final Thoughts

We liked the free training concept and thought it was a breath of fresh air. Until we investigated further and found other details that make us walk away shaking our heads. Free is always a good price to pay if the material is top quality, but that rarely happens as top-quality training deserves remuneration as a reward.

What My Online StartUp deserves as payment is probably 5 to 10 in state prison. It is a sham trying to hook people into paying more money with no hope of getting any return on their investment. A $20 referral fee is more of an insult than an honest payment.

Our research also came across the idea that this was a poor man’s Ponzi scheme. You only get money if someone else pays into the program. Hard to say. What we do know is that we would not recommend it, although some reviewers do.

This My Online StartUp review has shown us that scam companies and programs still exist and are alive and well all over the internet. Find something better to do with your time.

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My Online StartUp






Overall Quality



  • Free training
  • Free to sign up
  • Nothing to sell


  • Nothing is for free
  • Lots of upsells that cost you big money
  • Have to have a ClickBank account
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