Virtual Downline Builder Review | Earn From Multiple Streams

Hey there! If you’re on the hunt for a game-changing opportunity to rake in income from various streams, you’ve stumbled upon the right place. Today, we delve into the realm of the Virtual Downline Builder, examining whether it’s the golden ticket to your financial dreams. Stick around as we unravel the intricacies of this program and explore an alternative path to financial freedom that might just be your perfect fit.

Virtual Downline Builder

Virtual Downline Builder, or VDB, has caught my attention, and in this review, I’ll walk you through its nuances, drawing parallels with my top pick for affiliates – a recommendation that has steered many towards success. But before we jump into the details, let’s understand what VDB brings to the table in my Virtual Downline review.

  • Name: Virtual Wealth Builder
  • Website:
  • Price: 0.00
  • Owners: Alonzo Brown
  • Overall Rank: 90 out of 100

Please keep in mind as you read my Virtual Downline Builder Review, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Virtual Downline Builder. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any opinions and conclusions may not apply to all persons or situations. So read this review in its entirety and you make your own decision. It might even be helpful to read other Virtual Downline Builder Reviews.

Virtual Downline Builder Product Overview

The Virtual Downline Builder was created by Alonso Brown and launched on January 1, 2019. Alonso Brown is also the creator of the Virtual Wealth System, which he appears to be merging into the Virtual Downline Builder.

In this review, we will refer to the Virtual Downline Builder as VDB as well. The program gives you seven programs you can promote within the Virtual Downline Builder. You can join for free and then individually go and sign up for the various programs.

The goal here is to build a downline in the Virtual Downline Builder and then build downlines in the seven programs. It reminds me of the plug-in prophet site program created by Stone Evans 17 years ago.

You can get paid in various ways, and you can upgrade within the programs for the Virtual Downline Builder. Alonzo Brown uses the Virtual Downline Builder to enroll people into the seven various programs.

As a member of the Virtual Downline Builder, you get the system in which you will then enter your individual affiliate ID numbers into the programs as you join them. He provides all the tools that you need to build a successful online business.

Two of the programs within the Virtual Downline Builder have instant pay commissions. All seven of these programs also offer residual income as you refer members to the various programs.

You are the sponsor of that individual in the Virtual Downline Builder, and you’re also the sponsor of them in the various programs. Because they provide training and support in videos, it allows you to study those and then build an Internet business.

You will use the Virtual Downline Builder as a way to enroll people in affiliate marketing and make money from them. Hence the name Virtual Downline Builder.

The seven programs are…..

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

Virtual Downline Builder Review - business training
  • free lifetime access to the downline builder system
  • free training in Internet marketing & network marketing
  • the ability to promote five of the businesses for free in the VDB system
  • seven potential income streams
  • personal training and mentoring in the self-help business arena

The Bad:

  • This is actually a pretty good system, but you will need to learn how to generate traffic to your VDB website.
  • The other thing is people will have to take the time to join the 7 programs, which may be hard to get them to do.
  • Virtual Downline Builder is brand new, having just started on 01-01-19. This does not have to be a bad thing but should be considered to promote your replicated site on different traffic services.

I see here that if VDB were ever to go out of business, you would still have many downlines in the various 7 programs as long as they are in business.

Who is the Virtual Downline Builder For?

Anyone looking for ways to make money online could benefit from the Virtual Downline Builder. Having a structured program with multiple income streams makes it easier to get started in multiple programs at one time, not like other programs with multiple streams of income that are false claims

Virtual Downline Builder Tools & Training & Support

Alonso Brown is big on offering all of the training needed once you join VDB for free. He also provides online support via a contact form. You have to be a member of VDB and log in to contact support.

Virtual Downline Builder Price

VDB is free to join. 5 of the 7 programs in VDB are free to join as well.

Final thoughts

Virtual Downline Builder Review - Figuring out how to build your team in your business

In conclusion, the Virtual Downline Builder emerges as a promising avenue for cultivating multiple income streams through the promotion of your replicated website. Alonzo Brown’s brainchild seems well-structured, offering a free entry point, comprehensive training, and an array of income-generating programs within VDB.

As I weigh the pros and cons, it’s clear that success with VDB hinges on your ability to drive traffic to your website. Additionally, persuading individuals to join the seven programs may pose a challenge. Despite its recent inception in 2019, the potential longevity of VDB is promising, particularly given the safeguard of maintaining downlines in the associated programs even if VDB were to cease operations.

So, who would find Virtual Downline Builder a perfect match? Essentially, anyone eager to explore online income opportunities through a well-structured program boasting multiple income streams. However, let’s not forget that success demands effort. If you’re up for the challenge, VDB might just be the breakthrough you’re seeking.

In the grand scheme of things, Virtual Downline Builder earns a solid “LEGIT” verdict from me. But, as I advocate for the world of affiliate marketing, a business model with proven longevity, I invite you to consider an alternative path. Dive into the realm of affiliate marketing, where education meets empowerment, and building your online business becomes a reality.

Explore my #1 recommendation, where a treasure trove of training, support, and expert guidance awaits. Discover the art of affiliate marketing and unleash the potential to shape your financial destiny.

Best wishes on your journey to online success!

PS: Curious about my top recommendation? Dive into the Wealthy Affiliate Review, where my #1 choice comes to life with intricate details.

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See the 4 steps to working online from home & earn residual income

6 thoughts on “Virtual Downline Builder Review | Earn From Multiple Streams”

  1. I can see something good in the review of the Virtual Downline Builder. I think such a program is rare. I said this because the program is free and offers something meaningful, though I prefer Wealthy Affiliates. 

    The Pros of Virtual Downline Builder outweighs the cons and I think it is a good program for a beginner in affiliate marketing though they don’t offer detailed and exclusive training like wealthy affiliate platform. Everything I need to be successful in my online business career is in Wealthy affiliates and that’s the platform I recommend most.

    • Yes, there is always something in a business that would make sense or appeal to us. But overall we still have to make the decision if it worth it. Will always recommend Wealthy Affiliate, cause you decided what you want to market by building your website.

      Precious, I could not have put it better, any business online, training is a must, because the Internet keeps changing and Mr. Google always changes their algorithms. One should be part of a community that teaches marketing online, and then decide which business they would want to proceed with, and they can find that within Wealthy Affiliate Platform. 

      Thank you for your input.

  2. Hey there David,

    So, you enroll in VDB and then join 5 of the programs, which I guess are affiliate programs. And as you wrote, the five of them are free. Then, You use the Virtual Downline Builder as a way to enroll people in affiliate marketing and make money from them. So, this is MLM, right? And you get the tools to do it? Are there any costs?



    • Yes, Marios, you have 7 programs to join in VDB and you have to pay to join each one of them, so when you recruit people who join those programs a commission is earned. By joining VDB for free you will know the cost of each program. Yes, it is an MLM business. Internet training is there. Being that is a new program, is something you have to decide by observing.

  3. Hi,

    I can see that Virtual Downline Builder is a relatively new business and only time would tell where this business is heading. any program that are offering a free membership tells you the credibility of that business and that is what interests me.

    Many times there are programs that offer a high membership fee and you do not have any experience with marketing and 6 ton 10 months in you have shell out a hefty amount of money and did not make any investment. I am happy that you give the good and the bad so that we would know what to expect and make our own decision. thank you for such a detailed review on Virtual Downline Builder 

    • Although being very new, I like the business model and what their attention is on promoting these products. It is good that they offer a free service so that you would have a better understanding before you dive into each program, but the inexperienced marketer would find it difficult to get traffic to these 7 programs., especially using a replicable website that would have no ranking value in the search engines.

      I hope in the future they focus on members building their own website, in that they can have the opportunity of marketing any programs they choose. Thank you for the comment.


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