Ways On How To Make Money While In College

Do you want to find out different easy ways on how to make money while in college? I will explain that in this article and give you my number one recommendation at the end of this post.

If you’re a college student you can do blog marketing and earn money. In fact, anyone can do blog marketing and earn a little or a lot of money depending on how much work they put into it.

The advantage to college students is they can work anywhere at any time which ties in well with class schedules and social life. Plus once you get your blog marketing in effect you will earn money even when you are not working.

Here’s more on how to get paid for this kind of marketing.

Ways On How To Make Money While In College - Start a blogBuild Your Own Website & Blog

If you want to market your own blog then you need a way to make money doing so. You should start a blog so you can add content on a regular basis.

Pick an evergreen topic that you know is going to have a lot of content associated with it. Then start an evergreen blog for it.

For instance, a blog about cars is better than making a website about a single video game that won’t be popular forever. People will always be interested in cars, now and in the near future, so that’s what makes it a good site idea.

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Drill Down-Think Micro Blog

This is really where evergreen blogs are at today. Choose a micro-niche that is a sub-niche of a larger market.

As an example, I mentioned the topic of cars as an evergreen blog because people are always looking for information on cars. However, a broad theme like cars is going to take you years to get traction on.

The way around that is to build a microblog. For example, a blog on expensive cars would narrow your niche down.

You could cover ideas that people are searching for according to Google such as…..

  • expensive cars brands
  • most expensive car 2017
  • most expensive car in the world in 2017
  • most expensive car in the world of all time
  • who owns the most expensive car in the world
  • most expensive car 2016
  • most expensive car ever sold
  • most expensive Lamborghini

You get the idea. You can do this for anything you are interested in or have a passion for. Microblog niche ideas are virtually limitless.

Easy Ways To Make Money While In College - creating traffic to your monetize blog

Do SEO For Traffic

When you have a blog up you’re going to need to get people to it. You can use SEO to do this, which stands for search engine optimization.

Build a keyword list and do blog posts around those keywords. Use Google Keyword Planner, which is free.

Google promotes this for people to build Adword campaigns, but it works great for finding the keywords people are searching for according to Google.

You can also use The Hoth. This is an alternative to Google Keyword Planner.

You can also take the keywords you have and buy Adword campaigns from Google. This is an immediate form of traffic and is a lot of fun to run.

Use some of your profits from the traffic from SEO to do paid blog marketing.

Make Money While In CollegeMaking Money As A College Student

When you’re using SEO, it’s a good idea to have ads on your website so that when you get visitors you can make money as a college student off of their clicks and just for them seeing the ads. There are a lot of different ad programs out there, so look into them.

Pay-per-click is an easy way to make money. Of course, the big one is Google Adsense. It is free to join.

Google sells the ads and matches them with the theme of your blog post. You place a tiny piece of code on your blog and it brings up advertisers on your blog.

When a blog visitor clicks on an ad you earn money on the click. According to Google, they pay 68% of the click.

You may want to look at other pay-per-click programs. I came across a good blog article here “10 Best Google Adsense Alternatives (2017)”

Sell Products

Try to sell products on your website. You don’t even have to be the one that makes the products.

Affiliate marketing is where you take products from someone else, sell them, and then make a cut of the profits. If you can, for instance, keep a blog online about different products, you can add ads to the page that lead people to your affiliate link to the product.

Then if someone buys that product from your link you are then able to get a little money from it. When you can make a blog, you can post new reviews and information you can add affiliate links to so look into this kind of marketing.

Amazon is a great resource for selling products as an affiliate. ClickBank is another easy program to join that offers mostly digital products you can sell.

Here is another way college students make money doing blog marketing. Find someone with an established blog that’s not doing too well so you can market to them and get visitors.

You can charge them for the work and use your marketing skills to make their blog more popular. Obviously, there are millions of struggling blogs online in any niche you want to work in.

Another source of people to work for will be local small businesses. These are small mom-and-pop shops that are too busy running their business to do marketing.

They will pay you to do it for them. College kids are doing a lot of social media marketing for small businesses and you will never run out of customers to work for.

Final thoughts

As a college student, you may need to earn a little extra money. You can use blog marketing for your own blogs or be working for other people to help you come up with a little bit of extra money. You may even be able to turn it into a way to make a full-time income.

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6 thoughts on “Ways On How To Make Money While In College”

  1. I would have never guessed online ventures could actually turn a profit with a bit of consistent work. I really wish I would have come across your article while I was going to college, because during college you might have no money, but there’s is a lot of extra time to fill out a website like you’re saying. Thanks for the complete guide to making it happen – I love the word choice “evergreen” as far as a niche to choose. I don’t think most people realize it can be easy to set up selling other companies products – makes it very easy to build some passive income opportunities. I’m on to read your number 1 recommendation article to find out how best to approach an online business! Thanks!

    • Good to know that I was able to provide a little value here to you Chase. i wish i had know that when i was in college as well. but with my son and daughter in college, I was able to help them out and provide something for them that they are still pursuing part-time today.

      You are right when yo mention that most people do not realize how easy it is to sell other people products online an earn an income, that is the reason I started this website, to point the different ways on how to go about it.

      Feel free to check out Wealthy Affiliate and if you need clarity or have any questions, feel free to contact me, I take this business seriously, and I would do whatever it takes to see others have the same success.

  2. Hey Bishop, its a great article. I have searched my whole college life on how I could earn money from the internet. I wish if i could come across such site and this article back then. You were quite descriptive on the content and someone in college can make money with Affiliate marketing, which was great and you covered the important points on how to go about it. 

    I have friends who attending college so I will be happy to to share this article with them. Thank you for putting this together, I will be sure to come back to gain future knowledge from your website. Everything here is very informative for someone who wants to earn an income online. Keep it up…….

    • Saurav, thank you for the comment. I too wish i had know this back then when i was in college, but unfortunately the Internet was that then evolve. But we have certainly have come a long way and making money online is quite simple now. That is the reason for building this website so that people would be aware that it is possible. It is happening for me, and I would want the same for others.

      Thank you for wanted to share this article with your friends in college, and if you or them have any questions, please feel free and contact me, would be glad to lend a hand. Thanks again for stopping by, all the best.

  3. Actually I really like to learn SEO for traffic. I heard that it has a really big potential.
    But I wonder how long it takes to reach a certain level with it. What are your experiences with this? I really need to start earning soon and is SEO good option for that?

    • Furkan, glad that you stop by. SEO has to be learn before you begin to use it for traffic, and once you learn it, you will see that it has potential for free targeted traffic that would last months or even years down the road.

      Wealthy Affiliate has video lessons on SEO showing you step by step what you need to be doing to get high rankings on Google, Bing and Yahoo. You should get to a comfortable level within weeks by watching these easy to follow videos.

      SEO can happen today or it can take time, based on your keywords competition and the consistency with your blogging strategies. Other fast ways are social marketing and email marketing. Quickest way is paid trafficking through Bing and Facebook ads, depending your budget. Hope that I was able to help. 


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