What Is The Top Affiliate Network?

When it comes to making money online affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to do so. But what is the top Affiliate Network today?

Affiliate marketing is basically promoting other people’s products, businesses, or services, and then you get a commission for every conversion that you make.

So, for example, if a company is offering a 10% commission on a $50 product, you will get $5 of every sale of that product that you generate. As a result, in order to be profitable at affiliate marketing, you need to generate as many sales or conversions as you can.

In order to gain access to affiliate offers, you will want to be accepted by at least one affiliate network. There are hundreds of different networks and they include MaxBounty, Peerfly, Clickbank, Shareasale, Flex Offers, and much more.

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What Is The Top Affiliate Network - Join a few and make your choiceJoining An Affiliate Network

In order to get into an Affiliate Network, you will need to go to the website of the network and apply to become a publisher. Once you click on that link\ you will be directed to a form where you have to fill out personal information such as your name, address, country, marketing methods, experience, website, etc. It is essential that you thoroughly fill out each one of the fields as truthfully and accurately as possible.

It should be noted that getting into the top affiliate networks is quite difficult and you may be rejected. However, in order to improve your chances of getting accepted, you should call the affiliate network as soon as you have completed the online form.

Once you call the network you will speak to an account manager or rep that will go through your application and ask you a few simple questions. It is essential that you understand the basics of affiliate marketing in order to answer these questions.

You should definitely communicate your plans on how you intend to market their products since this is the most important question they will want an answer to. Typical ways to market affiliate products include SEO, personal websites or blogs, paid advertising, social media ads, email lists, etc. Once you have spoken to a rep the chances of getting accepted are quite high.

choosing the right network

What Are The Best Affiliate Networks?

Affiliate networks are divided into cost per click, cost per action, and cost per sale. These are also known as pay per click, pay per lead, and pay per sale.

Some of the biggest affiliate networks are ones you want to join right away. They offer the most affiliate merchants you can join to start making money.

As you get more into various niches you are in it is worth looking for specialty affiliate networks. These are usually harder to get accepted into but can provide interesting affiliate programs that are many times under the radar.

So, what are the best affiliate networks?

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1. Clickbank. The world’s largest digital marketplace has to be the first place to go as an affiliate.

They offer many great features, but 2 stand out to me. They have a huge variety of digital products you can sell. With one i.d. number, you can sell everything they provide by inserting it into any URL. This is known as your hop-link and it does not get any better than this!

2. CJ By Conversant. We used to know them as Commission Junction, The CJ.com, and now CJ by Conversant. This is where you will find some of the world’s largest businesses.

They do not want the hassle of running an affiliate program, but they know they need one so they use CJ By Conversant. I remember once they find the Denver Broncos affiliate program here.

become an amazon associate

3. Amazon Associates. They refer to their affiliates as associates, No matter what you are called you should join with them.

I have never understood why small local businesses have let Amazon push them around. Same thing with independent affiliates. Don’t try and compete with the world’s largest buying website, join them and get in on the action!

4. eBay. Did you know they have an affiliate program? Their partner program offers world-class tools and training to help you sell on eBay. This is another example of a well-known site that already gets a lot of traffic.

5. Max Bounty. This is a cost-per-action affiliate network. They provide great training, your own affiliate rep to work directly with, and what seems like a never-ending supply of great offers to promote.

6. Rakuten. They used to be Buy.com. When you are approved as an affiliate you will access to 90,000 products from 38,500 shop owners, and more than 18 million customers.

7. Share-sale. This is a very large affiliate network with over 4,000 merchants. Over 1,000 are exclusive to them. Their system makes it very easy to compare offers.

Let me give you a couple of other things to consider.

8. OfferVault.com is a great site for finding top affiliate networks, many of which you have probably never heard of. Join for free and start taking advantage of everything they provide.

9. Google Adsense. Google got out of the affiliate network game, but they do run the top pay-per-click advertising affiliate program.

Join for free and let Google do all of the selling for you. Place a piece of code on your site. This will bring up ads and when a visitor goes to your site and clicks on an ad, you earn 68% of the click.

getting help choosing the right network

Conclusion On What Is The Top Affiliate Network…

And how to choose the right one is within your reach!

In closing, we have just looked at some of the top affiliate networks and how to get into them. It can be challenging for a newbie to get accepted into a top network, but it isn’t impossible once you follow the above guidelines.

Affiliate networks save you a lot of time and headaches when it comes to finding good products and programs. Jump in with both feet and you can quickly be off and running in the exciting world of affiliate marketing.


Do what others like myself are doing. Join a community that teaches you how to choose the right one, and what steps to take. They show you step by step how to build a website and market these Affiliate products.


If you are interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, and much more.

8 thoughts on “What Is The Top Affiliate Network?”

  1. David,
    Great article, you’ve got a lot of good information here. I have certainly heard of ClickBank, Commission Junction, Share a Sale and the like. But some of the others were new to me. What are your thoughts on companies that have affiliate programs but aren’t part of a network? Would I be taking on additional risk by using them? (Risk of them not paying?)

    • Hi David and thank you for the comment on what is the top affiliate program. The list was carefully chosen and they still work today. My best is Affiliate programs and I am a huge fan of them and they are working for me. Look at the ones that have a free membership. Usually those are the ones that has credibility. Hope that helps!

  2. Hi, David thank you for the brief information about such many affiliate networks of which many are new to me.I am working on Amazon and click bank at the moment. What I would like to ask you is that if it is possible to promote products without having a website.Please let me know if you have any tips, expect your answer soon.

    Thank you


    • Abraham, thank you for your feedback, and I am happy to know that you got some light here with this article. Back in the days promoting products was done in many ways and it did work. but today we are living in a different age where most people carries a handheld device. So not having a website you would be left behind and those who have one would be an advantage to the ones without.

      I would suggest that you join Wealthy Affiliate and learn all that you need to know to be successful with any business you decide to choose. And then you will meet me inside so that I would be able to give you my personal assistance on the direction you should take. Talk to you soon.

  3. Hi David thank you for the brief information about such many affiliate networks of which many are new to me.I am working for Amazon and click bank at the moment.What I would like to ask you is that if it is possible to promote products with out having a website.Please let me know if you have any tips ,expect your answer soon.

    Thank you


    • Abraham, thank you for the feedback and your concerns. Glad that you get some value here about different Affiliate networks that you can build a home business from. and Amazon and Clickbank are two of the ones that you can start with.

      The way how the internet is changing it makes it very difficult to build a business without a website, that is the reason I mention Wealthy Affiliate because they show you step by step through videos on how you can do it for yourself. The community there will be available to steer you in the right direction and are eager to see you succeed. hope that helps!

  4. Hi David,
    thanks for the article and the good information.

    If I would ask which affiliate network has the best selection as well as the best commision, which one you would suggest me?

    I feel like ClickBank in this sense is the best but the problem is that you cannot sell physical products.


    • Hey Marco, glad that you get some value in this article and thank you for the feedback.

      Going after your passion and what would you feel comfortable in promoting would be your best bet. Depending on what that is you can look into Clickbank, Amazon or Wealthy Affiliate to make your choice. clicbank commission is very high as much as 75% and Wealthy Affiliate close to 50%.

      Whatever you decide, you still would have to build a website to promote those products, and joining Wealthy Affiliate would be the best place to get started. Here you would learn from a community that is eager to see you succeed.

      Yes, Clickbank only sells digital products, but you can go through my list to find physical products that you wish to promote and Amazon has a wide varieties. Hope this helps!


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