Yoonla Review – An Affiliate Program That Could Work!

In this Yoonla review, I want to focus on how to make money with Yoonla. Even though I have been in the make-money niche for over 15 years I had not heard of Yoonla.

I admit I find the name intriguing and was looking forward to learning more about it. Could it really be possible that a company I had not heard of was a rare diamond or at the very least a good business opportunity?

Yoonla Overall Product Overview

  • Name: Yoonla
  • Website: https://app.yoonla.com
  • Price: Free to join
  • Owners: Reno Van Boven
  • Overall Rank: 95 out of 100

This online money-making opportunity was created in 2016 by Reno Van Boven, an entrepreneur with about 12 years of online business experience. The system is designed to help you make money using the cost-per-action affiliate marketing method.

Even though your sign-up was free, the person credited in referring you gets between $2 and $4 for doing absolutely nothing except getting you to sign up. This may sound too good to be true, but this is the only real free part of Yoonla.

If you decide to continue with the company you will be asked to purchase the products or tools you need that the company recommends. The cost of those tools varies, but if you want to make a commission from the hard work you need to buy those products.

Yoonla is advertised as bringing the ultimate digital lifestyle to your life. What that is, is not really explained and a look at the Yoonla website does not provide any clues either.

The Good & the Bad of Yoonla

The Good:

  • Sign-up is free
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating capture pages
  • Teaches good marketing techniques
  • Very good support system
  • Recommends good tools
  • 2 tier affiliate program

The Bad:

  • Training restricted to his products only
  • Account setup takes lots of time
  • Expensive upsells after signing up
  • You need to buy those upsells if you want to make money
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Who is Yoonla For?

This online money-making opportunity is for just about anyone who knows how to work a computer and has some free time. College students, homemakers, or people looking for a non-traditional job that helps them make a good wage.

Just about anyone who has some money to invest should be able to handle this opportunity. There are some costs involved after the free sign up and if you can afford those then you are on your way.

Yoonla Tools & Training

There is a training available and it comes with high marks. The training focuses on the basics mostly and does not go into a lot of detail about market concepts and so on. In fact, this well put together training program is worth signing up for and seeing what insights you can snag to help you in other ventures.

The good thing is you do not have to buy any products to get access to the training program. 3 products are available that help in your training process. These products are free and you can promote them in order to help you get more e-mail addresses.

Yoonla Support

Yoonla Review Support

There is some support. Once you sign up for the costly products you need to create your Yoonla account, Yoonla employees take your information and set up your account so it works with the Yoonla formula. That little bit of support is handy especially if you are not technically inclined.

There is a support button that is supposed to take you to the support page but every time I clicked on it I got an error message. Maybe I have to be signed up to get proper access to the support page.

The only thing that bothered me was that the support page had a headline titled Kartra not Yoonla like the other pages you can reach through their website.

Yoonla Price

This is where it gets a little confusing for some people who signed up. The initial membership is free and the person who referred you gets paid between $2 and $4 per referral. If you want to make the $4 for doing nothing but getting people signed up, you have to be in one of 6 western countries- America, Canada, The UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland.

You do not want to be living in India, Pakistan, Nigeria, or Zambia. Zimbabwe, Miger, and Uganda. The resident members living in those countries get a $0 referral commission. Any other country is entitled to the $2 commission for the free sign-up referral.

Once you sign up to set up an account and get paid, you have to purchase over $200 of other products. Those products include web hosting, domain name, autoresponder program, and even the Yahoo hosting fee.

If you do a lot of free sign-ups that may not seem like a lot of money. But these costs are upfront before you start to make any money. The payout threshold is about $199.

Yoonla Upsells

An upsell is a sales technique utilized by sales funnels and programs such as Yoonla. You join for free and get this. Upgrade and you get more.

So what do you get if you upgrade with Yoonla?

Yoonla Review Autoresponder

1. Autoresponder. To promote Yoonla via email you will use the Get Response Autoresponder.

Over the years this has proven to be a very popular and reliable way to send emails automatically. Yoonla suggests starting with the basic version at $15 a month.

2. Hosting. You will want to start your own business and promote Yoonla so you need a hosting account to build your website.

Yoonla recommends Yahoo. You can get the premier account for $6.79 a month.

The kicker is you are billed one year upfront so be prepared to pay $82.46 for hosting. This is a sore spot for me and you do not know it until you are ready to pay.

3. Elite upgrades. Whenever someone upgrades in Yoonla you earn $40 on a first tire sale and $35 on a 2 tier sale. This makes Yoonla a 2 tier affiliate program.

My Final Opinion on Yoonla

This may be a very good program for more experienced affiliate marketers who have the money to make the initial investment. It is hard to find an open review of the program because there are so many people who signed up trying to make money off referrals. Their reviews remain positive only.

There is good training and those insights should be able to help you in other online ventures so you are not losing even if you only sign up for free.

A Little On CPA Affiliate Marketing

CPA is short for cost per action. You get paid to perform an action. This is also called pay-per-lead.

With Yoonla that action is getting people to join Yoonla for free. This is how to make money with Yoonla on the referral part.

Cost per action has also been called pay per lead. With Yoonla you are working on their lead program.

Getting someone to join is really generating a lead for Yoonla. It is called cost per action because some CPA affiliate programs get someone to download software and do other things. These are the actions part of being an affiliate for that program.

What I like About CPA Programs

Very simply nobody has to buy anything for you to make money. You are not doing sales in the CPA part of the program with Yoonla. I like the CPA program in general.


The less you ask someone to do the more they are apt to do it. In the PPC or pay-per-click affiliate model such as Google Adsense, someone just has to click on an ad for you to make money.

In the CPA model, they will be filling out a form.

Short Forms Get More Action

I have tested this quite extensively over the years. In cost-per-action programs, it makes sense that short forms are going to be filled out more often than long forms.

You may find this when you’re doing list building on your own website. When you have somebody just give you their email address they’re going to be more likely to do that than if you ask them to give you their email address, name, and possibly their phone number.

This works well for Yoonla as well. You’re not asking for a lot of information so they’re more likely to fill it out. Just provide their name and email address and you make money.

Final Thoughts

There are definitely worse online money-making opportunities out there. This is not a bad system as you do not have to lay out a lot of money just to sign up. There are no starter packs to buy nor lots of products to try and sell. The good thing about this program is, that it’s well thought and organized training program.

It is one of the few online businesses that offer very good training for free. The account is set up but there is a way to get the company to do it for you. You just need to upgrade to the VIP account.

The only thing you really need to do is learn from the training and go slowly so you understand what you have to do.

If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

yoonla Review

Free To Join





Overall Quality



  • Sign up is free
  • Step by step instruction for creating capture pages
  • Teaches good marketing techniques
  • Very good support system


  • Training restricted to his products only
  • Account set up takes lots of time
  • Expensive upsells after signing up
  • You need to buy those upsells if you want to make money
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16 thoughts on “Yoonla Review – An Affiliate Program That Could Work!”

  1. Thanks a lot for sharing with us this review about Yoonla. When it comes to making money online, my interest is very high and I want to take this opportunity.

    By reading this article I want to say that I was attracted to your recommendation number 1. Maybe Yoonla is not for me, but Wealthy Affiliate is definitely. I saw that there are two types of members here: starter and premium. If I go premium, I have more chances to make money online?

    • Thank you for reading my article on Yoonla, and making money online is becoming very popular become of the information age we are living in.

      Wealthy Affiliate is where my passion is and it has given me a lifestyle that I was searching for a long time. the good thing is that I am able to work with anyone here if they decide to join, simply because it is my hang out spot.

      There are two memberships, a free one and a premium one. The reason is that we want you to decide if it is the best service for you before you make a purchase. and if it is, then you can upgrade to premium whenever you wish, it is entirely up to you. When you join for free, no credit card is needed.

      I will be happy to work with you and help you reach your goals if you decide to join Wealthy Affiliate. and if your passion is with another service, still reach out to me and i will give you the right approach to help be successful. Thanks for the comment.

  2. Thanks allot for taking the time to try out this platform and then giving us a direct review with every needed detail. This review has given me the view that Yoonla would worth trying out even though I have encountered countless products similar to this one. And most of them were scams, but I think we should give Yoonla a try. 

    • After reading my review, you have come up with your own decision and willing to give Yoonla a try. I commend you for that. if when you join and you see anything that I fail to mention that would be of importance to my audience, please feel free and mention it here, I would love to make any addition or necessary adjustment.

  3. Thank you for this thorough and honest review. With so many scams out there it’s nice to see some legitimate ones from time to time. Although there are a few things I don’t like about this one like the upsells or the very specific training you get which is limiting the overall value of this platform. Thank you for the heads up anyway!

    • Hey Stratos, I also detect upsells with companies, especially when you just finish becoming a free member or a starter member. is all marketing tactics to get more money from you.

      Yoonla is very new, most companies have to be around 10 years plus before we determined where there are heading and if they withstand the test of time to determine credibility. So will keep a watchful eye on them for now.

  4. Hello. In my opinion, Yoonla is really a good way to make online money by using affiliate marketing. 

    Now I’m a beginner in this industry and I started my journey on Wealthy Affiliate. I really appreciate that you recommend this platform for all the people who want to make money online. Here I’m a premium member and I can say that it was my best decision I ever made. Now I want to create a website and promote healthy food but I have some problems in finding the best keywords for my business. Do you think you can recommend a good platform where I can generate these keywords?

    Thanks and keep in touch! 

    • As a beginner with Wealthy Affiliate, you have made the right choice for the online world. And all you would ever need to build a successful business is right there within the training offered. There are tons of training within the classroom teaching you how to find good keywords for any niche. Jaaxy is where I find all my keywords once you understand how to do keyword research for the best results. I hope that helps!

  5. Hey, I enjoy a lot while reading your review on Yoonla and find it very helpful for everyone. Now I know every good program for more experienced affiliate marketers who have the money to make the initial investment. There is no starter packs to buy nor lots of products to try and sell. Your top recommendation is very useful for people to start with the starter pack. I love Wealthy Affiliate very much.

    • The good thing that I love about Wealthy Affiliate is that you are building a website that is totally yours. And you can build on any business that you choose with affiliate marketing. The training is by the best on the internet and the community is very helpful and has your interest at hand to see you succeed. I would recommend this program to anyone looking for a way to build a successful business online.

  6. Hello, You are doing an amazing work by writing on Yoonla Review. I know now that there is no starter packs to buy nor lots of products to try and sell. The good thing about this program is, it’s well thought out and organized training program. The only thing you really need to do is learn from the training and go slowly so you understand what you have to do. Thanks a lot.

    • Any program that offers training to its members is a great company to look into. The only thing about the training is only designed to sell their products. It is better you train members to have online marketing skills so that they would be able to sell anything of their choice online. The upsells are very high and would be costly to members during their learning curve.


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