How Can A Stay At Home Mom Make Money?

How can a stay at home Mom make money? In this article, I will show you exactly ways to make money as a stay at home mom, and then I will give you my number one recommendation that most Moms are having success with.

Being a stay at home mom is at the top of the list of great careers, but it comes with one BIG problem.

It does not pay very well and in the past, you would have to leave your home and go get a job, even if it was a part-time job.

So, how can a stay at home mom make money?

Here are 11 ideas!

1. Get paid to the program. You have heard of these. Get paid to read emails, do data entry, take paid surveys, give your opinion. and so on. Sites such as Inbox Dollars, Swagbucks, and Cash Crate would be a good place to start.

One way to make money as a stay at home mom with getting paid to programs is to find ones with referral programs and refer people to them. As an example, Cash Crate has a good referral program where you earn money when people you refer take paid surveys. There is no limit to how much you can make, and you earn money over and over on every completed survey.

Swagbucks is another way where you can earn money by referring others. I went into details in my Swagbucks Review, and there are some videos that that y pop u can look at some of the programs that you can make money.

Check out my Swagbucks Review Here.

2. Buy and sell on eBay. You would be surprised how many stay-at-home moms start out just trying to get rid of unwanted items around the house. They then turn this into an online business. You can scale this into a big-time business as well. More millionaires have come out of eBay than anywhere else online.

3. Provide a service. Of course, daycare is a common one. However, people will pay you to do other things for them such as do their laundry, walk their dogs or pick up kids from daycare, and anything else you can think of with the convenience of caring for your kids.

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How cca a stay at home mom make money? as a freelance writer

4. Virtual assistant. The more you can do the more in demand you will be. Online business owners will hire you to type, answer the phone, blog, do social media tasks, and so on. You can work for just one business or hire yourself out to multiple businesses depending on how much time you have and how much money you want to earn.

5. Fiverr. This crazy little site has turned into a multi-million dollar business. People will pay you $5 to do things they do not have time to do or know how to do. A couple of the weirdest gigs I came across include “I will dance to any song in a hot dog costume”, “I will dance to any song you want in a banana costume”, and “I will be your Facebook girlfriend for a week”. LOL!

6. Tutor. Start your own tutor business. This could be in math, music, or even sports such as golf or soccer. Thanks to Skype and Facetime you can tutor and never meet your students face to face.

7. Blog writer. There are millions of blogs that need content. Write it for them and get paid to do it. If you do not want to deal with customers, you can join a content mill site such as Crowd Content or iWriter or Upwork.

All you do all day long online, is find a writing job, complete it, and you make money.
Here you can be paid more to do there SEO and publishing for them, learning the skills at Wealthy Affiliate. A blogger will pay big bucks for this, and even more to maintain their website.

8. MLM. Join an MLM company and sell products and build your Network marketing business of downline distributors. This utilizes the direct sales business model and there are literally thousands of potential companies to check out is another great website for info on MLM.

Just be careful of that ones that give you lots of promises and no training. Those are the ones that just looking for a quick buck, believe me cause I have been scammed by a few of them in the past.

9. Affiliate marketing. Get paid to sell other people’s stuff, get clicks on website advertising, or get leads for companies. This is a fast way to stay home and make money because you don’t need your own products to get started. Join Wealthy Affiliate and learn how to start and build a successful career in affiliate marketing if that is your goal! the great thing is that you can join for free and see if it is a good fit for you.

10. Start an online business. Many of the ideas regarding this could be potential Internet business opportunities for you. A quick Google search of the phrase “Starts an online business” will give you plenty of results to start researching from.

Or you can go through my website and find something you can resonate with, and I will help you set up your business the right way through intense training and support, with a community that I will discuss below.

How can a stay at home Mom make money? as an affiliate marketer

11. Side Hustle. This is a fairly new term I came across and found a cool blog with ideas on ways a stay at home mom could make money. Some are online while others are offline.

Some include Airbnb where you rent out a room or even your whole house while you are gone. Write an eBook and sell it on Amazon or ClickBank. Sell your hair online. Sell photos online. Be a sperm or plasma donor.


These are several ideas that answer the question of ways to make money as a stay at home mom. Thanks to the Internet, as well as tried-and-true opportunities, there is really no limit to the number of ways a mom could stay at home to be there for the kids while making money at the same time. You can control your schedule and income as well!

And if there is another source of income in the house, it gets better, with the failure rate being little or next to none. Or you can invest in proven stocks by Neil Patel.

It’s getting better!

My Recommendation

If you are interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to my training guide, and much more.

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26 thoughts on “How Can A Stay At Home Mom Make Money?”

  1. Hi David,

    certainly 10 great ways for stay at home moms to make money.. I all takes a bit of time tho to learn the skills to get some credit for it.

    Can you elaborate a bit further on Fiverr?
    I always wonder how the selling side of it works..


    • Thank you Maarten for your comment. I just wanted to point out the different ways a stay at home Mom can make money online. You mention Fiverr. Well to start to work from home, there are few things you must do to get set up online.

      1. You have to build a website.

      2. You may want an appealing header

      3. You may want to add content to your niche to reach your audience.

      4. Then you want to advertise your website.

      5. You want to reach out to social media.

      6. You may want high ranking for your website.

      This is just some the things that you would need to get going. Well, on Fiverr there are experts in all these field, and if a stay at home Mom can do any of the above, they can render they service on Fiverr and get paid. There are website owners who don’t have the time to some of the stuff I mention, they will pay for such information.

      You can literally go on fiver and see all the services that are offered, and the amount of money is being paid for these services. Hope I clarify your question on how Fiverr works. Take care and thanks for stopping by.

  2. I’d rate affiliate marketing and selling on eBay the top 2 ways to make money online out of your list. Fiverr is a good one too, but I just think the amount you get paid compared to work you do is pretty low. I find it a great place to outsource to, though. Providing a service can be a good one, if you’ve got some specific specialised skills to offer. Thanks for listing these. Some good ideas there.

    • Darren,

      Thank you for leaving a comment on how can a stay at home mom make money online. Glad you get some value from this, and agree with affiliate marketing as one of them.

      You are right about fiverr, I use them mainly for outsourcing my marketing strategies and blog syndication. if you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me immediately. Take care.


  3. Hi David, thanks for this article. I’ve tried doing affiliate marketing. It’s hard work and take a lot of patience and perseverance. I started my website 4 months ago and still haven’t made a single sale, but I hope that if I don’t give up, I’ll start making some income soon. I think it’s a great way of making passive income, once you build traffic, which is not that easy;)

    • Kams, you are on the right track for creating a successful business online. Anything that you are building will not be easy, but if you do it right and be consistent, you will be able to see some traffic and eventually make sales.

      Continue to add value to your audience and your website will begin to attract people who will see you as an authority in your field. If you need help in any way, please do not hesitate to ask.


  4. This is a great list of ways to make money if you are house bound, such like the stay at home mom. I’ve looked at almost everything on your list at one time or another and while they all can provide some income, the key word is “some”. I sincerely believe that if someone truly wants to build a home business that allows time for watching your kids, its affiliate marketing.

    • Warren, I totally agree. Affiliate marketing is the one that will take care of all the bills, and provide a true income that would take care of the family and can create a lifestyle living that most people dream about.

      Glad you take the time to read my article, and left me a positive comment on how can a stay at home mom make money. Thanks, and I wish you all the best with your business.


  5. A very concise post on ways to earn money at home, especially for mothers.

    Indeed there are ways to earn money from home and I wonder if there is any way people can learn the technical skills (building websites and etc,.) and at the same time implement what they learn on the spot?


    • Thank you, Alex, hope it helped them the way it did for a few friends of mine.

      Building a business from scratch is a process, and it takes time. Just like when you were learning to ride a bicycle or drive a car.

      Once you learned the skills, the income follows. if I can do it, anyone can. What yo don’t want is, two to three years down the road, you did not start to give it try.

  6. Absolutely! Lots of stay at home moms have found ways to make money while being at home. The list you provided is just the tip of the iceberg on that topic. 

    Good video too. The internet alone has opened up so many possibilities. I believe everyone should consider finding an income online, the possibilities are endless. 

    • Lee, You are so right. The Internet is open to so many possibilities that it is easy for someone to stay home and earn a decent income. people are quitting their jobs today to accomplish just that.

      Thank you for the input and stopping by and leaving me a comment. wish you all the best with your business for 2019 and going forward.

  7. Hi Bishop,

    A very nicely laid out article that is full of resources for a stay at home mom can use to find a suitable job and can earn some money.

    A few days ago my elder sister informed me to get a job for her. But I had no idea where to begin to search. I asked some friends if they know and all I got was nothing. By reading this article now, I have a few things that I can recommend to her and see which one is a good fit.

    After reading your article, I understand clearly what approach should one take if they desire to look for a job.  The stay home approach is the perfect guideline and responsibility for her. You have mentioned ten kinds of opportunities very nicely for this. 

    I am going to tell my sister about this. It will be very much helpful for her in this purpose. I am going to share this great article with my social following and keep this as a reminder for me as well.

    • Happy that this article found you and your sister at the right time. Hope she finds something that best suits her and able to work from home making a decent income for herself. I had gotten some good feedback from people who put these ideas to the test. So please do not take them lightly.

      There are other resources that I am working on now, once I verified that they are legit and can help stay at home moms, I will update this post with those new strategies, so please feel free to check this website from time to time. And let your sister know that as well.

      If she is interested in the Affiliate Marketing and would like to work with me, I would be glad to help her by joining Wealthy Affiliate, and then work out a business approach that best fits her. I hope to talk to her soon.

  8. I like the idea of being a blog writer. How do I find blogs that are looking for writers? Is this something you’ve ever done yourself? 

    I’ve tried writing for sites like Content Gather and that seemed promising (although I admit, I got bored).

    I’m a stay-at-home mom and I’ve found good success working as a piano teacher. It’s a great fit! I can set my own hours, decide on the number of students I’m willing to take on and work only with students I enjoy. 

    • Blog writing is great and lots of fun especially if you blogging about a passion of yours. Yes, I have done writing about exercise equipment back then and it was fun and entertaining.

      You have to have a passion for writing and is always fun when it is something that you have a passion for. That would excitement and energy in the writing.

      Sound like you love playing the piano, exactly what I was speaking about in the last paragraph. Great that you are having success with what you love. Thank you for the feedback.

  9. Thank you for this article! I came across so many new ideas that I haven’t thought of. As a mother of 3… I have such a strong desire to be there for my kiddos, yet as a two-income household, I have always thought that this would be near-impossible! My favorite of your ideas is the affiliate marketing ideology. I will definitely be checking out your recommendation for this. Thank you!

    • is always good to pick one that you have a passion for, in that way you would have fun along the way while you earn an income. Your audience will feel the energy and grow into you and what you have to offer. You will be building a brand for you or your business that people would resonate with. 

      That is what makes Affiliate Marketing so interesting. would love to be able to help you inside Wealthy Affiliate and grow a business of your choice. Looking forward to working with you. Talk to you soon!

  10. There are so many opportunities on the web these days that can be made working at home a reality. You have a great list here and I love how you’re putting the word out there that stay at home mothers, and anyone else for that matter, have choices to spend more time with their family.

    Besides your choice of Wealthy affiliate, is there one or two other options that you list that you would highly recommend?

    • Rick, there are lots of opportunities out there and if we take the right approach and educate ourselves on the process, people would have more success making money as a stay at home Mom. I would always recommend Freelancing. As a blog writer, it would be the best bet. Cause you would not be able to write for others and make money, you would be able to build a brand for yourself in whatever passion you have.

      So if one starts with Wealthy Affiliate and build their website, they can add any affiliate marketing business to their blog that they feel comfortable promoting, and freelance writing or being a virtual assistant are great opportunities. Hope that help!

  11. Thank you very much for this great and amazing post, I always cherish post that talks about making money. I think I will suggest being a virtual assistant for stay at home moms because Fivver is too technical. I think selling on eBay too isn’t a bad idea at all. 

    • Hey Charles, they are both good ideas or stay at home moms to earn some money, and Virtual Assistant is getting more and more in demand, cause most bloggers are outsourcing these jobs as they focus on traffic to the websites.

  12. hi, your topic on your website is very interesting, it will really help other people and it’s really amazing, indeed nowadays it’s not only men who are looking for money, women are also even though they are married keep the spirit of making money but unfortunately time is very limited because they have to take care of various household activities , yes the only way is to make money at home via the internet. the content is very useful, good work.

    • Thank you for the positive comment on this article. Stay at home moms has some free time when the kids started school and they would like to use those time wisely. 

      The few that I mentioned are very popular today and most moms went on to make those jobs a full-time business from home. Freelance writing is in high demand and any Mom can make money at home with this service.

  13. Hi Bishop,

    Thanks for this article to list out all the possibilities to make money online without being outside working 9-5. This is good news for all the mothers who cannot leave their house since they need to take care of kids. I found the Fiverr quite interesting, and the task you mentioned sounds VERY crazy. 

    I might check it out first then proceed for other programs, thank you so much for this helpful post. Will definitely share with someone needed.

    • Happy that you got some value here Matt, and I hope that stay at home moms find my ideas useful and would be able to get started making money at home.

      If you need a hand going forward, please let me know, would be happy to lend a hand by showing you what bis working for me, which the same can happen . for you as well. Talk to you soon.


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