Princess House MLM Review – Is Princess House A Scam?

Everyone needs good household items. Where you get them from doesn’t matter as long as they last, are of good quality, and do not cost a lot. Unfortunately, this Princess House MLM review may expose a company that does not have those characteristics in its products.

You have to read through this review to see if that assumption is true or not. The problem with selling everyday household goods in the 21st century is that you have a lot of competition. Without top-quality products, your road to success is a lot more difficult.

To find out more about this company and its products, continue to read our review. It has the inside scoop, so you know if this is a company you want to work for. It will only take a few minutes to get up to speed and then make your decision.

What is Princess House?

Charlie Collis started Princess Housein 1963, and he adopted the MLM business plan long before it became trendy to do so. He decided to focus on an area often ignored by other MLM companies and marketed high-quality kitchenware, bakeware, glassware, cutlery, home accessories, and weight loss products.

With his headquarters in Taunton, Massachusetts, he was able to take a small business and open up markets in Canada and Australia, and his native America. Along the way, his sales force grew to 37,000 representatives and the company now employs 200+ people.

Princess House MLM Review

After 50 years, the company appointed its first female CEO, and her name is Connie Tang. She has had over 20 years in the MLM industry heading Jaffra Cosmetics International and vice president of Beauty Control.

The problem that this company and its representatives have is the same for all MLM companies- their products are very overpriced and hard to beat the cheaper competition. What you pay for a 5-piece cooking set, is $369; you can buy a 15-piece Faberware cooking set and have over $200 to buy groceries to cook in it.

If you think this is an inexpensive company, you will have to re-think that assumption.

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How Does Princess House Work?

The standard sign-up is the way to get your foot in the door with this company. You will need to be referred by an existing representative as these products are marketed through direct sales only.

Once you are firmly in that sponsor’s downline, you sell the products through giving parties, sort of like Tupperware used to do. Whoever hosts those parties gets a gift for doing so, and you make a commission off all your sales.

Of course, your commission only covers your sales effort, and any expenses you incur outside of that come out of your wallet. Then you will have to dig yourself out of a financial hole because the starter kit sells for $139.

It is supposed to have about $600 worth of products in it, so you are given a chance to make money by selling your starter kit. In other words, it is a standard MLM operating platform.

The main challenge you will face is convincing people to host parties for you to sell. That may not be easy given the atmosphere in many countries today.

Can You Make Money with Princess House?

Princess House MLM

With MLM companies, anything is possible. If you get the right territory, then you will probably make money hand over fist. But if you don’t, then you will probably not succeed.

That is the harsh reality of the MLM world, and Princess House is no different. Even though you get 25% sales up to $1500, you still have expenses like gas, time, and so on to factor in.

Your commission will go up to 30% if you have sales between $1501 and $2499 and then 35% if you are lucky enough to make over $2500 in sales. So the possibility is there, but the reality is going to tell you a different story.

What you make will be solely up to you and your effort. But you have a tough road to travel because the prices on the products you represent are well overpriced, and people need to see top-quality before shelling out the kind of money Princess House is asking for its products.

Walmart and other big box stores will be your main competition as second-hand stores, discounters, and closeout stores.

Examples Of How To Make Money with Princess House.

There are two ways to make money through this company. The first is through your direct sales, which usually take place through in-home parties. The more you can sell there, the better your commission will be. You already know the commission structure, so no use in repeating it.

If you are a good salesman, then you stand a perfect chance of making a little money as you work. Keep in mind you are covering your expenses out of your own pocket. So your revenue stream will not be as big as it looks.

The second example of making money at Princess House is through recruiting. This is an MLM company, so do not think you will escape that difficult task. There are 6 levels you can advance, and each level needs lots of recruits to make it work.

Plus, it would help if you had lots of recruits to meet the sales goals set for each level. So while you are trying to move up the ladder, you are recruiting your own competition cutting your sales territory down, and making it harder for you to make any money.

The Pros & Cons of Princess House.

There will always be disgruntled former employees saying bad things about any company, especially when they talk about an MLM corporation. Their experiences dictate the nature of their negative comments.

Then if they are successful, that experience dictates the nature of their comments. Read the pros and cons with a grain of salt, and here are the ones for Princess House.


  • High commission rate
  • Practical household products to sell
  • Easy signup
  • Work your own hours
  • Be your own boss
  • Consultant discounts available
  • Products shipped directly to your customers
  • Can earn a lot of money if you are in the right place at the right time


  • You pay to play
  • Overpriced products to sell to people
  • Stiff competition from cheaper stores
  • Lack of support and training
  • Recruit and recruit some more
  • Inferior products that break, dent, and ruin easily
  • Lots of customer complaints
  • Need to make a lot of sales to make money
  • High failure rate
  • Poor customer service
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Any Negatives? Beware of Lawsuits

There are a lot of negatives associated with this company. It wouldn’t be an MLM business if there weren’t. One of the main negatives is in the products themselves. The company seems to be sending out seconds or broken items to make up for their production losses.

The non-stick coating doesn’t work, handles falling off, imaginary lifetime warranty, and customer service is worse than a bookie who is owed a lot of money. While we can say that some lemons get through in any production quality control system, the number of complaints about Princess House products is just too many to justify with that excuse.

The next negative aspect to think about is the poor customer service shown by the company and the individual reps. They can be mean and ignore your calls when you are not satisfied with the products they received.

While no lawsuits have been filed yet, has examined the claims of Princess House and other DSA members, and over 87% of the members make false income claims, Princess House included.

There was a 1994 lawsuit, but the company brought that against The Lindseys, who sought to broaden their income by signing with another company. We did not read the lawsuit to find out who won. It was too long ago to worry about now.

Is Princess House a Scam?

Princess House Review

In this case, you would have a tough time proving legitimacy with a straight face. No, the company is not a scam but legitimate and has been operating for almost 60 years, but that is about as far as it goes.

If we take the complaints seriously, the company is not holding up its end of the bargain by selling inferior products at inflated prices. That is our book makes their legitimacy suspect. It does make the company look greedy and who will do anything to make a buck?

The standard scam complaint can be leveled at how the company pays its reps but again, standard MLM operating procedure. The failure rate is high because the odds are against the reps as soon as they sign up to work for Princess House.

Final Thoughts

We have seen better companies among the ranks of MLM businesses. This one is fair to middling in analysis, and you could do a lot worse without even trying that hard.

While we like the concept, of selling practical household items, the pricing leaves much to be desired. If you join the company, you will have to work really hard to sell those products at those prices.

Make sure to investigate the company more thoroughly than we have done here in this Princess House MLM review. We may have missed a red flag or two or a good point or three. Just make sure to get the whole story before you leap into working for them.

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6 thoughts on “Princess House MLM Review – Is Princess House A Scam?”

  1. Great job exposing yet another company trying to ride the MLM wave. Few of these companies are remotely close to being legitimate and most end up legally scamming hundreds if not thousands of people out their hard earnt money and time. This is just one more great example of a company that makes money off its distributors and is in the business of selling lies, not freedom.

    • So true, and most of them get away with it. Any business that depends on recruiting to make money is a pyramid scheme. And here at Princess House, you need a lot of sales to make a few bucks and the idea of lacking in support and training tells you about the credibility of this company.

  2.  What luck to have happened on your page! Thanks for this article, I was inquiring about Princess House because not too long ago a friend recommended it to me saying great things. I am looking for an alternative to my full-time job to start on my own, and I thought it was a good idea to check before I jump and spend money, but your article made me open my eyes, I will look for an alternative to Princess House. Thank you!

    • Although the products are good, anyone can get them at a cheaper cost in stores. It would be difficult to convince people to buy from you. Also recruiting people to earn an income is a difficult task, and the success rate with this business is very low. You made the right choice by staying away.

  3. For a start, I must say that the fact that this company actually offer a very legitimate means to make money online is really good and they also do a great thing by selling very quality and great products which makes them top-notch. However, I do not see the reason I will want to check them out because I don’t like getting attached with MLM businesses and that is the only reason I will stay off them. Thanks

    • You made the right choice, Phillip. I was doing well with one and almost left my full-time job when the FTC came and close them down. Would not go that way again even though they legit.


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