Top Direct Sales Opportunities – And My #1 Recommendation!

Are you sitting in front of your computer looking for a way to make money again? Want to find the top direct sales opportunities to choose from?

Didn’t you do that yesterday on your smartphone?

Let me throw something out here to think about.

Now is a very good time to join a direct sales opportunity even if the thought of direct sales is not something you have ever thought of in the past.


In her Huffington Post blog article, “It’s Time to Take Second Look at the Direct Selling Industry” Bobbie Wasserman wrote about the ‘gig economy, a phrase I had not heard of, but completely understand.

Ways To Make Money With Top Direct Sales Opportunities

Never before have there been so many opportunities to make money providing a service or performing an action. You could think of them as performing a one-time gig or even creating recurring income.

Doing things like…..

  • – make money driving for Uber or Lyft
  • – rent out a room in your house using Airbnb
  • – sell something on Craigslist or eBay
  • – write articles on Hire Writers, or Crowd Content
  • – do just about anything for $5 at Fiverr.
  • – be a copywriter for businesses ……

and so much more it is amazing!

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Here are some Top Direct Sales Companies to consider

How About Joining An MLM Company?

MLM, or network marketing, is part of the direct selling industry. In a blog post, ‘Direct Selling A $250 Billion Industry‘ Business For Home is explaining why they think direct selling is a larger industry than even the confirmed revenue figures show.

$250 Billion is ‘Huge’ as Donald Trump would say. MLM companies, small business owners, and sales reps are making a lot of money in direct sales.

There are over 10,000 direct sales companies. Many of them have annual revenues of under $100 Million Dollars and get very little exposure as the big boys do.

According to Business For Home, there are 24 companies with annual revenues of $1 Billion or more. Amway again leads the way at $9.5 Billion in 2015. They have 145 companies with annual revenues of $100 Million or more. I remember reading an article a couple of years ago where that number was around 75.

Why the increase?

People are shopping more online and you can now do direct sales without leaving your home. This makes it possible for anyone regardless of their current situation to make money selling things online.

sales are going up

It Is Easy To Get Started

There is no easier way to get started than joining a direct sales company! You can do this in two primary business models.

1. Affiliate marketing.
2. Network marketing.

In affiliate marketing, you make most of your money doing your own sales. There are some 2-tier programs where you can recruit new affiliates and make money on their sales as well.

Amazon has an annual revenue of over $107 Billion, They have an affiliate program as well as a Fulfillment By Amazon or FBA, People make money with Amazon in one way or another every day, and their revenue is not even reflected in the $250 Billion number.

In network marketing, you make money on your own sales, and by building your own sales network. You can earn money when products are sold several levels deep in you are downline.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

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Top Tier Big Ticket Opportunities

There is another category emerging that I am involved in. I call it ‘Top Tier Business Opportunities’ selling big-ticket products.

Ti-Dom is the best company in this category in my view.

You earn thousands on personal sales. You also earn money in pass-up sales and on your downline when you are at a higher purchasing level than they are in the business.

Related Video: Why Do Boomers Love Our Business?

Ti-Dom sells digital products as does, Pure Profit Pro, MOBE, and others. The company makes money on membership fees or annual admin fees. For Ti-Dom that is $497 a year.

Empower Network used to make money by holding events such as rallies as well. However, EN just filed for bankruptcy so it remains to be seen how much longer they will be in business. But this company has scammed people by selling high-ticket training that has nothing to do with online marketing.

Top Direct Sales Opportunities and earn 100% commissions100% Commissions

Because in this business model, 100% of the commissions are passed up you cannot get an accurate annual revenue figure on Ti-Dom and others. There is a trend for people who want to focus on selling to get into one of these companies…..

And why not?

Would you rather earn $2k on one sale or $20 on an ebook sale or a bottle of vitamins?

Start-Up Costs

One thing that does hold someone back from getting into a top-tier direct sales business is the cost. Most of these have a yearly administration fee as well as you have to buy the product to be able to sell it.

In Ti-Dom it is $497 for the admin fee and the average product purchase to start is $3500. This means you will be at $4K to get started.

These are often referred to now as digital franchise opportunities. When you look at it that way this isn’t bad but compared to $0 starting in affiliate marketing to sell ebooks on Clickbank it does keep more people away.

In my view, this is a good thing because you do not have near as many competitors chasing the same customer. Top Tier Businesses are a micro-niche this way!

final thoughts & My #1 Recommendation

Direct Sales are going to continue to grow in 2016 and beyond! There will be new opportunities in big-ticket sales and even new ways to make money that has not even been thought of today.

My #1 Recommendation?

If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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4 thoughts on “Top Direct Sales Opportunities – And My #1 Recommendation!”

  1. Great review. There are many pros and cons to network marketing. I tend to shy away from network marketing because I haven’t really found a lot of programs that I feel comfortable promoting. I tried a lot of MLM products, but they just didn’t work well for me. I’ll have to look into TiDom. Thanks for the recommendation!

    • Melinda, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Most marketers fail before they become successful, so do not stop looking until you find what you truly want. Affiliate Marketing can provide true freedom to people who seeks it and not quit.

      Wealthy Affiliate has done it for me, and i know it can do the same for others. Please take a look and let me help you to experience success through this platform. Take care.

  2. Hi David,

    Thanks in kind for sharing this article with us all – it is really appreciated. I am very familiar with the affiliate marketing model that you mention. What you failed to mention is generate a significant amount of sales and you could ask the merchant politely if they would be interested in raising your commission %.

    Personally, I have just experienced this with small but very good brand. from 30% to 35%. Being a small family owned brand it really did not take that much time or commissions amount to achieve that.

    The commission level or amount is not quite set it stone, it is negotiable for successful affiliates.

    • Derek, glad that you get some value here, and thank you for your insights. Great that you have knowledge on the Affiliate model. I will take a look at your website to gain some knowledge as well.

      Thank you for mentioning that your percentage can be negotiable once you become an ace marketer for your company. I will do that for one of them that I am promoting now. Maybe that is what I need to get to where I want to be. i will let you know how it go. Take care.


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